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  1. Ahhh, thanks Loki
  2. Farm as in till the soil, plant seeds and harvest.
  3. Hi guys, I am looking to make a custom profile that will farm Sunsong Ranchfor me. I have seen this function in other bots and was wondering if it was possible with WRobot. Thanks for all your input...
  4. Okay, I have figured it out... Open tracker.. hit start... add "open" and it will mark all dark soil patches on the map. Happy farming! :)
  5. Nice! I will try the "chest" setting within tracker and see... I know it can track them because while it farms herbs it also farms dark soil. Lastly, I noticed many profiles that say blacklisted "dark soil" ... Gonna give it a go with the idea that it is a "chest".. WIll report back with settings that work.
  6. Hi, does anyone know how to set the tracker to show Dark Soil on the minimap?
  7. Hello and thanks for taking the time to read this post. I am new to this bot and have purchased a 1 year subscription. When pvping, I noticed that my toon sometimes walks to the edge of a cliff after rezzing before mounting. Is this normal? Moreover, my toon seems to walk to the same exact place every time. My other issue is how the bow seems to spin while attacking. I am a hunter and I want it to be more fluid... I feel there needs to be more strafing and backing up...Lastly and along the same lines, the spinning seems to be crazy fast! Like if a combat rogue does his dance, bouncing from person to person and he is my target, then I will spin crazy fast and seemingly look like a bot. Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated.
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