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Mage - Fire 1.1 [BR] 1.1.0

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About This File

Based on the recommendation of Icy Veins. Most Talents are supported. Artefact used. Food used.

Raid-Talent: (1 ,2 ,2 ,2 ,1 ,2 ,1)
Quest/Grinding: (2,3,3,2,1,1,1)

Some spells are optional. See fightclass settings.

Time Warp: Not used in groups! Without this, used on >=rare mobs.
Mana Pudding (Hmmmm). If you cant cast Mana pudding (to high, to low) you must change

  1. the spell 80610 to the Item-id you cast.
  2. change in the lua-option of  spell Conjure Refreshment the number 80610 to the item-id you create.

--Use Item: Apply most common Artefacts to you weapon.

What's New in Version 1.1.0   See changelog


add: Time Warp (if rare or greater , based on level)
add: Food  (Attention !!! if you to low to cast Conjured Mana Pudding, you have to change the source of the fightclass. change the number 80610 to the item number of the food you cast.)
add: most talents are supported!!!

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Hmm , thats strange,,,flamestrike works here. Maybe a range or path problem. Because I have no time to check this this weekend, please try this:

Open the file in the fightclass editor.
Scroll down to Flamestrike
select Lua Script


local PyroBlast=GetSpellInfo(11366)
if UnitExists("target") and not UnitIsFriend("player", "target") and (IsSpellInRange(PyroBlast,"target")==1)  then


local Flamestrike=GetSpellInfo(2120)
if UnitExists("target") and not UnitIsFriend("player", "target") and (IsSpellInRange(Flamestrike,"target")==1)  then

(3 changes: 2x PyroBlast to Flamestrike, 1x  11366 to 2120)

This will change the rangecheck. In the theory Flamestrike and Pyroblast should have the same range, but maybe there is a little difference.

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Working really well thank you. If you can fix the instance when it's in combat and for instance uses "Fireball, fireball, combustion, rune of power, etc." To have rune of power be dropped prior to combustion that would make this amazing.

If you could also prioritize ice block at a certain hitpoint % rather than casting fireball at that low percentage that would work well as well (yes I did enable ice block in the UI).

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Ice Block has a Bug. Remove the lua condition in the fightclass and it works well.

Rune, combustion, Rune should work. I will have a look on this. I use the recommendations of icy veins and it has worked Well. Maybe a condition wasnt given.

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I was able to fix Blazing barrier by changing Ice Barrier to Blazing Barrier in the script. In case anyone was interested

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On 8/30/2017 at 5:54 PM, Toyer said:

I was able to fix Blazing barrier by changing Ice Barrier to Blazing Barrier in the script. In case anyone was interested

What exactly did you do?


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