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Posts posted by tonyloks

  1. On 6/19/2022 at 1:02 PM, Droidz said:

    Hello, you need to exit your .bat with the wow process id in exitcode 

    Could you tell me how to do it? I use the code at the end of the bat file, but it doesn't work:

    @ECHO OFF                                                                              
    echo ProcessId = %ProcessId%   


  2. On 4/20/2022 at 4:59 AM, grummi said:

    У меня есть профили для гринда по 5-6 лвлов, хочу что бы они менялись по мере прокачки персонажа, а не я сам руками их менял.

    сделай условие. если уровень меньше 5 то пульс гринд 1-5, если меньше 10 то пульс 6-10

  3. On 2/14/2022 at 8:49 PM, Droidz said:

    Hello, in the quest option (base settings) you can use "WhenSelectStep" and "WhenLeaveStep". Or in quests profile steps you can add RunCode steps before and after to pulse your quest

    Is it possible to make the stopbotnearbyplayer option turn on near cities and turn off when coming from them?


    the function "disable if go to town" is not quite suitable, since quests do not always need to be handed over to a neighboring city.



  4. On 2/14/2022 at 10:01 AM, Sye24 said:
            wManager.Events.PluginEvents.OnLoadPlugin += delegate(string pluginfile, CancelEventArgs cancelable)
                if (pluginfile == "plugin file name")
                    cancelable.Cancel = true;

    modify this Code to your needs.

    But I didn't quite understand - what kind of code do I need to add to the quest profile? For example, if I want to enable plugin Multi Pull?

    I tried using your code, but it didn't work out. 😞

  5. 45 minutes ago, Droidz said:


    To start, disable all Wow addons. If your problem is not resolved try to disable (one per one, to found if one of them is the problem) all wrobot plugins and change/disable fightclass/profile.

    Thanks! Do I understand correctly that with such an error, the problem is either in the fight class, where lua is used, or in the quester?

    14:17:23 - ThreadAttachEventLua1: System.OutOfMemoryException: Type exception thrown "System.OutOfMemoryException".
    в System.Threading.Thread.StartInternal(IPrincipal principal, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)
    в System.Threading.Thread.Start(StackCrawlMark& stackMark)
    в System.Threading.Thread.Start()
    в wManager.Wow.Helpers.EventsLua.()



    When the robot starts reporting this error, it does it endlessly and my processor instantly loads at 100%

  6. Is it possible to somehow add a script to the quester?


    If the action is "pulse"

    then "wManager.Setting up wmanagers.Current setting.SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = true;" 

    if the action "pickup" or "turnin" then "wManager.Setting up wmanagers.Current setting.SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = false;" 

  7. Hello.

    I have my own wow client for each of the accounts, with a different path, so that it is more convenient to work with a proxy.

    In the reloger, I can set only one path to the main client.

    Question - how can I use the relogger to run processes from different folders? Or how can I set up a proxy in the reloger itself?



  8. Greetings! I have never used a relogger before and decided to try it for the first time. The problem I encountered: the relogger launches Wow, the bot, but does not include the profile. What could be the problem? How to solve it?

    I also have a problem when closing the process Wow.exe . Screenshots attached.



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