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  1. Ok thanks. In the mean time is there any way to make the macro's work in combat for grinder/wrotation?
  2. I've tried out the file and it works for a spell with cast time, but the script doesn't seem to work with an instant cast DoT spell (Moonfire) with condition 'target buff' for my dot. The bot will cast the Dot on the enemy, switch target, then quickly switch back and refresh the Dot on the original target. Also, I tried making a macro for target nearest enemy as Networkz suggested so the bot uses the macro every 2 seconds and changes target but the bot doesn't seem to want to use the macro when in combat and if the bot changes target, it will just go straight back the enemy it was originally attacking.
  3. Hi, Thanks for getting back to me so quickly, I've tried to do as you have written and added the following as an Lua script condition for my Sunfire spell: local Sunfire = GetSpellInfo(93402); if (not Sunfire) then return; end TargetNearestEnemy(); CastSpellByName(Sunfire); Using this script the toon targets and enemy and follows the movements but doesn't cast. I've enabled 'Not Spell, is Lua script'.
  4. Hi there, I'm trying to find a way to cast my DoT spells on several targets in grinder mode. Is there a fight class condition or option that can make the toon switch enemy targets before the first one is dead? I just wan't to find a way to get 2-5 enemies attacking the toon before casting AoE spells. I had a look around and I couldn't find any posts about this.
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