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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, to heal your character add normal spells ("For friends (party) = false) and deactivate spell option "Combat only".
  2. Bonjour, Si il y as une solution pour contourner le problème je vais ajouter la possibilités d'utiliser plusieurs appâts dans les prochaines mise à jours.
  3. Version 1


    90-92 Draenor (Alliance) (Level 90-92) Beta version, possible bugs, thank you to report them to me. I recommand to use potion and http://www.wowhead.com/quest=34692
  4. Hello, Sorry, I had uploaded the bad file, download again this file and copy it in folder "Profiles\Quester\", use product "Quester".
  5. Bonjour, Pouvez vous m'envoyer un
  6. Version 1


    WoD Start - Tanaan Jungle (Alliance) (Level 90) Beta version, possible bugs, thank you to report them to me.
  7. Hello, Use lua conditon, I have post sample: sample is for "Maelstrom Weapon" buff)
  8. Stack count LuaScript: returnResult = false; local name = GetSpellInfo(53817); local _, _, _, count = UnitBuff("player", name); if count and count >= 5 then returnResult = true; end Research: true Var: returnResult Replace 53817 by your spell id and "count >= 5" by your condition (count contain stack count). ps: to get buff/aura spell id you can use this script:
  9. Dump buff/aura of your character: Entrer this script in wow chat, this return name and id of spells: /run for i=1,40 do local name, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, spellId=UnitBuff("player",i); if name then local nameReal = GetSpellInfo(spellId) print(spellId.."="..name.."="..nameReal) end end
  10. Do you have try to desactivate option "Ignore fight during farm if druid form" (in advanced general settings tab "Looting and ...")? EDIT: Wait next update and tell me if your problem is resolved.
  11. Hello, I have replied here:
  12. Hello, for ice ward test this sample he works fine. Ice Ward test.xml
  13. In your lua code activate spell option "Not spell, is lua script": ps: You can also activate option on all fightclass spells in "Spell settings" "Cast if mounted" (when you cast spells wow dismount mount).
  14. Bonjour, Mettez le nom de votre appât WoD dans "Temporary bait name".
  15. Hello, I have noted your suggestion, I'll add support during next updates.
  16. Wait next update, I have added debug info, if you can try again and send me again log file please.
  17. If you can try again with the next update, this problem seem caused by Wow server but I have try to bypass it. Tell me the problem is resolved or not.
  18. Can you try to disable your antivirus, you get problem to download meshes files (DownloadThread()#1, [E] 01:15:48 - DecompressOnMemory(string filename) this files is used to generate path), without it WRobot don't works.
  19. Droidz

    Harvest Lumber Option

    Hello, I have added this option in advanced general settings, if you can wait next update and tell me if this works. Thank you.
  20. I haven't this problem, but I think it is an probleme of latency (wrobot have time to select next target before than last target loot appear). Wait next update and tell me if your problem is resolved, you can try also to increment min latency in advanced general settings tab other.
  21. How to post your log file with your topic 1 - Where you post/reply at the topic click on "Choose Files...": 2.1 - (if the bugged session of WRobot is running) You can click on button "Copy log to desktop" in tab "Log" and in next step select the log file directly on your desktop: 2.2 - Select the log(s) file(s) of bugged session(s) (you can found file(s) in WRobot folder "Logs" (to select the good log file you can sort it by date): 3 - Now your log file is added:
  22. Hello, Check in general settings if you haven't activate option "don't start fight". Try to increase number of "Max Units near" (in advanced general settings > tab Lootin and Farming options)
  23. Hello, Check if "Loot mobs" option (in tab general settings) is activated. In the log what is written when your character should loot?
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