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Posts posted by DarkShado

  1. Ok well it is working better when I sent the food and drink in the advanced settings to 70 to 95% 

    and I am using just food and drink in there no spells.

    no spells and It seems to make a difference when I don't use my travel forum as my mount

    either.  It seems to work better when that is off as well.

    So don't use the druid Travel Form as your ground mount either and then it seems to stop.

    I should be able to use my Travel Form as my mount  but if I do the bot doesn't stop then.


    I still believe this is something to look into If you set it up the way i do it works better

    but I mean why doesn't it work with the food and drink set to 70% to 95%


    So if anyone else is having this problem with a Druid on 3.3.5a set it up this way


    1. Set your food and drink range from 70% to 95% for both.

    2. Put in just an actual food and drink name in there for each one don't use a spell like

        Healing Touch like I did before.  Just use actual food and actual drink and have

        enough in your inventory I have 60 drink and 40 food you can get what ever amount

         you think you will need just leave some space.


    3.  Turn off the ground mount and don't use your travel form as a ground mount

          I have not tried it using my gray Kodo yet.  I can't confirm if that will work or not.


    Hopefully if there are any other Druids on a 3.3.5a (Wrath of the Lich King) server

    that is having the same problem this will will help you.


    I still think this setup should work but it doesn't and needs to be looked into

    more with Druids using Wrobot.


    Oh I am using the latest version of wrobot at this time as of Aug 6 2024

    2.8.0 (26869)


    Hopefully this helps other druids out there too.

  2. 11 hours ago, Droidz said:


    It looks like there might be a misunderstanding in how the food and drink settings are configured in WRobot. Currently, you have both set to activate when your health or mana is at 1% and to stop when it reaches 90%. This setting is not effective because it's waiting until your health or mana is almost completely depleted before beginning regeneration, which is why the bot is not stopping to heal or drink as expected.

    A more effective setting would be to adjust the ranges to something like 70% to 95%. This means the bot will start the regeneration process when your health or mana falls below 70% and will continue until it reaches 95%. This ensures that the bot heals and replenishes mana more proactively, avoiding situations where you enter the next fight with insufficient health or mana. Try adjusting these settings and see if the bot performs better.

    See my post above this was done for testing purposes. 

  3. I only did that to test it and that didn't even work basically with that setting should be drinking constantly again this was done just

    for TESTING purposes. With the settings set to 1 to 95%  it should have drank down all of my drinks and ate all of my food

    immediately and with those settings but it didn't  again this was done only for testing purposes.


    Basically it never used any of the dinks or food at all.  So again there is a bug here with the bot.

    It isn't the settings I can set it to 70 - 90%  and basically it won't do anything and won't use any of the

    potions again.  Aagin this was done only for testing purposes setting it to 1 to 90% basically the bot is

    not eating or drinking at all I was trying to force it to use the food and drink and it still didn't do it! 

    So yes there is a bug here!


    With the settings set 1 to 95% it should have ate all the food immediately and drank everything I had

    for the drinks immediatley and it didn't with the settings of 1 to 90%  but it didn't use any of them.


    So explain that? because it should have used up everything very fast soon as it dropped bellow 90%

    and when it was in the range of 1% to 90% it should have kept eating and drinking but it didn't

    do anything. It used no food or drink.  I intentionally did this to test the bot and it failed.


    I sat here and watched my health and mana go bellow 90% and the bot did nothing it didn't

    drink any drinks and ate no food it just ran to the next mob and kept killing stuff even with

    low mana and low health.  Even though my health may be at like 50% and my mana is almost

    depleted maybe 15%.


    Once again please look into this and fix the bot!


  4. Ok I am utterly disappointed with this bot so far this is just horrible.

    The bot won't heal me after a fight instead it runs to the next fight and starts

    attacking another mob.


    And before you say Attack before being attacked is on and to turn it off

    it is already OFF!


    Under Advanced Settings on the food / drink tab not an item is a spell is checked

    and I have Healing Touch in the box. Now I have tried with food as well I bought

    some food and put it in my inventory and then unchecked not an item is spell and

    put the name of the food in there and it still didn't work!  It just ran to the next fight

    and attacked another mob without healing.


    The same goes with Mana as well it isn't drinking my drink that I have in my

    inventory either. I have lots of both in my inventory too.

    Under the Advanced Settings on the Food / Drink Tab it is setup

    so that the range is 1 to 99%  for Food

    And for Drink it is 1 to 80%

    And it isn't a fight class issue either because I have tried multiple fight classes for druid feral

    and they all seem to do the same they are not healing! I am so sick of this!


    This is on a 3.3.5a (Wrath of the Lich King - WOLK) server that is a vanila 1x

    I have tried this with a grind profile and as well as a quester profile and different

    quester and grind profiles and it does it with different profiles too. It doesn't seem

    to matter if I use a different quester profile or different grinder profile it still does

    it!  This is just maddening!


    I am so sick of this bot! it doesn't work worth crap!

    I am a Feral Druid. This bot needs a LOT of work.  It does not work well at all and doesn't

    function properly!  The bot is setup right and all I have had since I got this bot is problems

    with it healing itself and drink my drinks!  I am tired of this!


    As I said attack before being attacked is OFF.

    Also under the advanced settings on the looting and farming options tab

    "Looting and harvest in range before regen" is UNCHECKED.


    General settings for wrobot can be seen at



    And even with NO Wrobot plugins and NO addons enabled in Wow it still doesn't stop and

    heal itself after a fight I already tried that.  I also did NO fight class as well.

    I saw in another post on the forums where droidz told some one to do this.

    So droidz can't come here and tell me to do that because I have already

    did this and it did not help I watched it drop bellow 99% and it didn't even

    stop. I had my food set to 1 to 99 I believe.  It didn't even stop to heal it just ran

    to the next monster or herb and kept on attacking with out using my spell.


    The bot is running with full admin rights on Windows 10 Pro here.


    Even if I disable ground monut in the advanced setting and remove

    all ground mounts from the settings it still doesn't stop and heal up.

    So even if I don't use my "travel form" as a druid it still doesn' work



    I have even tried using Mutton Chop for food and Melon Juice for Drink

    and disabling using spell. And it STILL doesn't stop and eat and drink when

    your health and  mana are low! My mana goes well bellow 90% probably closer to

    30 to 40% and it just keeps running and never stops!




    You are not dealing with your average end user here I am a trained

    IT professional myself and trained network admin.

    I mean I am trying everything here to troubleshoot this and

    I am quickly coming to the conculsion that there is an issue

    with the BOT.


    This bot is BROKEN! beyond belief!


    Again this is Wow 3.3.5a server.


    Looks like I am not the only one that has had this issue a post from back in 2018 by another person

    complaining of the SAME thing!




    Fix your bot.


    I have even totally removed the WHOLE bot and reinstalled it a brand new fresh

    install. I backed up my FlightClass, Profiles and Plugins Directories to another location.


    I ran the updater.exe in an EMPTY directory there was NOTHING in there it was

    like I was doing a fresh install.  I have the latest version of the bot too


    And did a totally FRESH install and still the same problem still exists!  This is

    most definately a BOT issue!


    A pissed off user

    6 Aug 2024 01H05.log.html

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