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  1. How do I force the bot to attack from a distance? I have set the range in the fight class and tried conditions like targetDitance > 10 but the bot keeps running up to the mob and hitting it in mele.
  2. the aio.dll file just goes in fight class folder. Have you tried disabling addons? Also it is for 3.3.5 only I think.
  3. Hello, I am trying to create a hunter fight class to use with gatherer. I want the bot to run to nodes and then feign death if a mob is attacking it. I can get the bot to use feign death at the node, but then it starts chasing the mob and trying to fight it. How can I get the bot to use feign death and wait, then continue harvesting the node. Thanks, woody
  4. Do you know if they ban by account or by IP?
  5. Anyone using this on warmanes new realm Onyxia? I started it for a few minutes and it is not detected. Just wondering what other peoples experience using it are. They do show banning botters in world chat.
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