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Loki Onyx Egg (Dark Soil blacklisted)

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About This File

Loki Onyx Egg


1) Flying mount

2) Wrobot (WR) setup:

a) No harvest

b) Loot chest - yes

This profile has the regular circle route in Jade Forest but has (to my knowledge) all Dark Soils manually blacklisted.

My last test was 2 hours 100% no touch and it didnt go for any Dark Soil at all and ended up with 15 eggs.

From my experienced Ive learned that you get 5-6 pretty fast on low traffic hours and then its a bit slower. The island is small

and the route is short.

One of the Onyx Eggs is right next to a (!) lvl 90 questboss in a little stonething. The bot will not be able to loot it since he cant land on it.

I tried to make a workaround to make him land next to it but that would screw up the route and also get aggro from the boss.

You MIGHT find dark soils not blacklisted. If so, please give me the exakt location and I´ll have it updated.

ALSO: Once you hit revered you should get the [Grand Commendation of the...]. This will make each egg worth 100% more.

I found out about that once I hit exalted... But what do I care, its not like I worked hard for it :)

Thats all friends, go get exalted!

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Does exactly what it should. :) I farmed 6 eggs in about 5 minutes with 0 stucks. Turns out I was already pretty close to exalted, those 6 eggs and a daily dinged me there. :) Thank you very much.

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Tried your profile, the first thing it went to was a dark soil... location 63.6, 32.6 and i had issues with the bot after that and had to close both the bot and WoW. When i reopened WoW it did auto updates... so now my bot is currently not working. lol I will try again when the bot gets updated, if i find anymore dark soils i will let you know.

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ok for the future people using this you MUST check loot chest before starting otherwise it will pass right over eggs like i said

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Yes this is true.


Whenever you are farming anything with the cogwheel symbol when you hoover your mouse over it, you need to have "Loot chest" ON.


Also, the bot doesnt know the diffrence from Dark Soil and Onyx Egg since they are both "chests". I tried to blacklist the spots as far as I could

but obv the spawns are in diffrent places. If you find Dark Soils, just blacklist them and/or post the line here like da8ball did and I will update it when

my next char is doing the run.


Thanks for the feedback ppl, its very helpful!

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Farm Dark Soil > 2371,497 ; -3022,575 ; 10,65455

Also getting a lot of this...

[Normal] 08:55 - Farm Onyx Egg > 2180,161 ; -3412,392 ; 1,48384 ; None

[Normal] 08:55 - Node outside view

[Normal] 08:55 - Farm failed

Dont know if helps, but some locations of the eggs:

/way 65.08, 26.20

/way 66.64, 28.69

/way 67.12, 24.94

/way 65.18, 24.77

/way 67.05, 33.81

/way 66.61, 31.58

/way 66.54, 32.20

/way 63.09, 29.31

/way 69.65, 31.64

/way 70.53, 28.99

/way 61.89, 30.20

/way 66.18, 33.43

/way 62.40, 32.36

/way 65.63, 25.07

/way 64.18, 23.92

/way 63.39, 21.62

/way 62.98, 21.95

/way 62.37, 32.84

/way 62.17, 31.75

/way 62.19, 31.21

/way 67.02, 32.68

/way 62.46, 28.77

/way 62.21, 29.29

/way 62.00, 29.54

/way 63.73, 21.90

/way 62.30, 28.12

/way 62.71, 29.78

/way 66.43, 29.55

/way 65.18, 24.77

/way 65.24, 23.91

/way 70.33, 28.63

/way 67.06, 30.25

/way 66.00, 30.71

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good profile.  i had to blacklist a handful of dark soils.  ran this profile for about 32 hours across two toons.  went from neutral to exalted on both only from egg turn ins.

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I've been flying around for 15~ minutes and haven't spotted an egg yet. I have the dailies unlocked and I have my little dragon thing giving me dailies. I should be able to see the eggs at this point right?

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Worked like a charm! I believe I got to two Dark Soils every 30 mins or so. Not that big of an issue. And I got to exalted in no time! :D

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