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  1. i see a lot of other people (which i know they're botting) using the sky golem without it stopping everything it gets into combat and herbs something. so i was wondering is there a fix or something yet?
  2. Maybe like 3 but they were selling for outragous prices at the time. now if i bot for like 10 hours i get around 100k
  3. Anyone else having problems while you're using sky golem and it just sits there in combat after you farm the herb?
  4. so there is no way around it?
  5. Is there a way to make the bot herb something while someone else is herbing? cause now they have that thing where multiple people can herb the same node but it always runs away from it.
  6. Used it for quite awhile and got a pretty decent amount sold all of them for around 56k! thank you for the profile!
  7. gonna be testing this tonight will let you know how the herbing goes! Been waiting for a suramar profile for quite some time!
  8. im interested as well
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