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Everything posted by Droidz

  1. \124cFF4FF763 is for the text color, I'll look for fix this macro. I come back here after.
  2. Hello, You can also pay with skrill (moneybooker), just send me an private message but I don't accept WebMoney sorry.
  3. Bonjour, Je ne comprend pas votre question? 40 minutes gratuites de? Et vous voulez convertir quoi?
  4. Ce problème peut arriver mais que très rarement (si le joueur ce fait attaqué quand il a presque fini de ramasser). Vous pouvez désactiver l'option dans "Product settings" "Disable attack before being attacked" pour éviter ce problème. Avez-vous désactivé l'option "Detect nodes stuck" dans general settings? Si c'est le cas réactivez-la, le bot essaye peux êtres de prendre d’herbes qui ce trouve sous terre. J'ai ajouté une option dans "General settings advanced..." onglet "Other options". Pouvez-vous essayé de mettre à "Latency - Min" 300.
  5. Hello, I have added new options for pause if player nearby, if you can say me if this resolve your problem.
  6. Hello, You can look on wowwiki (by sample for spell "Mind Flay" it is written "This ability replaces Smite.")
  7. Hello, You can use lua script to use hearthstone in your quest profile: UseHearthstone.xml
  8. You need to know base of c# programming. You can get the usable commands with Visual Studio (add "robotManager.dll" and "wManager.dll" in project references).
  9. Hello, download again WRobot, extract it in same folder (replace existing files), launch Update.exe and click on button "Install or update".
  10. Hi, Thanks for your works. I have updated files delivered with Robot with your file.
  11. You can use this: http://wowpedia.org/API_UnitCreatureType The problem is that the returned value is in the language of your wow client (if add it for English wow client, this don't works with French client).
  12. Ok thanks, wait next update and tell me if problem is solved.
  13. Hello, For autoequip plugin it is planned but no date for the moment. For the talents you need to put macro in txt file in "WRobot\FightClass\Talents" but wow has changed since this feature, I haven't update it. I have noted, I'll update it.
  14. Hi, Sorry for the delay, I'll look it next week.
  15. Hello, Please share your fightclass or the name of spells at uses.
  16. Bonjour, Essayé d'ajouter les objets a ramasser dans les configuration de WRobot: Onglet "General Settings". Bouton "Enter advanced settings...". Onglet "Looting and Farming options". Dans la zone de text "Harvest object (one id by line)" ajoutez le texte: 1734 1735 1733 1732
  17. Bonjour, Pouvez vous me dire la latence que vous avez en jeu? Vous pouvez lancer ce macro dans le chat pour obtenir votre latence: /run local _, _, lagHome, lagWorld = GetNetStats(); print("Latence: " .. lagHome + lagWorld);
  18. Sample to use shortcut to activate/deactivate spells (look "_hookKeybindingsSpells"): Before WoD using System; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using robotManager.Helpful; using robotManager.Products; using wManager.Wow.Class; using wManager.Wow.Enums; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; using Timer = robotManager.Helpful.Timer; public class Main : ICustomClass { public float Range { get { return 20; } } private bool _isLaunched; private ulong _lastTarget; readonly KeyboardHook _hookKeybindingsSpells = new KeyboardHook(); private bool _spellsActivated = false; public void Initialize() // When product started, initialize and launch Fightclass { _isLaunched = true; _hookKeybindingsSpells.KeyPressed += HookSpellsKeyPressed; _hookKeybindingsSpells.RegisterHotKey(ModifierKeys.Alt, Keys.Q); Logging.Write("[My fightclass] Is initialized."); Rotation(); } private void HookSpellsKeyPressed(object sender, KeyPressedEventArgs e) { _spellsActivated = !_spellsActivated; if (_spellsActivated) Logging.Write("[My fightclass] Spells is activated."); else Logging.Write("[My fightclass] Spells is desactivated."); } public void Dispose() // When product stopped { _isLaunched = false; _hookKeybindingsSpells.Dispose(); Logging.Write("[My fightclass] Stop in progress."); } public void ShowConfiguration() // When use click on Fight class settings { MessageBox.Show("[My fightclass] No setting for this Fight Class."); } // SPELLS: public Spell SteadyShot = new Spell("Steady Shot"); // or "Arcane Shot" internal void Rotation() { if (!SteadyShot.KnownSpell) SteadyShot = new Spell("Arcane Shot"); Logging.Write("[My fightclass] Is started."); while (_isLaunched) { try { if (!Products.InPause) { if (!ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe) { BuffRotation(); if (Fight.InFight && ObjectManager.Me.Target > 0) { Pull(); CombatRotation(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.WriteError("[My fightclass] ERROR: " + e); } Thread.Sleep(10); // Pause 10 ms to reduce the CPU usage. } Logging.Write("[My fightclass] Is now stopped."); } internal void BuffRotation() { if (ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted) return; } internal void Pull() { if (ObjectManager.Me.Target == _lastTarget) return; if (ObjectManager.Target.Target != ObjectManager.Me.Guid) { _lastTarget = ObjectManager.Me.Target; } } internal void CombatRotation() { // Steady Shot or Arcane Shot if (_spellsActivated) // Alt-Q { if (SteadyShot.IsSpellUsable && SteadyShot.IsDistanceGood && SteadyShot.KnownSpell) { SteadyShot.Launch(false); return; } } } } Since WoD: using System; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using MemoryRobot; using robotManager.Helpful; using robotManager.Products; using wManager.Wow.Class; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; public class Main : ICustomClass { public float Range { get { return 20; } } private bool _isLaunched; private Int128 _lastTarget; readonly KeyboardHook _hookKeybindingsSpells = new KeyboardHook(); private bool _spellsActivated = false; public void Initialize() // When product started, initialize and launch Fightclass { _isLaunched = true; _hookKeybindingsSpells.KeyPressed += HookSpellsKeyPressed; _hookKeybindingsSpells.RegisterHotKey(ModifierKeys.Alt, Keys.Q); Logging.Write("[My fightclass] Is initialized."); Rotation(); } private void HookSpellsKeyPressed(object sender, KeyPressedEventArgs e) { _spellsActivated = !_spellsActivated; if (_spellsActivated) Logging.Write("[My fightclass] Spells is activated."); else Logging.Write("[My fightclass] Spells is desactivated."); } public void Dispose() // When product stopped { _isLaunched = false; _hookKeybindingsSpells.Dispose(); Logging.Write("[My fightclass] Stop in progress."); } public void ShowConfiguration() // When use click on Fight class settings { MessageBox.Show("[My fightclass] No setting for this Fight Class."); } // SPELLS: public Spell SteadyShot = new Spell("Steady Shot"); // or "Arcane Shot" internal void Rotation() { if (!SteadyShot.KnownSpell) SteadyShot = new Spell("Arcane Shot"); Logging.Write("[My fightclass] Is started."); while (_isLaunched) { try { if (!Products.InPause) { if (!ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe) { BuffRotation(); if (Fight.InFight && ObjectManager.Me.Target.IsNotZero()) { Pull(); CombatRotation(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.WriteError("[My fightclass] ERROR: " + e); } Thread.Sleep(10); // Pause 10 ms to reduce the CPU usage. } Logging.Write("[My fightclass] Is now stopped."); } internal void BuffRotation() { if (ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted) return; } internal void Pull() { if (ObjectManager.Me.Target == _lastTarget) return; if (ObjectManager.Target.Target != ObjectManager.Me.Guid) { _lastTarget = ObjectManager.Me.Target; } } internal void CombatRotation() { // Steady Shot or Arcane Shot if (_spellsActivated) // Alt-Q { if (SteadyShot.IsSpellUsable && SteadyShot.IsDistanceGood && SteadyShot.KnownSpell) { SteadyShot.Launch(false); return; } } } }
  19. Hello, I have looked library code and all seem good, I have try and works fine, can you test this code and tell me if this works: using System; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using robotManager.Helpful; using robotManager.Products; using wManager.Wow.Class; using wManager.Wow.Enums; using wManager.Wow.Helpers; using wManager.Wow.ObjectManager; using Timer = robotManager.Helpful.Timer; public class Main : ICustomClass { public float Range { get { return 20; } } private bool _isLaunched; private ulong _lastTarget; public void Initialize() // When product started, initialize and launch Fightclass { _isLaunched = true; Logging.Write("[My fightclass] Is initialized."); Rotation(); } public void Dispose() // When product stopped { _isLaunched = false; Logging.Write("[My fightclass] Stop in progress."); } public void ShowConfiguration() // When use click on Fight class settings { MessageBox.Show("[My fightclass] No setting for this Fight Class."); } // SPELLS: public Spell SteadyShot = new Spell("Steady Shot"); // or "Arcane Shot" internal void Rotation() { if (!SteadyShot.KnownSpell) SteadyShot = new Spell("Arcane Shot"); Logging.Write("[My fightclass] Is started."); while (_isLaunched) { try { if (!Products.InPause) { if (!ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe) { BuffRotation(); if (Fight.InFight && ObjectManager.Me.Target > 0) { Pull(); CombatRotation(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.WriteError("[My fightclass] ERROR: " + e); } Thread.Sleep(10); // Pause 10 ms to reduce the CPU usage. } Logging.Write("[My fightclass] Is now stopped."); } internal void BuffRotation() { if (ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted) return; } internal void Pull() { if (ObjectManager.Me.Target == _lastTarget) return; if (ObjectManager.Target.Target != ObjectManager.Me.Guid) { _lastTarget = ObjectManager.Me.Target; } } internal void CombatRotation() { // Steady Shot or Arcane Shot if (SteadyShot.IsSpellUsable && SteadyShot.IsDistanceGood && SteadyShot.KnownSpell) { SteadyShot.Launch(false); return; } } }
  20. Hi, I'll add this feature next week.
  21. Hello, WRobot return to the nearest position + 1 (of your profile), if the nearest position+1 is not in view, wrobot return to nearest position.
  22. Hello, it is not really an tuto, For remote WRobot you can use feature delivred with the bot (Activate option "Remote" in "Main" tab and go to this page). Or, I have create small software to share your screen (with mouse and keyboard control), you can access at your screen only with webbrowser (android, iphone, windows, mac, linux webbrowser) where you want. You can found software here. (you can also use software like teamviewer but you need to install a client to access at the screen).
  23. Bonjour, Les plugins ce trouve ici. Pour les quêtes il faut utiliser un produit (bot), ce produit ce nomme "Quester" et il est livré avec le bot. Vous pouvez sélectionner le bot quête (quester) dans l'onglet "Main" de WRobot.
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