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  1. up?
  2. And i have another question. For many quest in QD island I need to kill some mobs, loot a specific item and use it in a special place. Can the bot make me kill mobs, detect how many item I have piked up and then used the items in a specific location?
  3. I'm playing in a private serve on TBC. I would like to create all the repetable quest on Quel'danas. We all have many reroll ans it's really long to up the reputation for all of them. For the quest "crush the downblade" and "Know your ley line", I need to enter the building, kill some mobs on the first floor (for crush the downblade), use an item on a specific place (for Know your ley line) and get out the building to continue to kill mobs (for Crush the downblade). I tried to create 2 different quest for "Crush the downblade" to finish the first one, pulse "Know your ley line" and pulse the seconde "crush the downblade". But my character target a mobs really far and body pull every mobs on his way and never finish the first "crush the downblade". Is it possible to pulse 2 quest at the same time.
  4. Hello I'm trying tu create a killandloot quest inside a building. But my character target a mob on the floor above him and bodypull all the mobs in his path. Is it possible to target a specific mob please. Or another solution? Tank you
  5. Hi. I have the same issue but i can't read the topic you linked. Can you tell me the solution please? " Oops! You do not have permission to view this topic."
  6. I tried but i didn't understand how to do it. Can you send me an example?
  7. Bonjour. Je cherche a Farmer des nuages de gaz avec l'extracteur sur BC. J'ai beau chercher partout je ne trouve pas comment faire pour utiliser l'extracteur au bon endroit. Le nuage de gaz n'étant pas une Node comme les autre, il faut cliquer sur un objet dans le sac pour ramasser les granules et pas directement sur la Node. Y'a il une solution? Merci
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