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Everything posted by ccj

  1. thanks again,but i have three questions 1.Interact GameObject is locked ,so return false? 2.i use the GetNearestWoWGameObject to search,but i find it's radius is less than devementTool 's "getobjects", so how to set the search radius?and this api return empty object or null when not find? 3.i use this code to find attack target in partymember's target,but some times ,but not find,all partymeber is attacking,i am not. i use robot in island,i use the Party.GetPartyNumberPlayers() it's empty,is must use GetPartyNumberPlayers(PartyCategoryType.LE_PARTY_CATEGORY_INSTANCE),so the IsTargetingPartyMember include homeandinstance? GetObjectWoWUnit(). FirstOrDefault(u => u.Reaction != Reaction.Friendly && u.Type != WoWObjectType.Player && u.IsTargetingPartyMember
  2. buy a key to you?1session in 1year key?22.99?
  3. Hi all, I want to get azerite game objects in wow minimap,but it’s not can tracker,What should I do?
  4. Thanks,but I have new questions,how to turn off the auto fight,regen,stuck detection...They seriously affect my control task.
  5. Hello guys I write simple code with fullcsharpcode type public sealed class stepfour : QuestClass {  public override bool Pulse() { consolelog.write("In step4"); return true; } } It’s not work ,debug log display step5,step4 is skip,but it use the overridpulsecode type,it’s ok. how can I do that work?
  6. I used the Party Mode in the 5-person dungeon and found that there were some problems that needed to be modified. Like:I wanted to follow the MT without entering a name. I wanted to stop following the MT in battle for manual movement. I wanted to ride where I could ride and so on. But I didn't want to re-implement all the party functions. I wanted to make changes based on the existing foundation. How to do it?
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