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Forum compatible with Tapatalk Forum App



Small news, now MMORobot's Forum is compatible with Tapatalk Forum App

Keep up with the latest WRobot news from your cell, easier than ever :). While tapatalk is premium software and is for sale for $2.99 in the android market, I must point out that we are not affiliated with the maker in anyway, and your contribution to them does not bennifit us. Your purchase of tapatalk does not include a WRobot subscription, and your subscription to WRobot, does not include a tapatalk license.

How to install and setup:

First purchase the app or install it to your phone however you see fit. When running the app you must then register your account with tapatalk, dont forget to check your email and confirm your email address. Once you are logged in to tapatalk, click on the search icon at the top, and enter 'MMORobot' you will then click on the link to MMORobot, and enter your forum username and password (what you use to access this site). Then click on forums at the top of the page and you are in :) PM any mod if you need further assistance.

Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.quoord.tapatalkpro.activity

IOS: https://itunes.apple.com/be/app/tapatalk-forum-app/id307880732?mt=8

**Edited by Twizt3dkitty to add install information**

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