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How Do I kill Howling Gales


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How do I set this profile to kill the howling gales, I tried timing a macro and I can't kill the howling gale fast enough before I run into the other one and get knocked off, I tried adding to the profile a killandloot step and it doesn't work I tried adding a wait time to the kill and it doesn't wait. I tried adding target entry and hotspots for use spellon and doesn't use spell on them. I wanted to farm volatile air and the mount with 2nd boss but there is no way to get past the howling gales at my level I can solo the dungeon 1 shot everything except howling gale and bosses. I need help to fix this, Please I bought an account and put 30 days on it and can't bot anything because its a PVP server and without this dungeon farm there is nothing left I tried all farms and I just get Honor Killed Farmed and they kill me numerous times and I get no loots.


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