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About This File

Hi there, I created this script with the intention of using it on those level 255 custom servers. The bot will use the rotation with a relatively intelligent ability priority, it will try to stay in stealth though as I play on a server without the need for mounts, you could add a few lines to only start the rotation upon x distance to target so you're not in stealth all the time. The bot will use defensive cds as needed, it has situational awareness without going over the top detecting healers and interrupts. It will kick if available, if kick is on cd it'll use gouge.

 Advanced combat rotation with intelligent ability prioritization
 Smart stealth management and opener selection
 Situational PvP awareness including healer detection and interrupts
 Defensive cooldown management based on health thresholds
 Positional awareness for abilities like Backstab and Ambush
 Buff and debuff tracking with optimal refresh timing
 Combo point management and finisher optimization
 Emergency defensive abilities when low on health
 Interactive status frame with movable UI

I wish you good luck if you choose to give it a go!

Tricks of the trade needs updating to use on party 1-4, currently it's on focus.

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