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  1. Hi guys, I am trying to use the horde 1-75 herbalism gatherer profile that is given to us with the bot already. I am trying to edit the profile settings so that only silverleaf will be picked up and peacebloom, earthroot will be IGNORED. So far no luck, I have went into enter advanced settings under general settings and went to looting and farming options tab and put in the item id's of peacebloom & earthroot (2447 and 2449; I even seperated each line of id and I also tried the id's 1313 and 844). Nothing has worked so far. Please tell me what can I do? Thanks, Kam Here is a picture of my settings in the looting and farming options tab: (attached)
  2. So for example say i was in durotar using the profile grinder for HORDE 1-5... Then say my Horde orc used that from levels 1-5. Is there a way to make the bot switch the profile onto the next one to say.. 5-10? and then so forth? thank you...
  3. what about for grinding? I.E. One starts at level 1 with grinder profile (Durotar 1-5) until level 5 and then the system changes profile to the 5-10 profile (next) and possibly all the way up to 90. Thank you
  4. I also need some 1-60 leveling grinder profiles for horde, currently I am a level 18 horde orc hunter... Survival fight profile works good on the hunter.. Thanks
  5. Say I was using herbalism profile for 1-75 mulgore, in the profiles that were already given to us. Now say I left the bot running and it got my character to 75 herb skill... Is there a way to make the bot switch to the next profile (I.E. Hillsbrad foothills 75-125)? Also is there a way I can get my character to train his skills too... Thank you!
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