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Posts posted by keke

  1. New botter & customer here

    I think i know what is causing the problem but not 100% sure, Im using the smoothpathing plugin to make my character look more human, the straight inhuman walking from point a to b looks sooooo suspicious so im not keen on botting without smooth pathing

    anyhow the trouble is that the bot is now not looking properly towards the target every 10 mob or so causing my bot to stand there spamming an ability (im priest) like an absolute retard and dying there after.

    has anyone else run into this problem and how did you solve it? thanks 

  2. As the title says, the program is disfunctional, atleast for me.

    I have checked the boxes for: Buy spells, Sell items, repair items, ignore mobs when traveling, 

    Ive told the program not to attack more than 1 mob at a time.

    It dont care about anything of this and especially the latter one is the worst, its hard to grind anything other than neutral beasts

    Why dont it follow my rules? is it because im on trial? is it because the program needs more instructions? Maybe wrobot just has empty boxes that you can check but it has no actual functional code? do i need to buy a Wrobot expansion pack or dlc? 

    or is it just not available for trials?


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