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[Womble] Subtlety Rogue 5.4 Version 3

   (1 review)

About This File

Features (Scroll right down for the change log):

* Designed for raiding at heroic level (I'm an experienced, high ranking sub rogue)

  • Automatic use of Shadow Dance, Vanish and Preparation.
  • "Pooling" for Shadow Dance to enable each CD usage is optimized efficently.
  • Support for spinning mobs / bosses and heavy movement fights. When Backstab isn't available it will resort to Hemorrhage.
  • Hemorrhage usage in front of the boss maintains high energy levels so that you the second you're back behind your target you're ready to burn energy / finishers (also useful if about to jump into a Shadow Dance) rather than using Hemo at 28 energy and then suddenly not being able to Backstab, eviscerate or jump into a vanish/shadow dance.
  • Marked for Death is supported. If you wish to use this you need to enable it in my profile settings and take the talent. It will basically just be used on CD. I am considering changing ("improving") this for any serious MFD users. Since the bot can't refresh or detect buffs dropping like SND I was thinking about the idea of having MFD used on cooldown when SND drops so it's instantly back up without delay. Obviously this comes with the cost of losing x amount of MFD over a fight but will keep your rotation pretty consistent.
  • Optional CD Support: Best I could do here was to put a boss level restriction on Shadow Blades and Vanish. If you choose to use vanish manually on trash remember only to use it when Shadow Dance is on Cooldown. As long as you do that the profile will operate properly. If you do accidentally do that it won't break the profile it will just essentially do nothing for the duration of your vanish, so you want to avoid that.
  • Weaves Garrote in appropriately (pull and rare occasions rupture drops - this may change slightly once the rest of the profile is perfected).

    It's already pulling some superb numbers on a dummy for my first release and I have tested this extensively on dummies and various raid bosses.

    Bugs / Known Issues

    1 - Potentially fixed - unsure. It is rare but if you stare at your buffs whilst the rotation is underway you will notice the odd 1 CP rupture goes off and I have absolutely no idea why, it definitely isn't my doing - I can only assume the system procs HAT (honor amongst thievs) before the bot realises and it attempts to use a 5 CP only to throw off a 1 CP. Once I have a little more time I will attempt to pick this out, perhaps there's a way I can put a delay at the problematic time. If it appears to be random then I doubt I'll ever fix it.

    2 - AOE: These are in the profile but set to false by default in the settings. Reasoning is I can't get them to work - until I can work out why or perhaps Droidz works out why then these may likely stay off full time. It isn't really a big deal since you rarely AOE as sub anyway, it probably just means you'd lose top 20 ranks where AOE can be used -shrug-

    3 - Immerseus: Rotation stops inbetween Immerseus emerging. Unsure of the cause.

    Bugs Fixed

    • Issue: Bot would seemingly not know the difference between in front and behind at times on almost all targets. - Massive Fix (see change log below).
    • Issue: Rupture drops which isn't the end of the world. SND drops as well which is quite a big deal, but at the moment both bot restrictions and my own know how stop me fixing this. See the MFD * above for a possible workaround. Fix: Implemented Anticipation throughout my profile. For MFD users I will change it in the next release so it saves MFD for circumstances where rupture / snd may drop.
    • Issue: Shadow Dance and Vanish butchering each other due to 'Is Spell Usable' checks on standard rotation abilities. Fix: Best workaround I could come up with (also see 'CD 1.2: Vanish' change / fix) was to change how the conditions affected one another whilst lowering the amount of energy needed for vanish. While not absolutely ideal, Wrobot seems to overshoot the energy amounts you set drastically sometimes so this seems to work out well. I'm currently sitting at 275/285k sustained on a dummy. I have 0 buffs (no food or flask) and I have an ilvl of 578.
    • Issue: "pooling" all abilities for SD / Vanish results in delayed abilities during opener and any subsequent SD or Vanish where the other is also available as the bot thinks it has to pool. Fix: Various condition changes / workarounds.
    • Issue: CD 1.2: Vanish. You may struggle making use of vanish with my profile if you are in poor gear with shit haste levels. At the moment I don't have a fix for that other than to disable Vanish and use it manually although I don't recommend this because the way I have designed my profile means that if you use it when Shadow Dance is available (not in use) you'll waste an entire Vanish and nothing will cast whatsoever. The reason for this is due to bot restrictions, it doesn't have the flow that PQR allowed in regards to refreshing below specified times / coding actual pooling etc. Fix: Lowered the energy requirement to account for lower gear levels whilst still managing to get out 1-2 Ambush. Wrobot reacts slowly to energy conditions which caused it to require something in the region of 80-100 energy to even trigger previously.

    Want To Help?

    Please report any 'bugs' or anything you see that is off. There are tiny errors I have noticed but I know the spec inside out and have obtained top 20 ranks manually so if you're just picking this up and want something that performs reasonably well out the box then this is for you and you may not notice anything wrong.

    I'm constantly spending the odd hour here and there in my spare time trying to tweak / think of ways to improve this so if you have any great ideas or workarounds feel free to let me know and I will update it asap.







    duplicate abilities of: -





    each one only has 'is spell usable' set to either

    shadow dance or vanish.



    Need to incorporate Garrote properly

    Check Eviscerate conditions.

    Can't seem to have 2 target buff checks set as true

    i.e. rupture / garrote

    ATTEMPT 2 versions of eviscerate - identical conditions aside from variation in 'target buff' - WORKING.

    ATTEMPT eviscerate 0 target buffs, low priority.

    maybe it will spam 5 cp finishers when nothing else

    is left to do



    Ambush is being spammed with no use of finishers.


    Idea of refreshing 5 CP snd and 5 CP rupture before Shadow Dance.

    Try copies of both rupture and snd - 5 cp condition, run once - when shadow dance is available?

    rupture won't 5 cp refresh before shadow dance.


    (System.Math.Abs(ObjectManager.Me.Rotation - ObjectManager.Target.Rotation) < 0.35f)

    ///////////////////////// == SAME ISSUES REGARDING VANISH POOLING.

    when garrote is up during shadow dance it doesn't eviscerate. - fixed

    shadow dance is butchered by vanish and vice versa.

    need to look into disabling vanish pooling and making this manual usage advising high energy use.

    need to enable full rotation use during vanish though.

    REMEMBER ambush doesnt pool hence why that spams but eviscerate stops.

    ///////////////////////// == SAME ISSUES REGARDING VANISH POOLING.





    TO FIX






    1 - reduced vanish energy from 59 to 39

    2 - changed spell usable on canish condition of SD to false from true

    3 - added sd condition = vanish set to false

    4 - added 4 abilities: hemo, snd, rupture, evisc - all these have a purpose

    of not idling when faced with the dire situation of an enemy facing you: -

    - All are set to have anticipation buff stack checks.

    - Snd will always go up at the first 5 stack followed by rupture then eviscerate (only if the first 2 are up).

    - This version of hemo has an energy check of only casting when energy is higher than 64

    5 - added the backstab c sharp code to both shadow dance and vanish to accomodate for point 4

    6 - removed high priority hemo, snd, rupture as they caused issues with the above 2 points (4, 5)


    7 - low rotation prio set aren't casting finishers




    10 - removed redirect for now, too problematic.

    11 - got 180 degrees checks for infront behind on ambush, backstab, hemo and sd/vanish cds.



    ID MACRO: /run for i=1,200000 do local f=FindSpellBookSlotBySpellID(i,"spell") if f then local n,id=GetSpellBookItemName(f,"spell"),select(2,GetSpellBookItemInfo(f,"spell")) local s=GetSpellInfo(id) s=n==s and " " or "\124cFF4FF763"..s print(id,n,s) end end



    ret = 0;

    local nameSpell = GetSpellInfo(1943);

    if (not nameSpell) then return; end

    local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId = UnitDebuff("target", nameSpell);

    if (not expirationTime) then return; end

    local expireTimeLeft = expirationTime-GetTime();

    if expireTimeLeft <= 6 then ret = 1 end


    ret = 1;

    local nameSpell = GetSpellInfo(1943);

    if (not nameSpell) then return; end

    local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId = UnitDebuff("target", nameSpell);

    if (not expirationTime) then return; end

    local expireTimeLeft = expirationTime-GetTime();

    if unitCaster ~= "player" then return end

    if expireTimeLeft > 6 then ret = 0 end



    local nameSpell = GetSpellInfo(5171);

    local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId = UnitBuff("player", nameSpell);

    local expireTimeLeft = expirationTime-GetTime();

    ret = 0;

    if expireTimeLeft <= 6 then ret = 1 end



    local nameSpell = GetSpellInfo(5171);

    if (not nameSpell) then return; end

    local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId = UnitBuff("player", nameSpell);

    if (not expirationTime) then return; end

    local expireTimeLeft = expirationTime-GetTime();

    if expireTimeLeft > 6 then ret = 0 end

What's New in Version Version 3   See changelog


  • 4.9: Stealth if out of combat and pvp logic to break stealth using Bugcatchers lua snippet.
  • 4.8: Massive update. If you one of the previous versions I urge you to update to this asap.
  • Tons of conditional fixes / improvements throughout numerous abilities alongside a brilliant fix for detecting whether or not the player is behind or in front of a target.

User Feedback

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New version will feature a ton of optional survival shizzle although I recommend you go fully manual.


I'm quite disappointed how this profile plays out in raids given that it's close to perfect on a dummy. I am looking into the issues but unless I get mod/admin support in regards to fixing positioning issues the bot has this profile may not go much further - but we can hope, as soon as it's a lot more accurate detecting what is behind and in front of a target then the profile should be pretty monstrous.

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This works really good for BGs, my only question is there something I can edit in there that will default it to stealth when walking?

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Hey there Riskbling - I've not been active for some time now due to bot restrictions for what I wanted my profile to do but I'm back and giving it another shot.


I'm fairly sure I can add a stealth option into the next release - I'll look into getting a release at the back end of this week.


It's also good to see that my profile actually turned into quite a popular one (at least based on downloads) - as such I'll try to improve upon this profile and perhaps enable 6.0 compatibility.

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i dont know if i should post here or on my Grinder profiel im using jade forest grinder and the problem is that it stealths then loots (loose stealth) and goes to next target, how can i make it so it loots then stealths?

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