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Fight Classes - Wotlk

90 files

  1. Elemental Shaman PVE solo (modified file from this forum)

    Elemental shaman PVE solo profile modified oon base from my experiences .
    Disabled Call of the elements bc my experience is better with summon totems by one by one to get agrro and shiend from glyph of stoneclaw totem and AOE grind .
    You can edit it for chosse fire totems ( magma or searing)


       (0 reviews)



  2. [Free] Project Wholesome - WOTLK Fightclasses (all 10 included)

    Hello fellow Botters,
    This is the AIO Fightclass for WotLK Content.
    Most will download this without given any Feedback, but i appreciate every Feedback you want to give.
    With the Rework to 3.0.0 the Framework was given a great overhaul by @Hashira who is a genius. Additionaly another Dev @FlXWare joined the pool of Devs and contributed a lot to the again reworked AIO. And finally the latest Rework was done by @Zer0 which is an awesome dev! The AIO is the First FC with support for Raidheal (limited to Holy Priest)! One of the Maingoals this time was to speed up the FC, and i think we hit a point where we can be very proud of what we achieved. Most of the old Bugs are gone, PetManagement for all Petclasses are top notch. Buffmanagement is now pulsed on movement and combat and many more changes. Just try it out yourself, you will see a significant performance upgrade. Bugreports are welcome and needed to get it to a new stage, so feel free to do so.
    English Client ONLY!!!
    Deactivate all Addons, Wrobot relies heavy on LUA and every Addon can interfere with this in a bad way!
    Added Healbot Product, use this instead of WRotation to Heal as Healer inside  Dungeons (No  Settings, no Interface, just place it under Products, select it and Choose Systetic Events in the AIO  FC). This is only needed for Healers.
    Here is the Current State:
    DeathKnight (Frost, Unholy, Blood)
    Druid (Feral (No Tanking in Dungeons), Restoration, Balance)
    Hunter (Beastmastery, Marksmanship, Survival)
    Mage (Frost, Fire, Arcane)
    Priest (Shadow, Holy (inkl Raidheal), Discipline)
    Paladin (Protection, Retribution, Holy)
    Rogue (Combat, Subletly, Assassination)
    Shaman (Enhancement, Restoration, Elemental)
    Warlock (Affliction, Destruction, Demonology)
    Warrior (Arms, Protection, Fury)
    Green = tested and in a working state, Yellow = Rotation added but not much tested, Red = no support until now.
    Short Feature Overview of new Corefeatures:
    Auto updating System to the newest Release It now makes Use of Unique Syntetic Events (Activate this when you play as Healer in Dungeon or Group) Uses Prioritysystem to decide which spells to cast (Framelock is now working, Slowrotation is now working) Auto Set Talents according to the choosen Spec (only works with Products which support movement) Tankspecs can Autotank adds in Dungeons Supports HMP incl. fleeing from  Mobs Healspecs can handle different Healspells for different Roles/Classes Autobuffing (Paladin will chosse which buff is needed, according to the Targets Dungeonrole without targeting) Druid (switches Forms according to Usersettings, makes use of prowl) Hunter (Autoset stances for Pet, Autofeeding Pet, Petspell Management like Taunt, Random Backpaddle Movement) Mage (Frostnova Backpaddle, makes use of own casted Food/Drinks) Priest (nothing new to say) Rogue (use Rangepull if you have Rangedweapon and the target is surrounded by hostile targets(activate it in settings)) Shaman (Autoset Totems in Totemic Call, makes use of Totemic Call, reworked Rotation) Warlock (nothing new, just a Beast for Leveling) Warrior (use Rangepull if you have Rangedweapon and the target is surrounded by hostile targets(activate it in settings), just a Beast for Leveling)  
    Besides the new Features which are added, we have all the old Features including from the previous Version.
    Have Fun with testing, you are welcome to report bugs (pls with detailed description and logs). Features will be added after the AIO get´s out of BETA state, until this it´s just bugfixing and reworking Rotations!
    Welcome @Hashira as a new CoDev for this Project ?
    Welcome @FlXWare as a new CoDev for this Project ?
    A special Thanks goes to @Droidz for the Bot, the Wholesome Devs ( @Marsbar, @Zer0 @Mortis123), Devs ( @iMod, @Matenia) and Testers ( @Kamogli much more...)
    If you have to report a Bug, leave a Comment with a Log. Alternatively we have a Discord for Bugreports and  Feedback.: https://discord.gg/NEq4VA6 .
    P.s.: If you have Problems with crashing while open the Config, remove your old FC Settings from your Folder and restart the Bot.
    Recommended Plugins: 


       (25 reviews)



  3. [Beardedrasta] Enhancement Shaman Wotlk

    Beardedrasta's Simplified Enhancement Shaman ©
    An Enhancement Shaman PVE Damage routine for Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5!
            This is a custom fight class created for use with WRotation!
                       (Leveling Profile current level support 1 - 40)
    *Best Glyph Options*
    *Best Talent Options*
    *F e a t u r e s*
    Feral Spirit on Boss Refresh Magma totem refresh (No auto Call of Elements option, This is bad in group scenario. Slow Fleeing enemies Auto Heal OOC Shamanistic Rage for in combat mana regen Lightning Bolt -> Chain Lightning @ 5 stacks of Maelstrom  
    If you really really enjoyed the build and want to help a fellow player achieve happiness then
    consider donating to 2 growing boys. Food doesn't grow on trees afterall..... wait a minute.   


       (0 reviews)



  4. [Beardedrasta] Restoration Shaman Wotlk

    Beardedrasta's Ultimate Restoration Shaman ©
    A Restoration Shaman PVE healing routine for Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5!
            This is a custom fight class created for use with WRotation!
    *Best Glyph Options*
    *Best Talent Options*
    *F e a t u r e s*
    Healing Priority foe spell use Tank name input for auto Earth Shield use. Role auto detection Manual or auto tank select Cast Earth Shield on tank unit Chain Heal on multiple low health unit Auto Cure (Toxin, Disease) Mana Tide Totem at low threshold (Default 20%) Nature's Swiftness CD for instant cast goodness Tidal Force CD when multiple low health unit Auto Res dead unit (Adding option to choose Cleanse Spirit instead of Cure Toxins if you have the talent) (Adding Auto Ghost Wolf when out of combat and outdoors)  
    Things you currently have to handle manually until I figure out a method to use them, I will try. 🙂
    Earthliving Weapon, Tremor totem on fear, Earthbind totem on aggro, Heroism/Bloodlust, Call of the Elements.
    If you really really enjoyed the build and glad someone finally took on the task to bring the community an
    efficient Restoration Shaman fightclass then consider donating to 2 growing boys. Food doesn't grow on
    trees afterall..... wait a minute.   cash.app/$beardedrastaman
    Big shoutout to @FlXWare for his assistance on the focus healing upgrade and knowledge!
    I have to give a solid shoutout to my boys on the wholesome team helping someone understand code is a hard task,
    but helping someone with small pea brain to code is wayy harder. So thank you guys for not blowing me off and helping this come together.
    ( @Talamin, @Marsbar, @Zer0, @MrCeeJ )


       (0 reviews)



  5. Resto Shaman 3.3.5A

    Resto Shaman 3.3.5a.xml


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  6. [WotLK] Apexx Discipline Priest

    A Discipline priest healing "fight class" for WotLK 3.3.5 game version. 
    Use WRotation or HealBot Products for this fight class.
    Donate (If you like the product, please consider a small donation.)
    Started 8/10/2021
    Disclaimer: This if my second attempt scripting a healing class. 
    This fight class is not yet finished. It is work in progress with limited testing.
    T A L E N T S Updated  8/24/2021

    G L Y P H S
    Major => Glyph of Power Word: Shield // Glyph of Penance // Glyph of Flash Heal
    Minor => Glyph of Shadowfiend // Glyph of Fortitude // Glyph of Levitate
    S P E L L S
    (Green = Tested and working / Red = Not yet implemented / Orange - May need more testing)
    K N O W N  I S S U E S
    May try to heal local players that have disconnected and the character is still seen in game. May try to heal local players who are dueling. Will not heal pets at this time. (possible future update) Will not heal while mounted on siege vehicles (yet). F E E D B A C K
    I would like feedback if you any. I worked from a few guides online, and tried to match the behavior.
    If there is any problems, or changes that you would like to see, please send me a message, and I
    will see what I can do. Thanks!

    Virus Total


       (0 reviews)



  7. [FREE] Powerful Shadow Priest PvP by slk

    Hello everyone!

    I'm introducing you a very powerful profile I was constantly optimizing for couple of weeks time.
    This Shadow Priest profile is primarily designed for Battleground botting.
    Obviously, it is not destroying everything in its way, but it provides a solid, mid-tier PvP combat. Some of the battlegrounds (such as Warsong valley) were finished in top 3 even tho I haven't been geared much.

    Current features:
    Flash Heal - if out of combat & lower than 80% of HP. Heals himself up after a fight. Psychic Scream - range check, cooldown check. Dispersion - will be used if health is lower than 40% OR mana is lower than 20%, cooldown check. Shadowform - usual stance, primary buff. Psychic Horror - distance check, target casting state check, skill cooldown check & "Silence" cooldown check (to avoid double PH+Silence situations). Silence - distance check, target casting state check, skill cooldown check. Power Word: Shield - usable in combat state only, ability cooldown check, "Power Word: Shield" buff check, "Weakened Soul" check. Shadowfiend - used as basic attacking spell, target distance check, cooldown check. Shadow Word: Pain - target distance check, target buff casted by me check, target health percent check (=>10%, to avoid dotting players who are low anyway). Devouring Plague - target distance check, target buff casted by me check. Used even if enemy is low (handy for stealing kills). Vampiric Touch - adjusted target distance check (required range is a bit closer in order to avoid situations of re-casting same spell due to range error), target buff casted by me check, target health percent check (=>10%, to avoid dotting players who are low anyway). Mind Blast - target distance check (similar to Vampiric Touch to secure the cast), ability cooldown check. Shadow Word: Death - target distance check, ability cooldown check. Nothing special about it right now. Mind Flay - adjusted target distance check, used to slower down enemies who are close to max range. Power Word: Fortitude - "Power Word: Fortitude" buff check, "Prayer of Fortitude" buff check (to avoid bugging out in attempt to buff himself after getting mass buff). Divine Spirit - "Divine Spirit" buff check, "Prayer of Spirit" buff check (to avoid bugging out in attempt to buff himself after getting mass buff). Fear Ward - buff check, ability cooldown check. Inner Fire - buff check. Vampiric Embrace - buff check. Shadow Protection - "Shadow Protection" buff check, "Prayer of Shadow Protection" buff check.  Hymn of Hope (combat state=false check, mana percent check, cooldown check). Renew (buff casted by me check, health percent check, combat state=false check). Bladestorm Disarm (target buff "Bladestorm" check, target in sight check, ability cooldown check, target distance check). Shadowdance Disarm (target buff "Shadowdance" check, target in sight check, ability cooldown check, target distance check). Anti-Magic Shell, Divine Shield & Cloak of Shadows checks for all damaging spells (not casting spells if target got these buffs). Shoot (wand) rogues with Cloak of Shadows. Divine Protection dispel (target buff "Divine Protection" check, distance check, target in sight check). Spell Reflection dispel (target buff "Spell Reflection" check, distance check, target in sight check). Shoot (wand) if mana low mana. I would recommend setting your Shadowfiend to aggressive stance in order to get maximum efficiency. 
    Planned features:
    Further target defensive checks & counter-actions, such as Divine Shield, Anti-Magic Shield, Spell Reflection, Hand of Freedom and more. Sustainability improvements. Hymns implementation. Psychic Horror use for Shadowdance, Bladestorm and others. Minor tweaks.


       (0 reviews)



  8. Shadow Priest PvP - LvL 80


    I have made a small Fightclass as I was not happy with any of the other shadow priest fight classes. For some reason, they would constantly try to move forward whilst casting which would mess up the rotation and look risky . So here is a very simple fight class which just dots and focuses that target. Drop any high expectations, because this is as simple as they come -- without looking like a bot and getting you banned.
    Auto Shadow form
    Auto Inner Fire
    Auto Power Word: Shield -- before engaging combat
    Auto Vampiric Embrace
    Auto Divine Spirit
    Combat Rotation:

    1. Vampiric touch -- Will not cast twice!
    2. Devouring Plague 
    3. Shadow Word: Pain
    4. Mind Blast -- whenever off cooldown
    5. Mind Flay -- if the bot has nothing else to do
    6. Shoot Wand -- if mana is so low the priest cannot cast anything

    Shadow Word: Death (highest priority) -- Will attempt to steal the killing blow when enemy has 1,200 hp.
    Shadow Fiend -- when mana is getting low
    Silence -- Only when enemy is casting
    Psychic Scream -- with range check
    Psychic Horror -- But only if the target is within combat distance
    Hope this helps!



       (0 reviews)



  9. Shadowpriest PvP fight class

    Hello, here is the first fight class i share.
    This will do the basic rotation; heal himself, dispel and dispel friends.
    Perfect use of Dispersion, Shadowfiend, you'll never get oom.
    Perfect for battlegrounds, you will be in top damage for sure !!
    Waiting feedbacks :=)
    Fixed :
    was casting vampiric touch twice in a row sometimes  


       (0 reviews)



  10. [Free] Feral Druid Raid DPS

    Hi guys,
    I've been leeching off the other profile makers so when I made this one I thought I might as well upload it for others!
    This is the first FightClass I've made from scratch and as such I assume there will be bugs and poor implementations of Wrobot mechanics. I would love to try and fix those if you let me know what they are below!
    This FightClass is a relatively simple feral druid DPS fight class. I only use it with WRotation but presumably you could use it with a different product if you have it handle movement and such.
    What the FightClass does:
    Casts Shred any time Clearcasting procs and you are behind your target
    Maintains Savage Roar (usually 100% uptime but I'm sure it can drop occasionally)
    Casts Swipe if there are two mobs near the mob you are targeting
    Casts Rip with 5 CPs if your Rip debuff is not on the target
    Uses Mangle (Cat) if the target does not have the Mangle debuff (if someone else casts Mangle, you won't)
    Uses Rake if Rake debuff is not on the target
    Uses Faerie Fire if the target does not have the Faerie Fire debuff (if someone else casts Faerie Fire, you won't)
    Uses Tiger's Fury on CD
    Uses Berserk on CD if you are fighting a boss
    Spams Shred if it has nothing else to do and you are behind the target to build CPs, if you are not behind the target it will spam Claw
    I haven't tested this super extensively but it has done well in a couple dungeons for me on my druid.
    Let me know what you guys think!
    Changed to spam Mangle (Cat) to build CP if you are not behind target instead of Claw
    Uses Swipe (Cat) when Clearcasting procs and there are two mobs near the mob you are targeting instead of Shred
    Additionally, I've tested it way more extensively while gearing a druid from fresh 80 to around 6k GS with no issues at all, generally outperforming my GS.
    Known bugs: For some reason it won't function in ICC on the Gunship Battle fight, not sure why...
    Feral Cat v2.xml


       (0 reviews)



  11. [Free] [PvP] Elemental Shaman

    This is a PvP orientated Elemental Shaman Fight class made by me (ThatOneGuy), I used it mostly for Battlegrounds as this is where it works best. Some of its key features include....
    Auto Trinket important CCs longer than 4 seconds (Every Man for Himself if Alliance, or Medallion of the Horde if Horde) Check immunity before launching every spell (Spell Reflection, Grounding, Divine Shield, etc..) Auto Dispel Friends from CCs (On/Off in options) (Announces in chat what is trying to do for example "Dispelling Fear from Bob", only visible to you) Attempt to kick all casts. (Using Wind Shear or Thunderstom if near casting target) Uses Call of the elements to summon totems (Please setup the totems to be as shown - SsT, ToW, MsT, WoaT) Heals out of combat. Smart heals in combat (Only heals if it knows it can win) Uses frost shock to stop runners. Will use ghost wolf for mobility. Intelligent bursting only on winnable fights. Will use thunderstorm to "yeet" melee away from you. Uses Grounding Totem to prevent casts on you (Works really well with Shear! Almost impossible to lose a 1v1 vs a caster) Decent PvP rotation, has no issues in battle grounds. And more... Big thanks to ScripterQQ as I used his Dispell, Trinket and Immunity checks. Really helps this fight class!
    Well... Thats about it, be sure to let me know about your experiences with this fight class, I don't guarantee I'll be able to fix anything (As I no longer have a sub to wrobot) but if enough people enjoy this fight class maybe I'll get another sub and possibly make some more fight classes in the future.


       (1 review)



  12. [PAID[PvP] Retribution Paladin

    Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later. Do NOT use this in arenas. This is not PQR.
    The attached file is a low-level demo version.
    For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me directly. This is the WotLK version of my TBC ret fightclass.
    Ret Palas are a versatile class. There are a lot of things you can do to look human that even an average player wouldn't do.
    I have used this Fightclass to farm around 80k honor and several different BG marks without ever being reported. On top of that, on a geared paladin I've constantly topped damage and kills.
    Dynamic Rotation Based on Players Around You
    Dispels friendly targets and uses BoP if they're low and melees around them Chases and chucks down enemies at will Dispels Crowd Control from friends around you Can use Blessing of Sacrifice to break Polymorph Interrupts casts around you with Repentance Situational Spell Usage
    Uses all your spells, including Concec against Vanish, Dispel, PvP Trinket, Avenging Wrath, Divine Shield, Arcane Torrent, etc Humanized
    Uses spell rotation that are unlikely to make anybody recognize you as a bot This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected.
    If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings.
    PURCHASE NOW - 6.50€ (Rocketr)
    I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone.
    Check out my other Fightclasses


       (0 reviews)



  13. [Free] FightClass.Wotlk.Warrior

    I have just recently begun developing with wRobot.
    here is a warrior fight class! 
    it implements a priority tasking system that utilizes dependency injection techniques
    please let me know what features need to be added to this as I know next to nothing about this community and what they want/need.
    I am more than happy to take and deliver requests!


       (0 reviews)



  14. [PAID][WotLK] Shadowpriest 1-80

    Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later.
    For questions and bugreports, please visit my Discord channel. The attached file is a low-level demo version.

    Priest’s are a hard class to bot, but perhaps your love for the class is overwhelming and you just can’t help yourself. I’m here to help ease your frustration and to optimise the class for mana efficiency and reduced downtime.
    After coding for several weeks, I’m proud to present you with a priest fight class that contains the following:
    Dynamic Rotation Based Upon Level
    - 3 different fighting rotations for below 20, below 40 and above 40.
    Situational Spell Usage
    - Uses all your spells, including Silence, Fear and Devouring Plague in appropriate situations.
    Highly Mana Efficient
    - Tries to use as little mana as possible while leveling. The rotation was built with increased uptime in mind. Therefore it Wands whenever’s most beneficial.
    - Uses different heals at different percentages
    Automatic Skill Detection
    - Automatically detects if you learn new spells while leveling, no need to restart the bot

    This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected. 
    If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings.
    PURCHASE NOW (Rocketr) - 2 concurrent IPs on one wRobot key - 6.50€
    I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone.
    Check out my other Fightclasses


       (2 reviews)



  15. WotLK 3.3.5a Prot Warrior 50+ Fight Class

    Another fight class I found on here was pretty wonky for me so I tried my hand at making my own. Seems to work flawlessly. Let me know what you think.


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  16. [Free] Bloody - A Blood DK Routine

    Hello everyone, 
    I was in need of a Blood DK Fightingclass and build one up on my own.
    I will adapt more and more skills, as far as my progress with the DK goes.
    Single Target Rotation Multi Target Rotation with Pestilence Spread 3 different Pull Methods, Fightingclass decides of his own Healing... Come on, who needs Healing as Blood DK Different Kick Conditions for Cast Interrupts Presence Switch will be added later For the Spec just use Zygors Blood DK Skilltree.
    Special thx goes out to Smokie for dragging me into Fightingclasses
    If you find any bugs or want me to implement anything, Join our discord server and send me a message. : https://discord.gg/ppm8Ufc
    Feel free to hit the   Button ♥


       (2 reviews)



  17. [FREE] Hunty - A BeastmasterLeveling Class

    Hi All,
    I finished my Beastmaster Hunter 1-80 FightingClass, written in C#.
    Thx to all the Devs who provide Code Examples in the Forum.

    Features of the FightingClass:
    - Auto Pet Management (Heal, Call, Revive)
    - Auto Aggro Management, pet will try to taunt all your targets
    - Backpaddle if you are to close on your target to use your Bow
    - Intelligent Aspect Switch (Hawk, Dragonhawk, Monkey, Cheetah, Viper)
    - Use of Disengage and Feign Death
    - Slows your Target with Concussive Shot
    - Auto Feeding Feature (You just need some Food on you, the Rotation will make your Pet Happy, depending on what it needs.
    - 100% Dot Uptime
    - Framelock
    With the right build and a little Equipment you are unbeatable.
    The general used Spells:
    Hunters Mark
    Serpents Sting
    Arcane Shot
    Concussive Shot
    Multi Shot
    Steady Shot
    Kill Shot
    Raptor Strike
    Aspects of the (Monkey, Hawk, Cheetah, Wiper, Dragonhawl)
    Rapid Fire
    Kill Command
    Revive Pet
    Call Pet
    Mend Pet
    Feign Death
    Feel free to use this ?
    If you find any bugs or want me to implement anything, Join our discord server and send me a message. : https://discord.gg/ppm8Ufc


       (2 reviews)



  18. [FREE] Kitty- A Feraldruid Leveling Class

    Hello everyone, 
    I finished the Beta of my Feraldruid Leveling 1-80 Class.
    Thx to all the Devs who provide Code Examples and Help in the Forum!
    - Different Rotations for Level Brackets. (1-9, 10-19, 20+)
    - 10-19 can use Bearform or Caster Form, 20+ needs Catform.
    - 20+ try to Prowl, uses Skills depending of your Angle to the Mob.
    - Intelligent Pull, no useless and mana intensive switches of Forms
    - Auto Buffs
    - Heal Out of Combat and in Emergency Case in Combat.

    The general used Spells:
    - Wrath
    - Moonfire
    - Growl
    - Bear Form
    - Cat Form
    - Demoralizing Roar
    - Maul
    - Ravage
    - Pounce
    - Shred
    - Rake
    - Tigers Fury
    - Mangle
    - Ferocious Bite
    - Rip
    - Mark of the Wild
    - Thorns
    - Rejuvenation
    - Regrowth
    - Healing Touch
    - Lifebloom
    For the Spec just use Zygors Feral Skilltree.
    If you find any bugs or want me to implement anything, Join our discord server and send me a message. : https://discord.gg/ppm8Ufc
    Feel free to hit the   Button ♥


       (0 reviews)



  19. [FREE] Paly - A Retri Leveling Class

    Hello everyone, 
    I finished the Beta of my Paladin Leveling 1-80 Class.
    Thx to all the Devs who provide Code Examples and Help in the Forum!
    Level Rotation for 1-80 Uses Rotation for Multitarget Autostun Offtarget without Targetswitch Use of Crusader Aura on Mount Rebuff in and out of Fight Uses Manaregeneration for less Downtime Framelock can be buggy Intelligent Taunt of Targets
    The general used Spells:
    ... Too many, just try it ?
    For the Spec just use Zygors Retribution Skilltree.
    If you find any bugs or want me to implement anything, Join our discord server and send me a message. : https://discord.gg/ppm8Ufc
    Feel free to hit the   Button ♥


       (0 reviews)



  20. [FREE] Priesty - A Shadowpriest Leveling Class

    Hi All,
    I finished my 1-80 ShadowPriest written in C#. I made this after a leveling Guide for Shadowpriests.
    Thx to all the Devs who provide Code Examples in the Forum.

    Features of the FightingClass:
    - Different Rotation for every Bracket, 1-9, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, and 60+.
    - Near no downtime, straight leveling through all Continents
    - Multidotting of adds
    - Auto shielding
    - Auto Buffs
    - 100% Dot Uptime
    - Framelock
    The general used Spells:
    Shadow Wort Pain
    Mind Blast
    Holy Fire
    Devouring Platue
    Mind Flay
    Vampiric Embrace
    Vampiric Touch
    Shadow Fiend
    Shadow Form
    Feel free to use this ?
    If you find any bugs or want me to implement anything, Join our discord server and send me a message. : https://discord.gg/ppm8Ufc


       (0 reviews)



  21. [FREE] Warlocky - A Affliction Leveling Class

    Hi All,
    I finished my Affliction Warlock 1-80 FightingClass, written in C#.
    Thx to all the Devs who provide Code Examples in the Forum.

    Features of the FightingClass:
    - Auto Pet Management (Use the best Pet you have)
    - Auto Shard Management
    - Auto Aggro Management, pet will try to taunt all your targets
    - Auto Fear Offtarget
    - Low Level and High Level Rotation
    - Intelligent Use of HealthFunnel, Lifetap, Drainsoul and Lifedrain (near to 0 Downtime)
    - Intelligent Buffmanagement (Armor, Under Water Breath etc.)
    - Healthstone Management (at the Moment deactivated, because a little Bug got in there)
    - 100% Dot Uptime
    - Framelock (Buggy, please deactivate it for the moment)
    The general used Spells:
    Unending Breath
    Shadow Bolt
    Imp Summoning
    Void Summoning
    Health Funnel
    Life Tap
    Healthstone creation
    Curse of Agony
    Death Coil
    Unstable Affliction
    Feel free to use this ?
    If you find any bugs or want me to implement anything, Join our discord server and send me a message. : https://discord.gg/ppm8Ufc


       (1 review)



  22. Project Ascension - 2H Tanky PvP Spec

    Hey guys.
    I play on project ascension mostly grinding now i have found this bot. I have taken a lot from the downloads section so thought i would add to it. This Fightclass is custom made for a spec i found on youtube. I works really well grinding out in the world (works okay in battlegrounder)
    Relies on Strength/Stamina with a good 2h weapon. Also need some Thunderclap Random Enchants
    TALENT AND ABILITIES CODE : :642:18499:1044:5277:6343:168:465:100:687:20252:71:6673:2842:53407:588:1953:1454:57994:20165:13161:2073t2:144t3:303t1:662t2:1426t5:1431t1:1502t1:2058t1:2074t2:1652t2:141t3:2236t1:1659t1:1666t1:1679t2:1714t1:2250t3:1756t1:1783t2:1790t3:1794t3:128t3:1858t1:1871t3:1872t1:2194t2:
    I take no credit for the spec, just the fightclass. Enjoy.


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  23. [Holy - Paladin] The Holy Grail

    Project is not maintained
    Source:  Holy Grail.tar.gz
    Why the file exist?
    As a user request & own interest, i decided to create a slim holy paladin fightclass.
    For whom is the fight class?
    The fightclass is developed for 3.3.5a / 2.4.3 english clients
    Currently the fightclass is more pve based. For pvp it haven't got enough tools to interact.
    It looks a bit too slim, will be there more features in the future?
    Of course. If i have more time i will develop it further.
    In the end of the day what can do it for me?
    It makes your life easier as healer.
    The features:
    -show who will be healed
    -can stop movement if a heal is needed
    -custom system that allows to prioritize spells by health & instant casts
    -GUI for optimal fightclass adjustment
    -can cast spells without target or the need of a targeting behavior
    Good to know:
    -To install just copy it to: ...\WRobot\Fightclass\
    -Beta release => it can have bugs. So please report it in the comments or as private message. Every feedback, suggestion, code improvement(haven't look there so accurate) or wanted feature can be also sent.
    A few screenshots:


       (5 reviews)



  24. [FREE] 1-80 Enhancement Shaman WOTLK

    Hello people.
    This Shaman Fightclass will take you all the way from 1-80.
    Uses almost every skill in appriopriate situations, obviously aimed at Enhancement talent build.
    Included: Wolves, all Shocks, Stormstrike, all Enhancement Talent Skills, Water Shield at low mana, and much more.
    Its not decrypted so feel free to download and check it out.
    Let me know if you think that something else could be added.
    Things that will be added in future:
     - Cleansing
     - Ankh usage


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  25. [PAID][WotLK] Enhancement Shaman 1-80

    Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later.

    For questions and bugreports, please visit my Discord channel. The attached file is a low-level demo version.
    Remember to do your totem quests and get a decent two-hander to start with!
    Someone recently asked me to add all relevant spells for WotLK - so it supports that now as well. 
    Shamans are an unusual class to level with a bot. However, they deserve some love too, and here is just what you need to accomplish that task:
    Dynamic Rotation Based Upon Level
    Different rotations, depending on which new spells you've learned Uses different totems in different situations Uses Totemic Call when necessary to save mana Range pull to avoid multi pulls when possible Situational Spell Usage
    Uses all your spells when appropriate Stoneclaw to tank several mobs Spirit Wolfs on multi pull Ghost Wolf between fights, when not mounted (experimental) Uses Call of the Elements (you need to add the totems yourself) Highly Mana Efficient
    Totemic Call Always saves enough mana to heal yourself Automatic Skill Detection
    Automatically detects if you learn new spells while leveling, no need to restart the bot
    This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected. 
    If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings.
    PURCHASE NOW (Rocketr) - 6.50€ - 2 concurrent IPs per wRobot key
    I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone.
    Check out my other Fightclasses


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