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  1. Thanks for the quick reply. I will try this now. Is there a way to check if enemy is in line of sight when he is in range? Wrobot sometimes tries to attack through walls, in alterac valley for example.
  2. I've recently botted full PvP gear for my Ret Pala by using PQR for combat rotation, and Wrobot for navigation/queueing. It was a great success. But, now trying to farm honor for my Ele Shaman / Warlock, and it's really bad so far. Characters just go to melee range, cast 1-2 spell, try to melee the enemy (using the posted elemental shaman fightclass, for example). Is there a simple option that I'm missing? Is this the general experience of PvPbotting for ranged classes? Is it possible to just cast spells / attack without going to melee range? Thanks in advance.
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