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File Reviews posted by DarkShado

  1. Doesn't work all it does is walk from Stonard to Blasted Lands and then just sits there once it

    gets inside the zone. The profile doesn't work.

    I am using the latest version of Wrobot at the time for today Aug 30 2024

    being 2.8.0 (26869)


    Profile walks from Stonard fine and gets you into Blasted Lands then just sits there

    I looked at the map and that appears to be the full route.  Profile needs lots of

    work and is bad and doesn't do much of anything.


    Wholesome Dungeon Crawler 1.0.0 is throwing an error when you go into the plugins and and then try  and turn it on.

    I am  running the latest version of WROBOT 2.8.0 This is as of July 14 2024  this is the latest version.

    The error is very long a screenshot of the error can be seen at https://ibb.co/QMwLjgn

    This plugin does not appear to be functioning with WROBOT 2.8.0 which is the latest version and

    needs to be fixed.

    Wholesome Dungeon Crawler Error July 14 2024.png

  3. This doesn't work running wrobot 2.8.0 (26869) which is the latest version

    as of July 14 2024.


    When you go to start the grinding profile you get the following error


    15:47:51.015 - [Memory] Select game process: 9424 - Ful...
    15:47:55.328 - [Grinder] Loaded
    15:47:55.788 - [SpellManager] Initializing SpellBook - (Wait few seconds)
    15:47:55.808 - [SpellManager] Initialize SpellBook Finished (95 spell found)
    15:47:55.813 - [SpellManager] Please wait, loading spellbook...
    15:47:55.866 - [SpellManager] Spellbook loaded.
    [E] 15:48:09.494 - Grinder > Bot > Bot  > Pulse(): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at Grinder.Bot.Bot.Pulse()
    15:48:09.494 - [Grinder] Failed to start


    This doesn't work and needs to be fixed don't waste your time with this because it will not work with the latest version and

    doesn't appear that it has been updated since 2018.  Obviously the bot has changed and this script hasn't

    been updated.


    I was using Eeny's Horde Vanilla+BC V10\Alternate Files(test-demo)\[24-27] Moonwell Ashenvale.xml


    I have tried other ones too in this pack and got the same error.  This is outdated and will not

    work with the latest version of WROBOT.

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