80-85 - Legion
4 files
MOP 80-90+ x10
By Cougar700
A quest Profile for high x10 Q rates server. Optimized for WoW Freakz.
quest in 2 areas : Jade Forest and Valley of the Four Winds
Start Profile in Jade Forest, be sure ur Qlog ist empty
more than 50q hf
82-85 Uldum Best profil
By kris92800
Excellent profil sans bug qui vous permettra de up de 82 à 85 .
Zone de départ ramkahen : Le bot fera une boucle autour du delta ,passera un peu par le désert avant de revenir en ville .
Vendeur + Répa = ON Monture Volante : ON 270 ilvl Conseiller .
Very nice profil without bug . You'll can up 82-85
Start in ramkahen : The bot will loop around the delta, pass a little through the desert before returning to the city.
Vendor + repair = ON Flymount : ON 270 ilvl advisor
Twilight Highlands Leveling
By Teaqz
Hello There,
This is my first profile, couldnt find any for T. Highlands so decided to make a fast one ...
I am running this right now with a 80 LVL BM Hunter againts 85 level Mobs (Ettins) and its working pretty well with more than 150k xp/h
If you run into problems please let me know :)
Uldum Leveling 82-85
By Warl0ckz
Another small leveling profile. This one has no vendor/repair but I can put one in if you need one. I have not seen it getting stuck anywhere but you might die a lot as this is where the first quest is when you enter uldum so a lot of people will attack you. Also I would only go here at 82 if have a pet or can take some damage as there are a few elites that hit a bit hard.
Getting about 600K xp an hour on this one with quite a few deaths in there from hordes. I presume if your on a low pop realm you can run this with no people killing you and average higher XP per hour. Not as great for loot but there are a lot of grey drops and a few greens. Other than that you get a few stacks of cloth and about 20-30s per mob.
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