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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. Hello, Your character has Archaelogist skill? Can you share full log file please (you can found it in "Logs" folder).
  2. Hello, Sorry I am in holiday this week sorry for the delay. Do you have try without fightclass (to check if bug is caused by fightclass)? If you can try to activate/desactivate option "Ignore fight during farm if druid form" in advanced general settings. I cannot give good support now, I end holiday this weekend I'll look this problem with more detail next week.
  3. Hello, For change pet after first capacity you can use this script: (I'll look it, but for the moment I haven't added support for use the favorites pets). Can you give me link to download PokeRotation (PQR can work with WRobot, but I ignore if PQR is yet detected by bliz).
  4. actHello, Do you have try another fightclass? http://wrobot.eu/files/category/11-druid/ What fightclass do you use currently?
  5. Hello, Currently this is not supported, you can try attached file it but I am not sure than this works. You can also try to use lua code to make timer. testVanish.xml
  6. Hello, Can you share your log file (in "Logs" folder).
  7. Hello, Do you use your own profile? If not if you can check if mobs id is in profile (mob id can change since if the profile is old). You can also check if current zone (or mobs) isn't in blacklist (go to tab Map, don't forget to activate landmark Blacklist). You can also diminished max unit hostile near (in advanced general settings). If problem is not solved, can you send me full log file (You can found it in Logs folder).
  8. Yes, with profile creator (edit your profile) or with NPC DB (in tab Tools).
  9. Hello, Read this: Don't forget to change your directx version in game (don't forget to restart wow after). If problem is not resolved send me your log please (you can found it in "Logs" folder). Thanks.
  10. Hello, I'll look for add it (currently not supported). Thanks.
  11. WRobot support last wow hotfix (Ready for wow You need only to accept WRobot update. Have a great day!
  12. WRobot support last wow hotfix (Ready for wow You need only to accept WRobot update. Have a great day!
  13. If you can try with the new wrobot update and say me if problem persists (please share your log file if problem is not resolved).
  14. Le profile "Anti Afk alone.cs" ne charge pas toutes les options du bot, utilisez le profile "Anti Afk with fight.cs". Si le problème persiste, essayez de changer le raccourci clavier de la touche (il est possible que la touche égale pose des problèmes, le bot est compatible avec les claviers azerty et qwerty ce qui peut poser des problèmes sur certaine touche spéciale si ce n'est pas les même sur les deux types de clavier).
  15. Hello, With option "Pause bot if Nearby Player" activated, you cannot ignore player by group, only player by name. To it, click on button "Player ignored" and add the name of all players at ignore (case sensitive).
  16. Hello, I found it strange. Please share your log (I'll look if I find an problem). I ignore what fightclass do you use, but you can try another fightclass. You can also try another profile (or use bot "Automaton" (works without profile)). I recommand also to add to blacklist mobs or zones which cause this bug (in tab "Tools", button "Blacklist...").
  17. Hello, Can you share your log please? For Conjure spell/water you can add it in your fightclass, or use "My macro" settings in advanced general settings.
  18. Do you have try to reinstall framework 4.0 and WRobot? You have also disabled windows firewall and windows defender? Do you have problems sometimes when you navigate on this website (page not found, ...)? Your internet connexion is stable?
  19. Hello, When you start bot, wrobot use correctly the flying mount? Do you have try to change your flying mount (in general settings) (case sensitive)?
  20. Hello, What is zone name of this profile?
  21. local DiseasesFound = 0; if not (UnitIsDead("target")) and not (IsFlying("player")) and not (IsResting("player")) and not (UnitIsAFK("player")) then --[[ refresh the Diseases on the target if there are less then 3 sec left (to be sure that it dont run out while a fight ]] local timeLeftToCastAgain = 3; local idDiseases={59879,59921} --[[ Blood Plague,Frost Fever ]] idDiseases[1]={59879,59921} --[[ Outbreak,Plague Strike ]] idDiseases[2]={77575,45462} --[[ Outbreak,Icy Touch ]] idDiseases[3]={77575,45477} local now=GetTime(); for i=1,3,1 do local spell=""; --[[local DiseaseFound=() NOT USED ]] for j=1,2,1 do spellname=GetSpellInfo(idDiseases[i][j]) local name, rank, icon, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime, unitCaster, isStealable, shouldConsolidate, spellId = UnitBuff("target",spellname); if (name==spellname) then local expireTimeLeft = expirationTime-now; DiseasesFound=idDiseases[i][j] if (expireTimeLeft < timeLeftToCastAgain) then if (IsUsableSpell(spellname)) then local start, duration, enable = GetSpellCooldown(spellname) if (duration==3) then CastSpellByName(spellname); spell=spellname; end end end break; end end if (DiseasesFound==0) then for j=1,2,1 do local spellname=GetSpellInfo(idDiseases[i][j]) if (IsUsableSpell(spellname)) then local start, duration, enable = GetSpellCooldown(spellname) if (duration==0) then CastSpellByName(spellname); spell=spellname; break; end end end end if not (spell=="") then print("Diseases: "..spell) result=true break; end end end result=(DiseasesFound>0) --[[ replace result=(diseased>0)]] Try it
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