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  1. Maybe this has already been answered a million times, but where would one get the minimaps.zip for the map tool? I've searched around the forums and google'd as hard as I can with no results. Thanks!
  2. Version .9


    Herbalism 120-205 Alliance route. Grave Moss and Kingsblood around the graveyard at Raven Hill in Duskwood. Lots of level 24-25 mobs for wool, silk, and spider parts as well. You can and will attract 4-5 undead mobs at a time in the graveyard, so make sure you are able to handle them. It's a nice short route in an area with few quests and little traffic. WARNING: this is not a perfect route. There are a lot of fences, stones, and trees that can get in the way of the path and it's likely that you will get stuck on a graveyard fence once every couple of cycles. Recommend monitoring while running this route or at least turning off randomizing route.
  3. Version 1.0


    Herbalism 75-125 Alliance route, follows the western shore (Longshore) of Westfall. Primary gathers stranglekelp and mageroyal, but occasionally gets earthroot and briarthorn. Lots and lots of murlocs in this area, so it would be a decent grinding path as well. This is not a looping path, make sure reversal is turned on.
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