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Help with implementing stance dancing in fight class profile

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Hey everyone,

I'm currently working on a fight class profile for my warrior and I'm trying to figure out how to implement stance dancing effectively. Specifically, I want my profile to do the following sequence:

  1. Switch to Battle Stance.
  2. Use Charge.
  3. Use Rend.
  4. Switch back to Berserker Stance and remain there until combat ends.

Could someone guide me on how to script this in my fight class profile? Any specific scripting examples or tips would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!



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i think this post has everything covered you would need - stance change + Weapons Equipped + Weapon enhancements:

If i can make a suggestion, use the search function a lot of good developers of the fightclasses, over the years, had conversations in this forum,
and as a result, it is possible for a lot of things to find a solution or suggestion that will lead you to solving whatever it is you are looking for.

 hope it helps you mate 😉

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