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Leave Path Into Water


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I have a grinder profile. The path follows near coast but WRobot leaves the path into water and attack mobs in water. Now my char can't drink. I want a profile, where my char strict follows the path or don't go into water.




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-Create a path that doesn't lead near / into water in the first place

-Remove NPC id of enemies the bot tries to engage with in the water

-Decrease attack range

-Blacklist all bodies of water, the bot might run into

-Use Quester instead of Grinder and execute "wManager.Wow.Helpers.Conditions.ForceIgnoreIsAttacked = true;" or "wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.DontStartFighting = true;", as long as it's necessary. Don't forget to change it back to false afterwards


Bare in mind that it is still possible for your bot to end up in the water when fighting, due to fleeing enemies, body pulls etc.

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