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Grinder - Vanilla

23 files

  1. [H] Grind Revantusk Village The Hinterlands 43 - 50

    So this is my first attempt at making a profile so be nice to me.
    This profile was tested with WRobot 2.8.0 (26869) and was tested with a Horde
    character only. 
    This is a grind profile to go from level 44 to approximately level 50 I am using it to get from
    this range and it worked fine.
    This profile was run on a 3.3.5a server Wrath of the Lich King Server which is
    "blizz like".
    The mobs here range from about 44 to 51 there is a mini boss at the back of this profile
    which is a turtle that is level 51.
    I have run this profile for several hours now and it is working great I started at level
    43  and I am going up to 50 using this profile.
    You start off in Revantusk in the Hinterlands in the Eastern Kindoms.
    It is also good for harvesting Thick levels as well off of the Saltwater Snapjaws
    here as well.
    It is also good for harvesting Zesty Clam Meat as well from the big mouth clams as well.
    you will also randomly get Golden pearls Iridescent Pearls and Black Pearls randomly
    from the big mouth clams as well.
    I would recommend the plugin SwimUp or another anti-drown plugin because this profile will
    take you into the water.
    I am running [Free] Air Breather(Swimming) 1.0.0 and it is working great with this
    profile.  You can get this plugin on the authors page bellow.
    Please do not post any issues with [Free] Air Breather(Swimming) 1.0.0  here as it is not my plugin.
    I am just running this plugin.
    I hope you enjoy the profile it has worked great for me so far.


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  2. (FREE) Alterac Yetis 32 - 38

    Created this file as I perceive it as a good spot farming money/greens w/o having too much stuff into bags.
    Vendor/repair linked for alliance fraction in Southshore.
    Testing and realized it´s quite a calm spot, rarely pulling 2 mobs, so it´s quite easy to farm. Mining can also be used as there´re some mining spots within these area.


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  3. [AH] [Quest] 1-60 Dynamic grinder

    This is a grinder profile with a slightly different take. It will automatically pick mobs to grind based on player level and location. 
    The idea is that you can take any character at any level at any location in the world and it will try to grind at the nearest relevant location.
    The profile looks at the following wrobot settings to exclude certain mobs:
    -Start fighting with Elite (Grind elite mobs)
    -Ignore fights with players (Don't grind pvp-flagged mobs)
    -Skip nodes in Water (Don't fight mobs underwater)
    The profile uses two components that interact with each other to create this effect.
    [General Grinder]
    This is a single grinderquest that when reset will combine the hotspots and entries of other grinderquests in the profile. It will run for a single level after which it is possible to run other logic, quests or restart the profile. 
    It will select other grinderquests based on a min-max level range of 2 above and below the player and looks at the CanConditions. It then selects the closest hotspot and creates a path with at most 1000 distance between the last hotspot of the current quest and the first of the next. The path is limited to 100 quests.
    All this can be simply modified in the Csharp code of the general grinder quest.
    [Mobgroup profiles]
    The profile comes with complete set of grinderquests for each mob group in vanilla. All mobs are grouped by being at most 120 distance from each other and the center-most mob is used as hotspot. Each quest has relevant CanConditions based on continent, elite, pvp and underwater. 


       (2 reviews)



  4. [A] [Quest] 1-60 grinder

    Tested and stable WRobot grind profile for Alliance on private servers.
    The Zip includes 1-60 Vanilla and 1-70 TBC Alliance grinding packs. Built on Elysium Vanilla and Warmane TBC. Also includes recommended WRobot plug-ins for leveling.
    The Alliance profile is split into 2 parts 1-45 and 25-60.  At some point you will need to move the bot dependant on level- when you do it is up to you (you have 20 levels to decide.  A third profile is added for 58-70 in TBC.
    Leveling paths:
    Vanilla 1-45
    1-6 Northshire 
    6-14 Elwynn
    14-19 Westfall 
    19-22 Redridge 
    22-32 Duskwood. 
    32-36 STV
    36-45 Swamp of sorrows

    Vanilla 25-60
    25-31 Wetlands
    31-37 Arathi
    37-43 Badlands
    43-51 hunterlans
    51-55 WPL
    55-60 EPL
    While this profile is 99% grind- you will still need to load it as a quest profile.

    The profiles favour quiet grind spots with mainly beasts being the target. I have made gradual mobs changes so you wont see any massive jumps in death / mob difficulty as the profile goes on.
    A Second grind path is included that will also target humanoids for those bots who need cloth.  However these spots may have more players than the 'normal' grind profile which favor quiet spots- you are able to freely swap between profiles as they follow similar paths.


       (6 reviews)



  5. [H] [Quest] 1-60 grinder

    Eeny's Vanilla Levelling Pack Version 10
    Tested, reliable and stable WRobot Levelling profile pack for Horde on private servers.
    The Demo is a 1-6 quester - Valley of trials.  After which it will load the grinder.
    The Zip includes 1-60 Vanilla and 1-70 TBC Horde grinding packs, along with 1-25 Quester for Orc / Troll and start zones for Tauren + Undead.
    The files are built Built on Elysium, lighthope and Northdale Vanilla and Warmane TBC. Also includes recommended WRobot plug-ins for levelling
    1-60 Main Grinder file paths:
    1-6 Valley of trials 
    6-12 Durotar. 
    12-26 Barrens, 
    26-32 Ashenvale. 
    32-41 Desolace. 
    41- 46 Feralas 
    46-51 Tanaris. 
    51-55 Un-goro 
    55-60 Silithus 
    1-25 Quester file path
    1-6 Valley of trials
    6-12 Durotar / Tirisfal Glades
    12-20 Barrens
    20-25 Barrens / STM / Ashenvale

    There is also the Alternate file section which contains over 100 files including support for Tauren + Undead start zones to make your bots levelling unique. Each level 1-60 has 3-5 different options for levelling

    The profiles favour quiet grind spots with mainly beasts being the target.  A Second main line grind path is included that will also target humanoids for those bots who need cloth.  You are able to freely swap between profiles as they follow similar paths.
    The new V10 file has runcode added.  Once your bot is finished with a zone the runcode will walk it to the next zone, talk to the flight master, set hearthstone and begin grinding in the new zone.  Will also purchase gear dependant on the class.


       (11 reviews)



  6. [EasyBeasts] 44-50 Grinder - Searing Gorge - Vanilla to WotlK

    Part of the EasyBeasts series, this takes advantage of the large space between mobs to make it rare that you will pull too many mobs. Especially useful for a weak leveling class. It will occasionally pull golems, elementals and the few humanoid mobs outside the cave but they are usually not grouped with other mobs making it relatively safe. 
    Please comment if any issues. 


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  7. [EasyBeasts] 35-40 Grinder - STV Mixed Beasts - Vanilla to WotlK

    This is the next step to my Nesingwarys camp beasts 28-35 -- It will grind very close to the previous route and use the same vendor but will instead level on the 33-36 mobs to grind you to level 40. The beasts in this area are great for leveling as they are so spaced out that you aren't pulling extra mobs. The vendors are set for alliance, you can still use this for horde provided you have humanmasterplugin and have the vendor override option on. 
    If you see any problems feel free to comment or message. 


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  8. [EasyBeasts] 28-35 Grinder - Nesingwary Camp - Vanilla to WotlK

    I couldn't find a good profile for this level range so I made this grinder which will follow a set path near the Nesingwary camp and grind the beasts. It should work with any client up to Wrath of the Lich King, AFAIK. Please report any issues though. 
    This profile is great for weak solo classes as the beasts are far enough apart so they don't pull multiple mobs; it also kills two birds with one stone as you can leave it to do the first Nesingwary quests!
    Hope you like it, have fun. 
    FYI it works with Vanilla, TBC and WotLK clients. 


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  9. Jungle Stalkers 40-45

    Just a simple script for grinding raptors behind Arena in STV


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  10. [FREE] [A] - Westfall level 9-15 Grinder

    <WESTFALL Level 9-15 GRINDER> 
    This grinder takes a slower, but in my opinion, safer route. It goes in a large circle, and targets Riverpaw Gnolls and Mechanical Golems in the north, Boars, Vultures, Red Defias and Coyotes, in levels 9-14 
    Don't forget a good fighting class!
    Has vendor options in both Westbrook Garrison and Sentinell Hill, will pick the closest. Great for characters with the Skinning Profession, aswell as Herbalism. Avoids busy quest areas for quests like "Killing Fields" and similar.


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  11. [FREE] [A] - Elven Start (Shadowglen + Teldrassil + Darkshore) - Level 1-22 Grinder

    The elven starting area is probably the least used area, and therefore most safe place to bot, I wondered why there wasn't any grinder profiles, so I've made my own.
    Don't forget a good fighting class!
    Has all class trainer locations for both Shadowglen and Teldrassil ~ You can use autotrain (Includes Cooking, Firstaid, Herbalism and Alchemy trainers) - Trainers not included in Darkshore and beyond Has a vendor/repair location for Shadowglen, Teldrassil and Darkshore ~ You can use Selling Loot Level 1-6 in roughly (+/-) 1 hour 20 minutes ~ Slower, but safer 1-6 grind through neutral mobs, no deaths. Takes advantage of Neutral Owls in Teldrassil, and Foreststriders in Darkshore for safer grinding. Great profiles for Skinner's and Herbalist's! Avoids quest hotspots, making detection less likely Grinding to level 11-12 is possible with the level 6-10 grinder , but will take a while There will be another grinding profile for level 22+ in Ashenvale, but it will be a while. I recommend you set wrobots "Looting and Farming options" to Max 1 Unit near and Search Radius to 200 - There are furbolg camps around the place in Teldrassil, that can get quite messy. (Unless you're confident in your toon's ability to handle 2-3 mobs at a time)
    I also recommend you take the first few quests in Shadowglen you can find, specifically the kill quest, as this Grinder targets the quest mobs, and do the followup, which will give you a new weapon, and will help your grinder.
    The profiles are split up, to make levelling up more efficient. and minimize downtime due to deaths etc.
    As with any Grinder, make sure to keep your equipment updated, it will make the grind go faster and be more efficient.


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  12. [FREE] [A] - Human Start (Northshire Valley) - Level 1-6 Grinder

    Slower but safer Grinder route through the Human start zone.
    Don't forget a good fighting class!
    Has all class trainer locations ~ You can use autotrain Has a vendor/repair location ~ You can use Selling Loot and buy food/drink Level 1-6 Will include a level 6-10 grinder at a later date I recommend you take the first few kill quests, especially so, if you dont have an alt that can feed the bot with new equipment, as you'll get a new weapon.
    I also recommend you complete quests in EVERY area you go to. If you get reported by a player and a GM looks at your profile, he can see you've got no quests completed, which is almost a dead giveaway. So make sure to complete at least a few quests in each area.
    Personally, I let the grinder grind to the max level for the area, sometimes +1 level, and then run around completing the least annoying / straightforward quests and the quests which I know gives good equipment - An example would be the Defias questline in Westfall, to get the Instance Quest to kill Van Cleef. 


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  13. [1.12/Vanilla] Exuals Northdale Horde 1-30 Kit

    Exuals Northdale Horde 1-30 Kit
    25 top quality, hand crafted, grinding profiles created by extensive database searching for optimal mobs based off level range, quest objectives nearby, pack density, neutrality, armor, value, PvP etc
    13 quests in Stonetalon mountains for making accounts seem more realistic.
    Contains a hunter fightclass updated to handle Vanilla & overpopulated servers, adequately can handle multiple mob pulls, scare beast, feign death, etc. Based off Eeny's hunter fightclass, shout out to him.
    and a plugin that opens crab shells, it's nice.
    All tested by myself on Northdale during 12k+ population prime times, these were made to avoid the packs of bots and players/pvpers
    Some loops it has:


    Install instructions if you need, I hope you don't, are in the readme


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  14. [Free] Horde 12-20 Grinder.

    Hey guys this is a barrens grinder, just play it somewhere in the barrens and let it play through, please make sure you have a decent fight class and any bugs let me know thanks.


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  15. Alliance grind Westfall 10-21lvl

    10 - 21lvling gring profile with repair. 
    Have fun.


       (2 reviews)



  16. Stranglethorn Vale 35-38(39)

    So i make a lot of profiles (for my own use) 

    BUT. I would just like to share profiles that works great for me.

    This is just a REALLY simple grinding profile (for lvling) and the bobs are 36-37-38. 

    The bots move in a quiet small area and the mobs is not (really) close by, that means its low risk for aggro 2 mobs at the same time.

    BUT, just keep in minde use it safe, its a small area, and ppl would run by some times.

    I will share a lot more profiles in the future but have to start somewhere. :) 

    //Best regards Conne2 


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  17. Duskwood 18-32 Profiles

    Some random grinding profiles i made for grinding in Duskwood.
    These are quest mobs so pay attention when using on busy servers.


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  18. [Vanilla] Dwarf/Gnome grinder levels 1-10

    This profile is for dwarves and gnomes starting zone and is separated into two sections (because of vendor/repair and class trainer locations).
    The first section is for levels 1-6 in Coldridge valley. It includes the imp quest for gnome warlocks. If you are NOT a warlock, you need to disable the steps to pickup, pulse and turnin for the quest Beginnings. Like so:

    The second section is for levels 6-10. Trainers and repair are in Kharanos.
    P.S. If you are a gnome warlock, your voidwalker quest is in the Slaughtered Lamb in Stormwind (Mage Quarter). So you might as well go there and continue as you would a human after that.
    P.P.S. Gnome master race


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  19. human 1 -60 grind

    Turn off the auto train in settings it's set to fly back to SW every 6 levels or so to train, use follow paths and multi swap grinds. Right now it's in a test state since just merged them together and changed how PF work, so issue are prone. Oh yeah please run it in the quester bot.
    I might remove the training portion if proves to be an issue let me know if it is. The other thing is if I do it will still be set to learn Flight Paths just not use em, Also I recommend dungeons/ ah for gear and training every 6 levels manually.
    At 56 on a lock no real issues yet more grind paths to come to it and the questing bot is on hold for a few reasons atm. 1- 13 to be questing portion added later!
    I have next to no time to work on this anymore, but had plans to remove training parts and add in corrections for grind spots. Please just turn off the steps for training around 30 or keep em, but corrections are needed for 30  SW training.


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  20. Different profiles used for testing ^^

    Just some profiles I've made for testing purposes :)


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  21. Surf Glider South Tanaris [48-54]

    hey, this ist Land´s End Beach in south Tanaris
    You must use Lootfilter and
    Big-mouth Clam
    Moon Harvest Pumpkin
    Raw Spotted Yellowtail
    Turtle Meat
    Turtle Scale
    Zesty Clam Meat
    enter to delete. Otherwise, your pockets are too full. Everything else is gray there is a lot of money (approximately 9-11 Gold/hr)  This is my first version lvl 48-54


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  22. Tanaris 48 - 51

    Worked better at 49, but is decent for 48 and I'm sorry for taking so long to release something new.


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  23. Tanaris 45 - 48 [N]

    This was made with the grind bot, so run it there, also it's set to use hotspots


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