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  • Target is Fleeing

    • Version: All Product: Grinder Type: Bug Status: Awaiting Feedback



    in my new Fightclass in C# code:


    while (Fight.InFight && ObjectManager.Target.Fleeing)
                                Logging.WriteFight("Target is fleeing");



    doesn't work. When Mob is fleeing in Log there is not Logentry. Why?




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    Hello, can you (when your target fleeing) go to tab "Tools" > "Development Tools" and click on "Target info" and send me result (if you can also tell me your WRobot version)

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    Target informations:

    Name: Galak Scout (Entry: 4094 )
    GetDynamicFlags = 0
    GetUnitDynamicFlags = None
    WowClass = Warrior
    IsLocalPlayer = False
    IsBlacklisted = True
    Position = -5179,535 ; -2495,733 ; -51,84338 ; "None"
    PositionWithoutType = -5179,535 ; -2495,733 ; -51,84338 ; "None"
    PositionRelativeWithoutType = -5179,535 ; -2495,733 ; -51,84338 ; "None"
    Health = 100
    MaxHealth = 100
    MyCharacterInFrontHim = False
    HealthPercent = 100
    HealthRatio = 1
    IsGoodInteractDistance = False
    InteractDistance = 4,2
    CombatReach = 1,25
    IsSwimming = False
    IsMovingForward = True
    IsMovingBackwards = False
    IsStrafingLeft = False
    IsStrafingRight = False
    IsTurningLeft = False
    IsTurningRight = False
    IsFlying = False
    IsStunned = False
    AggroDistance = 15
    Rotation = 3,125588
    CreatureTypeTarget = Humanoid
    FactionTemplate = wManager.Wow.Helpers.WoWFactionTemplate
    Mana = 0
    MaxMana = 0
    ManaPercentage = 100
    Rage = 0
    MaxRage = 0
    RagePercentage = 0
    Focus = 0
    MaxFocus = 0
    FocusPercentage = 0
    Energy = 0
    MaxEnergy = 0
    EnergyPercentage = 0
    Chi = 131
    MaxChi = 3
    ChiPercentage = 4366
    Runes = 100
    MaxRunes = 6
    RunesPercentage = 1666
    RunicPower = 0
    MaxRunicPower = 13
    RunicPowerPercentage = 0
    SoulShards = 0
    MaxSoulShards = 16908544
    SoulShardsPercentage = 0
    UnitClassification = normal
    IsElite = False
    IsWorldBoss = False
    HolyPower = 0
    MaxHolyPower = 0
    HolyPowerPercentage = 0
    Alternate = 0
    MaxAlternate = 6234
    AlternatePercentage = 0
    DarkForce = 25
    MaxDarkForce = 218169346
    DarkForcePercentage = 0
    LightForce = 131
    MaxLightForce = 3
    LightForcePercentage = 4366
    ShadowOrbs = 16908544
    MaxShadowOrbs = 0
    ShadowOrbsPercentage = 0
    BurningEmbers = 7428
    MaxBurningEmbers = 0
    BurningEmbersPercentage = 0
    DemonicFury = 0
    MaxDemonicFury = 251789826
    DemonicFuryPercentage = 0
    ArcaneCharges = 6234
    MaxArcaneCharges = 0
    ArcaneChargesPercentage = 0
    Faction = 131
    DisplayId = 9411
    GetMove = True
    GetMoveFlag = -2147483647
    SpeedMoving = 2,498062
    GetDistance = 42,0031
    GetDistance2D = 41,91365
    GetDistanceZ = 2,739708
    IsAlive = True
    IsDead = False
    IsLootable = False
    IsTaggedByOther = False
    TaggedByMe = False
    IsTapDenied = False
    IsMyPet = False
    HasTarget = False
    IsTargetingMe = False
    IsTargetingMyPet = False
    IsTargetingPartyMember = False
    IsTargetingMeOrMyPet = False
    IsTargetingMeOrMyPetOrPartyMember = False
    IsMyTarget = True
    IsMyPetTarget = False
    IsPartyMemberTarget = False
    IsMeOrMyPetTarget = True
    IsMeOrMyPetOrPartyMemberTarget = True
    Target = 0
    TargetObject =  (Object) : 0 : 0x00000000 : 0 : 0
    Level = 25
    IsBoss = False
    PetNumber = 0
    Name = Galak Scout
    DBCacheRow = 412517152
    UnitFlags = None
    UnitNPCFlags = None
    Skinnable = False
    IsNpcSpiritHealer = False
    IsNpcRepair = False
    IsNpcVendor = False
    IsFlightMaster = False
    IsNpcInnkeeper = False
    IsNpcVendorFood = False
    IsAuctioneer = False
    IsNpcTrainer = False
    IsNpcWildPets = False
    Summon = 0
    CreatedBy = 0
    CreatedBySpell = 0
    SummonedBy = 0
    IsPet = False
    PetOwnerGuid = 0
    InCombat = False
    InCombatFlagOnly = False
    InCombatWithMe = False
    CastingSpellId = 0
    CastingSpell =  (Id found: 0, Name found: , NameInGame found: , Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
    CastingTimeLeft = 0
    IsCast = False
    CanInterruptCasting = False
    IsMounted = False
    MountDisplayId = 0
    TransportGuid = 0
    InTransport = False
    Reaction = Hostile
    IsTracked = False
    IsOnTaxi = False
    NotSelectable = False
    IsAttackable = True
    PlayerControlled = False
    Silenced = False
    Rooted = False
    Influenced = False
    Confused = False
    Pacified = False
    Fleeing = False
    Possessed = False
    NpcMarkerId = 0
    NpcFlightMastrerIsDiscover = True
    NpcMarker = None
    IsOutdoors = True
    IsIndoors = False
    IsPartyMember = False
    IsPartyLeader = False
    GetBaseAddress = 329804808
    IsValid = True
    GetDescriptorStartAddress = 329808496
    Guid = 17379391030708688117
    Type = Unit
    Entry = 4094
    Scale = 1


    Target informations:



    Target informations:



    Target informations:

    Name: Galak Scout (Entry: 4094 )
    GetDynamicFlags = 12
    GetUnitDynamicFlags = 12
    WowClass = Warrior
    IsLocalPlayer = False
    IsBlacklisted = False
    Position = -5242,418 ; -2444,7 ; -42,95889 ; "None"
    PositionWithoutType = -5242,418 ; -2444,7 ; -42,95889 ; "None"
    PositionRelativeWithoutType = -5242,418 ; -2444,7 ; -42,95889 ; "None"
    Health = 13
    MaxHealth = 100
    MyCharacterInFrontHim = False
    HealthPercent = 13
    HealthRatio = 0,13
    IsGoodInteractDistance = True
    InteractDistance = 4,2
    CombatReach = 1,25
    IsSwimming = False
    IsMovingForward = True
    IsMovingBackwards = False
    IsStrafingLeft = False
    IsStrafingRight = False
    IsTurningLeft = False
    IsTurningRight = False
    IsFlying = False
    IsStunned = False
    AggroDistance = 15
    Rotation = 5,779682
    CreatureTypeTarget = Humanoid
    FactionTemplate = wManager.Wow.Helpers.WoWFactionTemplate
    Mana = 0
    MaxMana = 0
    ManaPercentage = 100
    Rage = 0
    MaxRage = 0
    RagePercentage = 0
    Focus = 0
    MaxFocus = 0
    FocusPercentage = 0
    Energy = 0
    MaxEnergy = 0
    EnergyPercentage = 0
    Chi = 131
    MaxChi = 3
    ChiPercentage = 4366
    Runes = 100
    MaxRunes = 6
    RunesPercentage = 1666
    RunicPower = 0
    MaxRunicPower = 13
    RunicPowerPercentage = 0
    SoulShards = 0
    MaxSoulShards = 16908544
    SoulShardsPercentage = 0
    UnitClassification = normal
    IsElite = False
    IsWorldBoss = False
    HolyPower = 0
    MaxHolyPower = 0
    HolyPowerPercentage = 0
    Alternate = 0
    MaxAlternate = 6234
    AlternatePercentage = 0
    DarkForce = 25
    MaxDarkForce = 218169346
    DarkForcePercentage = 0
    LightForce = 131
    MaxLightForce = 3
    LightForcePercentage = 4366
    ShadowOrbs = 16908544
    MaxShadowOrbs = 0
    ShadowOrbsPercentage = 0
    BurningEmbers = 7428
    MaxBurningEmbers = 0
    BurningEmbersPercentage = 0
    DemonicFury = 0
    MaxDemonicFury = 251789826
    DemonicFuryPercentage = 0
    ArcaneCharges = 6234
    MaxArcaneCharges = 0
    ArcaneChargesPercentage = 0
    Faction = 131
    DisplayId = 9411
    GetMove = True
    GetMoveFlag = -2147483647
    SpeedMoving = 5,567429
    GetDistance = 1,608593
    GetDistance2D = 1,595428
    GetDistanceZ = 0,2053757
    IsAlive = True
    IsDead = False
    IsLootable = False
    IsTaggedByOther = True
    TaggedByMe = True
    IsTapDenied = False
    IsMyPet = False
    HasTarget = False
    IsTargetingMe = False
    IsTargetingMyPet = False
    IsTargetingPartyMember = False
    IsTargetingMeOrMyPet = False
    IsTargetingMeOrMyPetOrPartyMember = False
    IsMyTarget = True
    IsMyPetTarget = False
    IsPartyMemberTarget = False
    IsMeOrMyPetTarget = True
    IsMeOrMyPetOrPartyMemberTarget = True
    Target = 0
    TargetObject =  (Object) : 0 : 0x00000000 : 0 : 0
    Level = 25
    IsBoss = False
    PetNumber = 0
    Name = Galak Scout
    DBCacheRow = 412517152
    UnitFlags = Combat
    UnitNPCFlags = None
    Skinnable = False
    IsNpcSpiritHealer = False
    IsNpcRepair = False
    IsNpcVendor = False
    IsFlightMaster = False
    IsNpcInnkeeper = False
    IsNpcVendorFood = False
    IsAuctioneer = False
    IsNpcTrainer = False
    IsNpcWildPets = False
    Summon = 0
    CreatedBy = 0
    CreatedBySpell = 0
    SummonedBy = 0
    IsPet = False
    PetOwnerGuid = 0
    InCombat = True
    InCombatFlagOnly = True
    InCombatWithMe = False
    CastingSpellId = 0
    CastingSpell =  (Id found: 0, Name found: , NameInGame found: , Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
    CastingTimeLeft = 0
    IsCast = False
    CanInterruptCasting = False
    IsMounted = False
    MountDisplayId = 0
    TransportGuid = 0
    InTransport = False
    Reaction = Hostile
    IsTracked = False
    IsOnTaxi = False
    NotSelectable = False
    IsAttackable = True
    PlayerControlled = False
    Silenced = False
    Rooted = False
    Influenced = False
    Confused = False
    Pacified = False
    Fleeing = False
    Possessed = False
    NpcMarkerId = 0
    NpcFlightMastrerIsDiscover = True
    NpcMarker = None
    IsOutdoors = True
    IsIndoors = False
    IsPartyMember = False
    IsPartyLeader = False
    GetBaseAddress = 329804808
    IsValid = True
    GetDescriptorStartAddress = 329808496
    Guid = 17379391030708688117
    Type = Unit
    Entry = 4094
    Scale = 1


    Target informations:

    Name: Galak Scout (Entry: 4094 )
    GetDynamicFlags = 12
    GetUnitDynamicFlags = 12
    WowClass = Warrior
    IsLocalPlayer = False
    IsBlacklisted = False
    Position = -5238,368 ; -2446,994 ; -43,7639 ; "None"
    PositionWithoutType = -5238,368 ; -2446,994 ; -43,7639 ; "None"
    PositionRelativeWithoutType = -5238,368 ; -2446,994 ; -43,7639 ; "None"
    Health = 5
    MaxHealth = 100
    MyCharacterInFrontHim = False
    HealthPercent = 5
    HealthRatio = 0,05
    IsGoodInteractDistance = True
    InteractDistance = 4,2
    CombatReach = 1,25
    IsSwimming = False
    IsMovingForward = True
    IsMovingBackwards = False
    IsStrafingLeft = False
    IsStrafingRight = False
    IsTurningLeft = False
    IsTurningRight = False
    IsFlying = False
    IsStunned = False
    AggroDistance = 15
    Rotation = 5,758317
    CreatureTypeTarget = Humanoid
    FactionTemplate = wManager.Wow.Helpers.WoWFactionTemplate
    Mana = 0
    MaxMana = 0
    ManaPercentage = 100
    Rage = 0
    MaxRage = 0
    RagePercentage = 0
    Focus = 0
    MaxFocus = 0
    FocusPercentage = 0
    Energy = 0
    MaxEnergy = 0
    EnergyPercentage = 0
    Chi = 131
    MaxChi = 3
    ChiPercentage = 4366
    Runes = 100
    MaxRunes = 6
    RunesPercentage = 1666
    RunicPower = 0
    MaxRunicPower = 13
    RunicPowerPercentage = 0
    SoulShards = 0
    MaxSoulShards = 16908544
    SoulShardsPercentage = 0
    UnitClassification = normal
    IsElite = False
    IsWorldBoss = False
    HolyPower = 0
    MaxHolyPower = 0
    HolyPowerPercentage = 0
    Alternate = 0
    MaxAlternate = 6234
    AlternatePercentage = 0
    DarkForce = 25
    MaxDarkForce = 218169346
    DarkForcePercentage = 0
    LightForce = 131
    MaxLightForce = 3
    LightForcePercentage = 4366
    ShadowOrbs = 16908544
    MaxShadowOrbs = 0
    ShadowOrbsPercentage = 0
    BurningEmbers = 7428
    MaxBurningEmbers = 0
    BurningEmbersPercentage = 0
    DemonicFury = 0
    MaxDemonicFury = 251789826
    DemonicFuryPercentage = 0
    ArcaneCharges = 6234
    MaxArcaneCharges = 0
    ArcaneChargesPercentage = 0
    Faction = 131
    DisplayId = 9411
    GetMove = True
    GetMoveFlag = -2147483647
    SpeedMoving = 5,506642
    GetDistance = 3,698159
    GetDistance2D = 3,641311
    GetDistanceZ = 0,6459389
    IsAlive = True
    IsDead = False
    IsLootable = False
    IsTaggedByOther = True
    TaggedByMe = True
    IsTapDenied = False
    IsMyPet = False
    HasTarget = False
    IsTargetingMe = False
    IsTargetingMyPet = False
    IsTargetingPartyMember = False
    IsTargetingMeOrMyPet = False
    IsTargetingMeOrMyPetOrPartyMember = False
    IsMyTarget = True
    IsMyPetTarget = False
    IsPartyMemberTarget = False
    IsMeOrMyPetTarget = True
    IsMeOrMyPetOrPartyMemberTarget = True
    Target = 0
    TargetObject =  (Object) : 0 : 0x00000000 : 0 : 0
    Level = 25
    IsBoss = False
    PetNumber = 0
    Name = Galak Scout
    DBCacheRow = 412517152
    UnitFlags = Combat
    UnitNPCFlags = None
    Skinnable = False
    IsNpcSpiritHealer = False
    IsNpcRepair = False
    IsNpcVendor = False
    IsFlightMaster = False
    IsNpcInnkeeper = False
    IsNpcVendorFood = False
    IsAuctioneer = False
    IsNpcTrainer = False
    IsNpcWildPets = False
    Summon = 0
    CreatedBy = 0
    CreatedBySpell = 0
    SummonedBy = 0
    IsPet = False
    PetOwnerGuid = 0
    InCombat = True
    InCombatFlagOnly = True
    InCombatWithMe = False
    CastingSpellId = 0
    CastingSpell =  (Id found: 0, Name found: , NameInGame found: , Know = False, IsSpellUsable = False, IsInActionBar = False (required to check if IsSpelUsable)))
    CastingTimeLeft = 0
    IsCast = False
    CanInterruptCasting = False
    IsMounted = False
    MountDisplayId = 0
    TransportGuid = 0
    InTransport = False
    Reaction = Hostile
    IsTracked = False
    IsOnTaxi = False
    NotSelectable = False
    IsAttackable = True
    PlayerControlled = False
    Silenced = False
    Rooted = False
    Influenced = False
    Confused = False
    Pacified = False
    Fleeing = False
    Possessed = False
    NpcMarkerId = 0
    NpcFlightMastrerIsDiscover = True
    NpcMarker = None
    IsOutdoors = True
    IsIndoors = False
    IsPartyMember = False
    IsPartyLeader = False
    GetBaseAddress = 329804808
    IsValid = True
    GetDescriptorStartAddress = 329808496
    Guid = 17379391030708688117
    Type = Unit
    Entry = 4094
    Scale = 1


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