bonjour a tous
alors jai un probleme avec mon rogue le bot n'utilise pas de coup special. Et plus particulierment "attaque pernicieuse" je presise que jutilise le fight class de base qui est donne avec le bot.
mon journal indique
[E] 18:07:06 - D3D9 ERROR
WriteError( text = 134217887, skipThreadAbortExceptionError = 134217888, )
DetourAddress( processId = 134218765, )
hvtuFAsVcN( = 134217815, = 134217816, )
WndProc( hwnd = 134224222, msg = 134224223, wParam = 134224224, lParam = 134224225, handled = 134224226, )
DispatcherCallbackOperation( o = 134224191, )
TryCatchWhen( source = 134225910, method = 134225911, args = 134225912, numArgs = 134225913, catchHandler = 134225914, )
SubclassWndProc( hwnd = 134224186, msg = 134224187, wParam = 134224188, lParam = 134224189, )
ShowWindow( hWnd = 134218409, nCmdShow = 134218410, )
TryCatchWhen( source = 134225910, method = 134225911, args = 134225912, numArgs = 134225913, catchHandler = 134225914, )
WndProc( hwnd = 134224222, msg = 134224223, wParam = 134224224, lParam = 134224225, handled = 134224226, )
DispatcherCallbackOperation( o = 134224191, )
TryCatchWhen( source = 134225910, method = 134225911, args = 134225912, numArgs = 134225913, catchHandler = 134225914, )
SubclassWndProc( hwnd = 134224186, msg = 134224187, wParam = 134224188, lParam = 134224189, )
DispatchMessage( msg = 134218479, )
18:07:20 - Select game process: 328 - Zut...
18:07:21 - Initializing SpellBook - (Wait few seconds)
18:07:21 - Initialize SpellBook Finished (17 spell found)
18:07:21 - Please wait, loading spellbook...
18:07:21 - Spellbook loaded.
18:07:24 - Initialize Grinder Complete
18:07:28 - Stop Grinder Complete
18:07:28 - Stop Grinder Complete
18:07:28 - Dispose Grinder Complete
18:07:29 - Requesting the list of already done quests to the server...
18:07:29 - Initialize Quester Complete
[F] 18:07:33 - Loading Fight class: C:\Users\camille\Desktop\WRobot\FightClass\[Ohren]Combat Rogue.xml
18:07:35 - Start Quester Complete
[F] 18:07:36 - Cast Poison mortel (Deadly Poison)
[F] 18:07:37 - Cast Poison mortel (Deadly Poison)
et la Cast poison mortel ne fini plus il efectue en boucle cet operation
merci de maider
ou sinon le bot a l'air vraiment efficace chapeaux