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  1. Hello Community, I wanted to see if anyone was experiencing the same thing as I am. I am playing in Alterac Valley and my team took a tower and I am at the top of the stairs and my bot is clicking around in a small circle at the top of the stairs. It is obvious the character is running on a bot when it does this. I tried to blacklist the area so that the bot doesnt even go to the tower but it still just kept clicking around in a small circle. How can I prevent this from happening? It actually seems to be happening with flags also. The bot will keep click around the flag and moving around in a very small circle. Any ideas? Thanks
  2. [E] 18:32:40 - FindPath(Point startVec, Point endVec, out bool resultSuccess): Continent: Selected: Blackfathom - InGame: Blackfathom - ERROR: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at DetourLayer.NavMeshQuery.FindStraightPath(Single[] start, Single[] end, UInt32[] pathCorridor, Single[]& straightPath, StraightPathFlag[]& straightPathFlags, UInt32[]& straightPathRefs) at vgRtsvyipyRnwpgMLL.dmTvjqi1EaxJgh7rTh.wpw8iCASAW(Vector3 , Vector3 , Boolean& )
  3. Hello everyone. I'm pretty new here. I have a little bit of experience with dps profiles and they work OK. However, I cannot seem to get a healing profile set up. I have tried over and over and it often doesnt do anything but follow. I tell the bot it is for a healer and that spells are for friends. Attached is a two spell combination I have been trying. It is for a Holy Priest. Test Heals.xml
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