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  • [feature enhancement]Pause bot if player nearby

    • Product: WRobot General Type: Suggestion Status: Fixed

    this feature is very awesome but still few things need to be done.

    1. for those profile that has "mail" and "vendor, repair" enabled, player usually will go to somewhere (inn, town) that USUALLY have many players, neither idling or walking around. So i notice my bot is just doing nothing while waiting all the player to leave which is almost impossible or took way too long.

    2. add a option to add player that can be trust.(my alts or friends that i share nodes to farms with).

    3.last night i found my bot literally stand by spirit healer with another who is probably has the similar feature enabled for almost one hour with showing a afk title, neither him nor me.

    i think this feature will half the chance of getting caught as a bot, simple and useful, why not improve it so we are more invulnerable.

    1. When bot is dead, dont let it detect ghost player, but still necessary to detect alive player before the resurrection as they might report you or kill you if he is not the same faction.

    2. make the bot fly up or use its ability to avoid them even better. Like Rogues vanish, Nightelf use shadowmeld, hunter use camouflage, if they player cant be stealth, just let it fly up 100yards or run away for 100 yards.


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