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Simple Sightless Eye Grinder 1.0.2

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Hey, this is a very simple Sightless Eye grinder. 

Start it at Dalaran/Underbelly

If there are no guards, it will go and wait at the main entrance safe zone. When there are guards active, it will go around, and attack rares when they spawn.

I have barely tested it, let me know if you came across a problem.

What's New in Version 1.0.2   See changelog


Solved the problem of bot not going back to the safezone after guards are gone by always waiting at the safe zone. Make sure your search radius setting is long enough to detect rares from the safe zone.

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3 minutes ago, KnightRyder said:

Doesn't go to the "save zone" when guards take a break, just keeps grinding.

Can confirm, I'll look into it when i get time, currently only waits if guards are not there only at the start until they go back to their position. Thanks.

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On 11/19/2017 at 11:20 AM, Deadness said:

Can confirm, I'll look into it when i get time, currently only waits if guards are not there only at the start until they go back to their position. Thanks.

Did you ever look into this?

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