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Problem Launching bot


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I just downloaded and subscribed to get the bot. After the installation, when i start wow and launch the bot program, it always appear a window asking to select game process and launch wow in 32 bit mode. If I press OK, the bot launch wow in window mode, but after that the bot program doesnt start.

In the login window, whenever i press Launch bot, it appear this message even if my character is logged in.

After that, i tried to reinstal the program, but now, everytime i trie to click on the Updater.exe icon, it launch the progr with Microsoft Visual Studio.

Did I made anything worn on the installation? Can you help me pls?

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Unfortunately i set up the 32bit mode on battle.net but the problem still persist. I'm not able to lauch the bot even if i'm in game. It keeps showing the window asking to select game process and after launching wow in 32 bit mode.

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11 minutes ago, james83gw said:

i just had to click on the string with the character name on the bot window. Unfortunately im not used to this bot, so had no idea i had to do that. anyway thx again for your help.

Damn and i thought about to write it :D

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