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  1. thank you very much, did not know that function
  2. Don't work i have a mage 85, talents 1/1/1/3/3/+
  3. Hi, I was thinking of a function, but not if it already exists, first of all I am going to expose those involved in this function. Charcacter.B ( char using Bot ) Character.T ( char without Bot, target Character.B ) Mob.T ( the target of Character.T ) Okay, now I'll try to explain what I'd like him to do this function ( i'm spanish, im using google translate ... ) The role of this function would make the Character.B continue to go wherever the Character.T, and in turn, to attack the Mob.T when Character.T this attacking him. In short, to assist with the required role (heal, dps or heal party) to the target of the bot I hope I explained well ...
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