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Posts posted by superlativ

  1. 5 hours ago, Zan said:

    Sessions are how many bots you can run simultaneously. 10 sessions isn't the cheapest option for an annual rate. The price listed is the monthly rate. The others list annual rates and 10 sessions start at the lower rate. In addition, "English" is not the developers native language.


    Thank you for the information.

  2. So what's the difference between the "1 sessions" and "10 sessions", and why is the "10 sessions" the cheapest? Does this mean how many different bots I can have running (milling, quester, etc.), and if so how come the 10 sessions is the cheapest and the 5 sessions is the most expensive?


    I still don't understand what this 1, 3, 5, 10, 20 sessions mean.

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