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  1. 357 downloads

    This is only a rotation log. Single Target tanking rotation. Will dps with perfect priority and keep up shield Barrier. Will only dump rage if shield barrier is active. All other abilities are done by the Player. This is my second upload so would love some feedback. Working on Warrior Dps specs next Would like some advice on Ultimatum proc as i cant seem to get it to use HS/cleave on procs. Cheers.
  2. 290 downloads

    This is only a rotation log. AoE tanking rotation. Will dps with perfect priority and keep up shield Block. Will use shield barrier when at 50% health to give healers time to top you up Will only dump rage if shield block is active. All other abilities are done by the Player. This is my First upload so would love some feedback. Adding single target Prot warrior next. Would like some advice on Ultimatum proc as i cant seem to get it to use HS/cleave on procs. Cheers.
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