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Fight Classes - WoD

73 files

  1. WoD 6.2.4 Fightclasses PVP

    Here are some PvP Optimized Fightclasses for WoD 6.2.4, including:
    Resto Druid
    MM Hunter
    Holy Pala
    Disc Priest
    Combat Rogue
    Resto Shaman
    optimized for use in combination with the partybot, can be used for PvE aswell.


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  2. Shadow Priest

    Works for Legion prepatch, so far... Fingers crossed.
    Credits to Eeny for modifying the original way back in its first release. Credits to BetterSister for already releasing an awesome Legion profile that allowed me to figure out how to make Mind Flay work.
    Level 15- Fortress of the Mind
    level 30- Any (I use Body and Soul)
    Level 45 Any (Haven't implemented any CC due to pulling additional Mobs)
    Level 60 Void Ray- Increased Mind Flay Damage, yes please.
    Level 75 Shadowy Insight. Refreshes Mind Blast CD and makes it instant Case
    Level 90 Mind Bender- Used in this script, short cd nice little damage boost and possible damage soak.
    Level 100 Legacy of the Void-I like entering  Void Form Quicker.
    Main dots will be applied to primary target before Mind Flay or if multiple targets are present, Mind Sear is used. This allows the best damage possible from dots and flay/sear.


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  3. Paly Protection

    I am new at this, however with current meta and PvE rotation I modded the PvP build on this site to this, its more rounded and hits harder.


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  4. PIR Enhancment shaman V 0.4

    This is a profile i have tried working on, i find it to work quite well, let me know and if u have any tips on changing it i would like so feed back, thanks


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  5. [2face] Warlock Demonology AOE Farm

    This is a simple warlock demonology fight class which I'm currently using in my firelands gold farm profile. 
    It's just for farming trash by using Hellfire, Hand of Gul'Dan, and for single mobs it uses corruption and soul fire.
    The pet it uses is the Voidlord, make sure you turn off it's damaging attacks(only activate taunts and put it on assist). So it wont steal your kills, but still absorbs damage, by taunting them.
    If the mobs you are farming are too weak and die by autoattacks from the voidlord, then you should turn it into passive mode.
    Also added an option to turn on/off Shadowfury(Mobs might be immune in dungeons to stuns) and Dark regeneration.


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  6. Retribution 6.2

    Pulls 30-50k dps in LFR with ilvl 680 gear depending on your buffs. Also includes the crate script for archaeology. Only issues with it right now is that it won't cast flash on yourself with 3 stacks of selfless healer and it doesn't seem to want to interrupt with rebuke. Might take a look at the other fight classes to figure out why that's happening, but aside from those 2 issues this has been working fine for me.


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  7. Balance druid TBC - DMG rotation/healing on low health

    I just made an easy fightingclass after a lot of trial and error, and wanted to share with you guys, so that you dont have to go through the same hazzle that I did.
    This fightingclass does starfire prioritized before Wrath because of mana sustainabiliy, but it doesn't do it if there is 2 or more mobs aggroed in your range, due to the pushback on the cast.
    It has moonkin form.
    Keeps both moonfire and insect swarm up at all times.
    It uses barkskin whenever taking damage.
    Casts rejuv on 80% hp, to keep you alive. 
    Also casts regrowth at 30% hp i think.



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  8. Blood DK Waldo Edited Pasterke

    Pasterke made a great Blood DK fight class.  I wanted to start making it more efficient with Soul Reaper, when to use Death Strike and how often, Outbreak for the glyph of outbreak, etc.  Basically I just wanted to tweak this fight profile as much as I possibly could, according to Icy-Veins, Elitist Jerks, and real time in game combat to reflect a DK in a raid situation; therefore this fight class can be used universally, that is, open world farming, dungeons, etc (hopefully, that is my goal anyway) and provide maximum survivability and damage output.  I have not been able to test this on a level 100 yet, especially not in Tanaan or anywhere outside of the Frostridge area on anything higher than level 94 or so, so I am looking for some mates to help by using it in open world on their level 100 DK and making sure Soul Reaper casts, making sure Defile (as opposed to DnD) and Death Coil, etc work correctly, as my character kills things before the conditions for these abilities are met.  Any and all feedback, encouragement, criticism is welcome, anything I can do to make this more efficient, I will!  Thanks!  -Waldo


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  9. Firemage PVP/PVE

    My very first Fight Class. This is for PVP firemage. no certain talents are needed.....Yet 
    im currently working on Blast Wave and Dragon's Breath
    Also AOE Spells are in the works
    This fight class works great for both PVP and PVE 


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  10. Beastmaster Fight Class

    This is my own Hunter Class.
    Still leveling my hunter, but 100 level talent shoud be Adaption by default and that's a passive buff.
    Be sure to look at the settings before starting the bot.
    Misdirection will be used on pet by default, but if you have a focused target, it will be used on focused target.
    If you have Aspect of the Cheetah/Pack on, it will be auto disable when you enter combat. In LFR, it will be never yours that's on :)
    Like I said, I'm still leveling my hunter and maybe I need todo some changes, and when I do it, I will upload the new version. Checking for new version recommended :)
    I also want some feedback to make it better with your suggestions.
    Try it out and have fun :)
    Fixed a bug that closed Wrobot when leveling up with Automaton.
    Fixed some minor problems.


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  11. Druid Guardian

    Druid Guardian Fight Class
    Needed talents are in the settings form.
    Be sure to look at the settings before you launch the routine !
    Enjoy :)


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  12. Druid Resto FightClass WoD 6.2.x

    Druid Healing Routine.
    Recommended Talents : ysera's Gift, Soul of the Forest, Nature's Vigil, Germination.
    Open settings to set your spells by 1st use.
    Enjoy :)


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  13. Monk WindWalker

    Bonjour, Voici ma première version de la fightclass Moine Marche-vent.
    C'est même ma première fightclass complète. Elle est fonctionnelle, par contre je n'ai pas encore intégrer le système d'options. Cela viendra à la prochaine update.
    Merci de me faire un retour sur vos test. 
    Je l'ai déjà testé de mon côté mais nous ne sommes jamais à l'abri d'une mauvaise config quelque part.
    A bientôt,


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  14. Retriwep

    Hello i just made my first fight class om my 60 pally.
    Need 2 fixes 
    1 Every Man for Himself use on stunned
    2 Hand of Reckoning on pull
    But els works good, Will use Seal of Command,Judgement of wisdom,Crusader strike, Exorcism on The art of war proc, Hammer of Wrath <20% less hp Consecration over 80% mana Self heal and Divine Protection
    Will Update it along when i levling.


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  15. Ket's Arms Warrior - PVP

    Another Warrior profile this time Arms spec
    Personal favourite of mine at the moment, this spec will run a train on anyone - geared correctly and your warrior will destroy most enemies in seconds.
    leave a like, review, comment and star the shit out of this.


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  16. Kete's Fury Warrior - PVP

    Back again with another profile this time my Fury Warrior
    had this one going for a few months now but thought i should share it
    most beneficial for geared (in at least blue 700 ilvl gear) fury warriors you will run a train through the enemy.
    if you download it and you enjoy please leave a review or at least star it up - as always feel free to leave your comments.


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  17. Disc Priest

    Discipline Priest Healing && Dps fightclass.
    For the moment, here a basic healing routine.
    I tested it out completely in Proving Grounds and with ilvl 614 it was quiet easy to get silver.
    How to use this routine ?
    There are 2 rotations, healing and dps.
    As soon you enter a party, the fightclass will auto switch to the healing routine.
    Word about atonement.
    It's very simple, you should not use it. The time of MoP smite priests is gone. 
    The main goal of a healer is to heal, not to dps !
    If you want to use it, feel free, the posiblility is there.
    If you use it and your mana is below 75% he will auto disable atonement.
    If you are in a party with more than 5 players, then you can't use atonement at all.
    Recommend Glyphs : Holy Fire, Reflective Shield, Penance.
    Recommended Talents : Desperate prayer - Body and Soul - Power Word: Solace (you should realy have this one) - cascade - words of mending
    Power Word: Solace is a great talent to get mana back, much better than mindbender. Cooldown is 10 sec and you never loose your mana generation, because 
    you get your mana back as soon you cast it.
    With mindbender, the chance is that the target dies before you get your fully mana refunded.
    Power Word: Barrier is not in te rotation. Use it when you want or when raid leader told you when to use it.
    There are more things to add, but for the moment the healing routine does his work.


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  18. Blood DK PvE WoD 6.2.3

    After been banned again for 6 months with other bot, I will put some time in this one.
    No many ban reports here, so maybe it's safer :)
    As i'm playing DK, 1st thing I did is wrote a DK Blood Routine to fill my needs, and I want to share it with you :)
    Don't use Plague Leech as long you don't have Outbreak skill.
    As this is a tank routine I advice to take those talents :
    Plague Leech (see comment above)
    Blood Tap
    Death Pact
    Best Glyphs : Blood Boil, Outbreak
    Be sure to look at the settings before starting the bot.
    Added HotKey to use Cooldowns. (todo: activate trinkets with cooldown hotkey)
    New functions !
    I added my own movement to the fightclass. Be sure to disable manage character movement in the general settings!
    If you want movement, enable it in the fightclass settings.
    Why my own settings ?
    Simple, now you can move away from your target if you need (eg. ground effects, waiting for spellcast to finish ....)
    In the settings you can specify your movement keys. As soon you hold down a movement key, as long you hold the key down, the bot wil move in the direction of the pressed key.
    If you need to stand still a little bit until the target comes to you or you need to wait for the target to finish a spellcast (eg. 1st boss in cata dungeon Black Rock, where you need to stay away from boss, after chains are broken), just hold down the right mouse button.
    As long you hold the right mouse button down, the bot will not move.


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  19. Holy Paladin

    This is a Holy Paladin Custom Class especially made for leveling by healing in dungeons (party mode).
    The code is highly based on Pasterke's Druid Restoration Heal Routine and AudreyH's Holy Paladin Fight Class.
    The currently used talents are Sacred Shield & Holy Prism, and no specific glyphs are needed.
    The class is not intended to be used above level 90 or in battlegrounds and was therefor not tested.
    All spells need to be configured before the class can be used, all options are deactivated by default.
    Configuration Tips:
    Product Settings for Party Mode Healer: ON (not necessary) Follow distance: 7 (should be between 5 & 10) General Settings Any harvesting and looting should be OFF Close bot if teleported: OFF (needs to be off for Dungeons) Fight Class Settings explenations:
    Auto Interrupt : interrupt enemies spells (might not work atm) Follow Tank : Follows the tank while being in fight Use Attack Spells : Attacks the partys targets with Judgement, Hammer of Wrath and Denounce (makes healing and movement slower) "Healing skill" HP% : Cast "Healing skill" on party members with health equal or below to value % "Group healing skill" HP% : Cast "Group healing skill" when amnount of players health is below value % "Group healing skill" Players : Amount of players whith health below % Redemption on : Select what type of partymembers to revive This fightclass is not a final version, there's many stuff that can be improved or added - any questions, help or ideas are welcome!
    Stuff which I want to add:
    Cleanse, Execution Sentence, better attacking (healer should never pull mobs ^^) , better heal rotation, support for lvl100
    Last but not least:
    DON'T use this Class in dungeons while being AFK - movement in dungeons is pretty messy


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  20. Frost DK PVP

    Hi All,
    this time i've got my PVP frost DK Fight Class - can also be used for PVE content (doesn't fair to bad in raids either)
    Talents are in the pic attached.
    please leave a like, review or comment


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  21. Guardian Druid V.1

    Hi All,
    Back again with another tanking profile this time the Guardian Druid
    I've tried to minimize the auto attack on this as much as possible - to avoid the dps loss from tooth and claw debuff on target.
    Talents are in the pic attached.
    please leave a like, review or comment


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  22. AxeholesFuryWarrior_1

    This is one of  a few I have, if you guys find it decent I'll upload more classes and specs.
    Sept 30, 2015 - Update
    As I forgot to give everyone my talent list that I used for the creation of this profile, here it is.
    15 - Double Time
    30 - Impending Victory
    45 - Sudden Death
    60 - Storm Bolt 
    75 - NA
    90 - Bloodbath/Avatar (user preference)
    100 - Seigebreaker (this will be switching to Anger Management on the next release when I smooth out the timing/rage efficiency, as it provides the greatest potential DPS output) 
    I have finished the following using this Profile as a rotation:
    - All Looking for Group dungeons AS dps.
    - All of Highmaul in Looking for Raid AS dps
    - created custom farming profiles using this as the fight class.
    Ps. Helpful tips/suggestions are always welcome


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  23. Brewmaster Monk V 1.0

    Hi All,
    please see talent tree attached.
    this is my first fight class, fully created in the fight class editor (no skill as of yet with C sharp programming) my buddy Botnut (props mate) helped me out with the tweaking and testing.
    we've both been running it tonight and have no problems staying alive with 5-6 to elite mobs in throne of kil'jaeden using just Wrotation.
    give it a shot see how you guys like it, please leave comments and feedback its appreciated.
    Cheers all


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  24. Axeholes_Assassination_Rogue_1_0_3

    This is also an early release of the assassination rogue fight class that will be part of my 3 pack zip file.  This is pre-release so everything is not perfect.
    This uses Cloak and Dagger and I would recommend use for farming or grinding.  I have used it in pvp with success but it hasn't been tweeked enough for that.
    PLEASE leave feedback and suggestions so I can make improvements 


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  25. Axeholes_Sub_Rogue

    This is an early release on a subtlety rogue.  This build DOES have cloak and dagger.  I plan on releasing a three class full build on rogue later this month.


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