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Posts posted by jwjones35

  1. I've renamed and re-installed a few times already since that seems to be the favored "fix".


    My FPS is running about 45 - 53, and I've got 16gb of RAM with a Geforce GTX 660M and an Intel i7-3630QM 2.40ghz cup.


    Either I'm missing something very basic and fundamental about running this bot, or it's chock full o' bugs that no one can explain other than to ask me to re-install and rename again and again. There are some things it does quite well for the most part, such as gathering ore and herbs... but battlegrounds are laughable. When my character doesn't stand there like a target, it finds an empty spot of battleground and jumps back and forth or tries to climb impassable walls. Now I'm actually targetting friendlies and tossing kegs at them, I've closed and restarted this bot so many times it's like a second job.


    Trust me here guys, I WANT this thing to work, I paid money in the hopes it would work. I'm not posting here to disrespect your product, I want it to do it's thing and help me grind the tedium of WoW, after this many years I'm sick of grinding and just wanna focus on my raiding now. I'm willing to help with any log files, specs, etc... that I can, and in the end even if it doesn't work for me, I don't regret paying and helping fund the research to make this a great tool for those of us that hate the grind.

  2. I tried that when I was attempting to resolve the stuttering problem, same problem still persists. Wrobot never actually installs, I simply run it out if a folder on my desktop, it's not listed as an uninstallable program or anything in my control panels programs list.

  3. Is there something in the settings I need to change to keep my characters from attempting to cimb impossible walls? Quite often I will come back and my character will be standing there jumping, then mounting, then dismounting and jumping again attempting to climb walls it would only take a few seconds to go around.


    Also there are a few places in Nagrand where nodes spawn under floating islands, my character gets stuck on the bottom of these floating islands trying to get that node instead of landing on the ground below and just mining/harvesting. It will continue this way until I stop it, there's nothing telling it that it's doing something wrong I guess.

  4. Is there a way to make the big targetting circles go away on targetted spells once they are cast? I have mine set to cast at targets or self, but after they have cast those big targetting reticules still stay following the mouse cursor if I move it. I know this doesn't seem like it should be a problem, but I'm a bot-watcher and usually jump in when the bot gets stuck on walls or starts running after another player 80 yards away while one is slashing me in the back... so removing those circles would help me keep track of the action.

  5. Here is another error I just received after stopping, selecting a different fight class and restarting.



    XML Deserialize: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.

       at System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetTypeRef(RuntimeModule module, String strFullName, RuntimeModule refedModule, String strRefedModuleFileName, Int32 tkResolution)

       at System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetTypeRefNested(Type type, Module refedModule, String strRefedModuleFileName)

       at System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetTypeTokenWorkerNoLock(Type type, Boolean getGenericDefinition)

       at System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetTypeTokenInternal(Type type, Boolean getGenericDefinition)

       at System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetMethodTokenNoLock(MethodInfo method, Boolean getGenericTypeDefinition)

       at System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetMethodTokenInternal(MethodInfo method)

       at System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetMethodTokenInternal(MethodBase method, IEnumerable`1 optionalParameterTypes, Boolean useMethodDef)

       at System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.GetMethodToken(MethodBase method, Type[] optionalParameterTypes, Boolean useMethodDef)

       at System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.EmitCall(OpCode opcode, MethodInfo methodInfo, Type[] optionalParameterTypes)

       at System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.Emit(OpCode opcode, MethodInfo meth)

       at System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerator.Call(MethodInfo methodInfo)

       at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerialization

  6. Why do my characters pause everytime they get to one of the small circles on the ground the bot uses to move? They'll stop on each circle for about half a second before moving to the next, it makes it impossible to catch another player even if they are backing away from me. If I see this I usually have to take over and catch up to them manually, or spam the movement key (sprint, roll, etc...) to catch up.

  7. I posted a copy of an error file in another thread and it had an option to attach file, this thread doesn't give me that option, but I will try to copy and past all the file's language here.


    [D] 13:37:11 - Log file created: 11 May 2014 13H37.log.html
    [D] 13:37:11 - WRobot Version: 1.2.0 for wow: 5.4.7_18019
    [D] 13:37:11 - Offical website: http://wrobot.eu/
    [D] 13:37:11 - Operating System Details: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
    [D] 13:37:11 - Lang: English (United States)
    [F] 13:37:30 - D3D9 found: 8B FF 55 8B EC 6A FF 68 FC AD
    [F] 13:37:30 - D3D11 found: 8B FF 55 8B EC 83 E4 F8 83 EC
    [D] 13:37:30 - D3D11 used
    13:38:42 - Select game process: 6572 - Ple...
    13:38:42 - Initialize Battlegrounder Complete
    [D] 13:38:43 - Blacklist added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
    [F] 13:38:43 - CustomClass = DUMPLENBREW2.xml ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Swift Stormsaber ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Swift Purple Gryphon ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = Abyssal Seahorse ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 3 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 100 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.Int32] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.Int32] ; AutoMakeElemental = False ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; UseMammoth = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = False ; CloseAfterXLevel = 90 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockages = 200 ; CloseAfterXMin = 180 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeaths = 10 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = True ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = True ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = True ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; LatencyMin = 90 ; LatencyMax = 400 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ;
    [D] 13:38:43 - Wow Version: 18019
    [D] 13:38:43 - Player found: True
    13:38:43 - Initializing SpellBook - (Wait few seconds)
    13:38:43 - Initialize SpellBook Finished (125 spell found)
    [D] 13:38:43 - List of id found in spellbook:
    Auto Attack (6603)
    Mass Resurrection (83968)
    Mobile Banking (83958)
    Quaking Palm (107079)
    Revive Battle Pets (125439)
    Zen Flight (125883)
    Armor Skills (106904)
    Bartering (83964)
    Battle Fatigue (134732)
    Battle Pet Training (119467)
    Bouncy (107076)
    Bountiful Bags (83966)
    Cash Flow (83941)
    Epicurean (107072)
    Expert Riding (34090)
    Fast Track (78632)
    Flight Master's License (90267)
    For Great Justice (118483)
    Gourmand (107073)
    Guild Mail (83951)
    Hasty Hearth (83944)
    Honorable Mention (83960)
    Inner Peace (107074)
    Languages (143368)
    Mount Up (78633)
    Mr. Popularity (78635)
    Reinforce (83943)
    Ride Like the Wind (117983)
    The Doctor Is In (118076)
    The Quick and the Dead (83950)
    Weapon Skills (106902)
    Working Overtime (118021)
    Avert Harm (115213)
    Blackout Kick (100784)
    Breath of Fire (115181)
    Chi Wave (115098)
    Clash (122057)
    Crackling Jade Lightning (117952)
    Detox (115450)
    Disable (116095)
    Dizzying Haze (115180)
    Elusive Brew (115308)
    Expel Harm (115072)
    Fortifying Brew (115203)
    Guard (115295)
    Jab (100780)
    Keg Smash (121253)
    Leg Sweep (119381)
    Legacy of the Emperor (115921)
    Nimble Brew (137562)
    Paralysis (115078)
    Provoke (115546)
    Resuscitate (115178)
    Roll (109132)
    Spear Hand Strike (116705)
    Spinning Crane Kick (101546)
    Stance of the Fierce Tiger (103985)
    Stance of the Sturdy Ox (115069)
    Tiger Palm (100787)
    Touch of Death (115080)
    Zen Pilgrimage (126892)
    Brewing: Elusive Brew (128938)
    Brewmaster Training (117967)
    Desperate Measures (126060)
    Dual Wield (124146)
    Fighting Style (115074)
    Gift of the Ox (124502)
    Leather Specialization (120225)
    Momentum (115174)
    Parry (116812)
    Power Strikes (121817)
    Swift Reflexes (124334)
    Vengeance (120267)
    Way of the Monk (120277)
    Symbiosis (110500)
    Herb Gathering (50300)
    Lifeblood (55502)
    Cooking (2550)
    Cooking Fire (818)
    Smelting (2656)
    Toughness (53123)
    Abyssal Seahorse (75207)
    Armored Brown Bear (60114)
    Black Dragon Turtle (127286)
    Black Stallion (470)
    Blue Dragon Turtle (127287)
    Blue Mechanostrider (10969)
    Bronze Drake (59569)
    Brown Dragon Turtle (127288)
    Brown Elekk (34406)
    Brown Horse (458)
    Chestnut Mare (6648)
    Ebon Gryphon (32239)
    Flying Carpet (61451)
    Flying Machine (44153)
    Golden Gryphon (32235)
    Gray Elekk (35710)
    Gray Ram (6777)
    Green Dragon Turtle (120395)
    Green Mechanostrider (17453)
    Heart of the Aspects (110051)
    Pinto (472)
    Purple Dragon Turtle (127289)
    Purple Elekk (35711)
    Red Dragon Turtle (127290)
    Red Mechanostrider (10873)
    Snowy Gryphon (32240)
    Spotted Frostsaber (10789)
    Striped Dawnsaber (66847)
    Striped Frostsaber (8394)
    Striped Nightsaber (10793)
    Swift Blue Gryphon (32242)
    Swift Brown Steed (23229)
    Swift Frostsaber (23221)
    Swift Gray Ram (23239)
    Swift Green Gryphon (32290)
    Swift Mistsaber (23219)
    Swift Palomino (23227)
    Swift Purple Gryphon (32292)
    Swift Red Gryphon (32289)
    Swift Stormsaber (23338)
    Swift White Steed (23228)
    Turbo-Charged Flying Machine (44151)
    Unpainted Mechanostrider (17454)
    X-53 Touring Rocket (75973)

    13:38:43 - Please wait, loading spellbook...
    13:38:43 - Spellbook loaded.
    [D] 13:38:43 - Keybindings:
    Sit / Stand: C
    Backward: S
    Forward: W
    Jump: SPACE
    Strafe Left: A
    Strafe Right: D
    [F] 13:38:46 - Loading Fight class: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\FightClass\DUMPLENBREW2.xml
    [D] 13:38:47 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Guard, Id found: 115295, Name found: Guard, NameInGame found: Guard, know = True
    [D] 13:38:47 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 13:38:47 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 13:38:47 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 13:38:47 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 13:38:47 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 13:38:47 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Chi Wave, Id found: 115098, Name found: Chi Wave, NameInGame found: Chi Wave, know = True
    [D] 13:38:47 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Guard, Id found: 115295, Name found: Guard, NameInGame found: Guard, know = True
    [D] 13:38:47 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 13:38:47 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Chi Wave, Id found: 115098, Name found: Chi Wave, NameInGame found: Chi Wave, know = True
    [D] 13:38:47 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 13:38:47 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Blackout Kick, Id found: 100784, Name found: Blackout Kick, NameInGame found: Blackout Kick, know = True
    [D] 13:38:47 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Dampen Harm, Id found: 123715, Name found: Dampen Harm, NameInGame found: Dampen Harm, know = False
    [D] 13:38:47 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Spinning Crane Kick, Id found: 101546, Name found: Spinning Crane Kick, NameInGame found: Spinning Crane Kick, know = True
    [D] 13:38:47 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Fortifying Brew, Id found: 115203, Name found: Fortifying Brew, NameInGame found: Fortifying Brew, know = True
    [D] 13:38:47 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Breath of Fire, Id found: 115181, Name found: Breath of Fire, NameInGame found: Breath of Fire, know = True
    [D] 13:38:47 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Keg Smash, Id found: 121253, Name found: Keg Smash, NameInGame found: Keg Smash, know = True
    [D] 13:38:47 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Tiger Palm, Id found: 100787, Name found: Tiger Palm, NameInGame found: Tiger Palm, know = True
    [D] 13:38:47 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Jab, Id found: 100780, Name found: Jab, NameInGame found: Jab, know = True
    [D] 13:38:47 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Legacy of the Emperor, Id found: 115921, Name found: Legacy of the Emperor, NameInGame found: Legacy of the Emperor, know = True
    [D] 13:38:47 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Purifying Brew, Id found: 119582, Name found: Purifying Brew, NameInGame found: Purifying Brew, know = False
    [D] 13:38:47 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Leg Sweep, Id found: 119381, Name found: Leg Sweep, NameInGame found: Leg Sweep, know = True
    [D] 13:38:47 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Dizzying Haze, Id found: 115180, Name found: Dizzying Haze, NameInGame found: Dizzying Haze, know = True
    13:38:47 - Initialize Gatherer Complete
    [N] 13:38:47 - Load finish: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\PVPZone04\PVPZone04_29_30.tile
    [N] 13:38:47 - Load finish: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\PVPZone04\PVPZone04_30_30.tile
    [N] 13:38:47 - Load finish: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\PVPZone04\PVPZone04_29_29.tile
    [N] 13:38:47 - Load finish: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\PVPZone04\PVPZone04_30_29.tile
    [N] 13:38:47 - Path Count: 3
    13:38:47 - [bG] Follow player Souldcast
    [F] 13:38:48 - Loading Fight class: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\FightClass\DUMPLENBREW2.xml
    [D] 13:38:48 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Guard, Id found: 115295, Name found: Guard, NameInGame found: Guard, know = True
    [D] 13:38:48 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 13:38:48 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 13:38:48 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 13:38:48 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [F] 13:38:48 - Fight class already loaded
    [D] 13:38:48 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 13:38:48 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Chi Wave, Id found: 115098, Name found: Chi Wave, NameInGame found: Chi Wave, know = True
    [D] 13:38:48 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Guard, Id found: 115295, Name found: Guard, NameInGame found: Guard, know = True
    [D] 13:38:48 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 13:38:48 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Chi Wave, Id found: 115098, Name found: Chi Wave, NameInGame found: Chi Wave, know = True
    [D] 13:38:48 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 13:38:48 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Blackout Kick, Id found: 100784, Name found: Blackout Kick, NameInGame found: Blackout Kick, know = True
    [D] 13:38:48 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Dampen Harm, Id found: 123715, Name found: Dampen Harm, NameInGame found: Dampen Harm, know = False
    [D] 13:38:48 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Spinning Crane Kick, Id found: 101546, Name found: Spinning Crane Kick, NameInGame found: Spinning Crane Kick, know = True
    [D] 13:38:48 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Fortifying Brew, Id found: 115203, Name found: Fortifying Brew, NameInGame found: Fortifying Brew, know = True
    [D] 13:38:48 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Breath of Fire, Id found: 115181, Name found: Breath of Fire, NameInGame found: Breath of Fire, know = True
    [D] 13:38:48 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Keg Smash, Id found: 121253, Name found: Keg Smash, NameInGame found: Keg Smash, know = True
    [D] 13:38:48 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Tiger Palm, Id found: 100787, Name found: Tiger Palm, NameInGame found: Tiger Palm, know = True
    [D] 13:38:48 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Jab, Id found: 100780, Name found: Jab, NameInGame found: Jab, know = True
    [D] 13:38:48 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Legacy of the Emperor, Id found: 115921, Name found: Legacy of the Emperor, NameInGame found: Legacy of the Emperor, know = True
    [D] 13:38:48 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Purifying Brew, Id found: 119582, Name found: Purifying Brew, NameInGame found: Purifying Brew, know = False
    [D] 13:38:48 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Leg Sweep, Id found: 119381, Name found: Leg Sweep, NameInGame found: Leg Sweep, know = True
    [D] 13:38:48 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Dizzying Haze, Id found: 115180, Name found: Dizzying Haze, NameInGame found: Dizzying Haze, know = True
    13:38:48 - Start Gatherer Complete
    [D] 13:38:48 - Profile used: Alliance\Mix\[325-375] Nagrand - Outland.xml
    13:38:48 - [bG] Battlegrounder Started.
    13:38:48 - Start Battlegrounder Complete
    [N] 13:38:56 - Load finish: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\PVPZone04\PVPZone04_29_31.tile
    [N] 13:38:56 - Load finish: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\PVPZone04\PVPZone04_30_31.tile
    [N] 13:38:56 - Path Count: 12
    13:38:56 - [bG] Follow player Wrathman
    [N] 13:39:24 - Path Count: 9
    13:39:24 - Player Attack Slicklit (lvl 60)
    [N] 13:39:24 - Path Count: 7
    [N] 13:39:25 - Path Count: 6
    [N] 13:39:26 - Path Count: 6
    [N] 13:39:28 - Path Count: 7
    [N] 13:39:29 - Path Count: 4
    13:39:29 - Player Attack Taldony (lvl 61)
    [N] 13:39:30 - Path Count: 4
    13:39:36 - Dismount
    [F] 13:39:36 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 13:39:37 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:39:37 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 13:39:37 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 13:39:38 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:39:38 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 13:39:39 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:39:40 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:39:40 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:39:41 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:39:41 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 13:39:42 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:39:42 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:39:43 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:39:43 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:39:44 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [F] 13:39:44 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 13:39:45 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:39:45 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:39:46 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:39:46 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:39:47 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [F] 13:39:47 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [F] 13:39:48 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:39:48 - Cast Breath of Fire (Breath of Fire)
    [F] 13:39:49 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:39:49 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:39:50 - AOE Spell: Dizzying Haze
    [F] 13:39:50 - Cast Dizzying Haze (Dizzying Haze)
    [F] 13:39:52 - Cast Fortifying Brew (Fortifying Brew)
    [F] 13:39:52 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 13:39:53 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    13:39:54 - Player Attacked by Anthvia (lvl 61)
    [F] 13:39:54 - AOE Spell: Dizzying Haze
    [F] 13:39:54 - Cast Dizzying Haze (Dizzying Haze)
    [F] 13:39:58 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 13:39:59 - Cast Breath of Fire (Breath of Fire)
    [F] 13:40:01 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    13:40:01 - Player dead
    [N] 13:40:21 - Path Count: 8
    13:40:21 - [bG] Follow player Ipwnuson
    13:40:21 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [N] 13:40:28 - Path Count: 8
    13:40:28 - Player Attack Cheuxbakka (lvl 64)
    [N] 13:40:28 - Path Count: 8
    [N] 13:40:29 - Path Count: 6
    [N] 13:40:30 - Path Count: 5
    [N] 13:40:32 - Path Count: 3
    13:40:37 - Dismount
    [F] 13:40:37 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 13:40:37 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:40:38 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:40:38 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:40:39 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 13:40:39 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    13:40:40 - Player dead
    [N] 13:40:52 - Path Count: 7
    13:40:52 - [bG] Follow player Souldcast
    13:40:52 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [N] 13:40:59 - Path Count: 9
    13:40:59 - Player Attack Cheuxbakka (lvl 64)
    [N] 13:40:59 - Path Count: 10
    [N] 13:41:01 - Path Count: 9
    [N] 13:41:02 - Think we are stuck
    [N] 13:41:02 - Trying something funny, hang on
    [N] 13:41:03 - Path Count: 8
    [N] 13:41:03 - Path Count: 5
    13:41:03 - Player Attack Cheuxbakka (lvl 64)
    [N] 13:41:04 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 13:41:05 - Path Count: 5
    13:41:09 - Dismount
    [F] 13:41:09 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 13:41:09 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:41:10 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [N] 13:41:12 - Path Count: 8
    13:41:12 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    13:41:14 - [bG] Follow player Souldcast
    13:41:14 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [N] 13:41:15 - Path Count: 6
    13:41:15 - Player Attack Axelskorzzs (lvl 63)
    [N] 13:41:15 - Path Count: 5
    [F] 13:41:18 - AOE Spell: Dizzying Haze
    [F] 13:41:18 - Cast Dizzying Haze (Dizzying Haze)
    [N] 13:41:18 - Path Count: 7
    13:41:18 - Player Attack Anthvia (lvl 61)
    [N] 13:41:19 - Path Count: 7
    [N] 13:41:32 - Path Count: 13
    13:41:32 - [bG] Follow player Saartreden
    13:41:32 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [D] 13:41:34 - UnStuck() started.
    [D] 13:41:35 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 1.
    13:41:36 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [N] 13:41:40 - Path Count: 4
    13:41:40 - Player Attack Anthvia (lvl 61)
    [N] 13:41:41 - Path Count: 4
    [N] 13:41:43 - Path Count: 4
    [N] 13:41:43 - Path Count: 5
    [N] 13:41:45 - Path Count: 4
    [N] 13:41:46 - Path Count: 3
    13:41:46 - Player Attack Anthvia (lvl 61)
    [N] 13:41:46 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 13:41:47 - Path Count: 4
    [N] 13:41:48 - Path Count: 5
    [N] 13:41:49 - Path Count: 5
    [N] 13:41:51 - Path Count: 2
    13:41:51 - Player Attack Awesomesause (lvl 61)
    13:41:52 - Dismount
    13:41:52 - Dismount
    [F] 13:41:53 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 13:41:53 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:41:54 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 13:41:54 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:41:54 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:41:55 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:41:55 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 13:41:56 - AOE Spell: Dizzying Haze
    [F] 13:41:56 - Cast Dizzying Haze (Dizzying Haze)
    [F] 13:41:57 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [F] 13:41:58 - Cast Breath of Fire (Breath of Fire)
    [F] 13:42:02 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 13:42:07 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 13:42:08 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 13:42:09 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 13:42:09 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    13:42:10 - Player dead
    [N] 13:42:27 - Path Count: 10
    13:42:27 - [bG] Follow player Renavadora
    13:42:27 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [N] 13:42:51 - Path Count: 6
    13:42:51 - Player Attack Peecadoo (lvl 62)
    [N] 13:42:52 - Path Count: 6
    [N] 13:42:56 - Path Count: 6
    13:43:00 - Dismount
    13:43:00 - Dismount
    [F] 13:43:00 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 13:43:01 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:43:01 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:43:02 - AOE Spell: Dizzying Haze
    [F] 13:43:02 - Cast Dizzying Haze (Dizzying Haze)
    [N] 13:43:06 - Think we are stuck
    [N] 13:43:06 - Trying something funny, hang on
    [N] 13:43:07 - Think we are stuck
    [N] 13:43:07 - Trying something funny, hang on
    [F] 13:43:07 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 13:43:08 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 13:43:08 - Cast Fortifying Brew (Fortifying Brew)
    [F] 13:43:09 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 13:43:09 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 13:43:12 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [F] 13:43:12 - Cast Breath of Fire (Breath of Fire)
    [F] 13:43:15 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 13:43:16 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 13:43:19 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 13:43:22 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 13:43:23 - Cast Breath of Fire (Breath of Fire)
    [F] 13:43:24 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 13:43:24 - Cast Tiger Palm (Tiger Palm)
    [F] 13:43:26 - Cast Breath of Fire (Breath of Fire)
    [F] 13:43:27 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [F] 13:43:30 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 13:43:34 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 13:43:36 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:43:37 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:43:37 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 13:43:38 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:43:38 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:43:39 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:43:39 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 13:43:40 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:43:40 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 13:43:41 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [F] 13:43:41 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [N] 13:43:42 - Path Count: 2
    13:43:42 - [bG] Follow player Leyina
    [N] 13:43:52 - Path Count: 2
    13:43:52 - [bG] Follow player Leyina
    13:43:52 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [N] 13:43:56 - Path Count: 2
    13:43:56 - Player Attack Kaeton (lvl 60)
    [N] 13:43:56 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 13:44:00 - Path Count: 2
    13:44:00 - Player Attack Axelskorzzs (lvl 63)
    13:44:02 - Dismount
    [F] 13:44:02 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 13:44:03 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:44:04 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 13:44:05 - Cast Breath of Fire (Breath of Fire)
    [F] 13:44:05 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 13:44:08 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [F] 13:44:09 - AOE Spell: Dizzying Haze
    [F] 13:44:09 - Cast Dizzying Haze (Dizzying Haze)
    [F] 13:44:12 - Cast Breath of Fire (Breath of Fire)
    [F] 13:44:13 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 13:44:16 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 13:44:16 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 13:44:18 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 13:44:19 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [N] 13:44:24 - Path Count: 4
    [N] 13:44:26 - Path Count: 2
    13:44:26 - Player Attack Gaycatpvp (lvl 64)
    [N] 13:44:26 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 13:44:27 - Path Count: 2
    [F] 13:44:27 - AOE Spell: Dizzying Haze
    [F] 13:44:27 - Cast Dizzying Haze (Dizzying Haze)
    [F] 13:44:31 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 13:44:32 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [N] 13:44:34 - Path Count: 2
    13:44:34 - [bG] Follow player Renavadora
    [N] 13:44:38 - Path Count: 2
    13:44:38 - Player Attack Éveningstar (lvl 62)
    [F] 13:44:38 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [N] 13:44:38 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 13:44:39 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 13:44:40 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 13:44:44 - Path Count: 2
    [F] 13:44:47 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 13:44:48 - AOE Spell: Dizzying Haze
    [F] 13:44:48 - Cast Dizzying Haze (Dizzying Haze)
    [N] 13:44:49 - Path Count: 4
    13:44:49 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    13:44:50 - [bG] Follow player Souldcast
    13:44:50 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [N] 13:45:22 - Path Count: 13
    13:45:22 - [bG] Follow player Babygiraffe
    13:45:22 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [N] 13:45:43 - Path Count: 3
    13:45:43 - Player Attack Taldony (lvl 62)
    [N] 13:45:43 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 13:45:48 - Path Count: 2
    13:45:51 - Dismount
    [F] 13:45:51 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 13:45:51 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:45:52 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 13:45:52 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:45:53 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 13:45:53 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 13:45:54 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 13:45:54 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 13:45:54 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:45:55 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    13:45:58 - Player dead
    [N] 13:46:10 - Path Count: 6
    13:46:10 - [bG] Follow player Ipwnuson
    13:46:10 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [N] 13:46:22 - Path Count: 4
    13:46:22 - Player Attack Éveningstar (lvl 62)
    [N] 13:46:23 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 13:46:24 - Path Count: 2
    13:46:24 - Player Attack Éveningstar (lvl 62)
    [N] 13:46:24 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 13:46:25 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 13:46:29 - Path Count: 2
    [F] 13:46:33 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:46:33 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:46:34 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:46:34 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 13:46:35 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:46:35 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 13:46:35 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:46:36 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 13:46:36 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 13:46:37 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:46:37 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:46:37 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:46:38 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:46:38 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:46:39 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:46:39 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 13:46:48 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 13:46:50 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 13:46:51 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 13:46:52 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [F] 13:46:53 - Cast Breath of Fire (Breath of Fire)
    [F] 13:46:54 - Cast Leg Sweep (Leg Sweep)
    13:46:54 - Level UP! Reload Fight Class.
    [E] 13:46:54 - Error injection

    [F] 13:46:55 - Loading Fight class: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\FightClass\DUMPLENBREW2.xml
    [D] 13:46:55 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Guard, Id found: 115295, Name found: Guard, NameInGame found: Guard, know = True
    [D] 13:46:55 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 13:46:55 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 13:46:55 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 13:46:55 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    13:46:56 - [bG] Battleground Finish
    [N] 13:46:56 - Path Count: 2
    13:46:56 - Player Attack Éveningstar (lvl 62)
    [F] 13:46:57 - Loading Fight class: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\FightClass\DUMPLENBREW2.xml
    [D] 13:46:57 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Guard, Id found: 115295, Name found: Guard, NameInGame found: Guard, know = True
    [D] 13:46:57 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 13:46:57 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 13:46:57 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 13:46:57 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 13:46:57 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 13:46:57 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Chi Wave, Id found: 115098, Name found: Chi Wave, NameInGame found: Chi Wave, know = True
    [D] 13:46:57 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Guard, Id found: 115295, Name found: Guard, NameInGame found: Guard, know = True
    [D] 13:46:57 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 13:46:57 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Chi Wave, Id found: 115098, Name found: Chi Wave, NameInGame found: Chi Wave, know = True
    [D] 13:46:57 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 13:46:57 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Blackout Kick, Id found: 100784, Name found: Blackout Kick, NameInGame found: Blackout Kick, know = True
    [D] 13:46:57 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Dampen Harm, Id found: 123715, Name found: Dampen Harm, NameInGame found: Dampen Harm, know = False
    [D] 13:46:57 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Spinning Crane Kick, Id found: 101546, Name found: Spinning Crane Kick, NameInGame found: Spinning Crane Kick, know = True
    [D] 13:46:57 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Fortifying Brew, Id found: 115203, Name found: Fortifying Brew, NameInGame found: Fortifying Brew, know = True
    [D] 13:46:57 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Breath of Fire, Id found: 115181, Name found: Breath of Fire, NameInGame found: Breath of Fire, know = True
    [D] 13:46:57 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Keg Smash, Id found: 121253, Name found: Keg Smash, NameInGame found: Keg Smash, know = True
    [D] 13:46:57 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Tiger Palm, Id found: 100787, Name found: Tiger Palm, NameInGame found: Tiger Palm, know = True
    [D] 13:46:57 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Jab, Id found: 100780, Name found: Jab, NameInGame found: Jab, know = True
    [D] 13:46:57 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Legacy of the Emperor, Id found: 115921, Name found: Legacy of the Emperor, NameInGame found: Legacy of the Emperor, know = True
    [D] 13:46:57 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Purifying Brew, Id found: 119582, Name found: Purifying Brew, NameInGame found: Purifying Brew, know = False
    [D] 13:46:57 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Leg Sweep, Id found: 119381, Name found: Leg Sweep, NameInGame found: Leg Sweep, know = True
    [D] 13:46:57 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Dizzying Haze, Id found: 115180, Name found: Dizzying Haze, NameInGame found: Dizzying Haze, know = True
    13:47:06 - Farm Adamantite Deposit > -1403.071 ; 9292.044 ; 251.6307 ; "None"
    13:47:20 - Farm successful
    13:47:20 - Mounting fly mount Swift Purple Gryphon
    13:47:43 - Farm Dreaming Glory > -1142.622 ; 9265.067 ; 236.1721 ; "None"
    13:47:59 - Mounting fly mount Swift Purple Gryphon
    [N] 13:48:09 - Think we are stuck
    [N] 13:48:09 - Trying something funny, hang on
    [N] 13:48:11 - Waypoint timed out
    13:48:14 - Mounting fly mount Swift Purple Gryphon
    [N] 13:48:17 - Path Count: 2
    13:48:17 - [bG] Follow player Therafluu
    [N] 13:48:17 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 13:49:17 - Path Count: 3
    13:49:17 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    13:49:20 - [bG] Follow player Vexxius
    13:49:40 - Stop Gatherer Complete
    13:49:40 - Stop Gatherer Complete
    13:49:40 - Dispose Gatherer Complete
    13:49:40 - Stop Battlegrounder Complete
    [F] 14:02:32 - Loading Fight class: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\FightClass\DUMPLENBREW2.xml
    [D] 14:02:32 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Guard, Id found: 115295, Name found: Guard, NameInGame found: Guard, know = True
    [D] 14:02:32 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 14:02:32 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 14:02:32 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 14:02:32 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    14:02:33 - Initialize Gatherer Complete
    [F] 14:02:34 - Loading Fight class: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\FightClass\DUMPLENBREW2.xml
    [D] 14:02:34 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Guard, Id found: 115295, Name found: Guard, NameInGame found: Guard, know = True
    [D] 14:02:34 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 14:02:34 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 14:02:34 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 14:02:34 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [F] 14:02:34 - Fight class already loaded
    14:02:34 - Start Gatherer Complete
    [D] 14:02:34 - Profile used: Alliance\Mix\[325-375] Nagrand - Outland.xml
    14:02:34 - [bG] Battlegrounder Started.
    14:02:34 - Start Battlegrounder Complete
    [D] 14:02:34 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 14:02:34 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Chi Wave, Id found: 115098, Name found: Chi Wave, NameInGame found: Chi Wave, know = True
    [D] 14:02:34 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Guard, Id found: 115295, Name found: Guard, NameInGame found: Guard, know = True
    [D] 14:02:34 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 14:02:34 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Chi Wave, Id found: 115098, Name found: Chi Wave, NameInGame found: Chi Wave, know = True
    [D] 14:02:34 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 14:02:34 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Blackout Kick, Id found: 100784, Name found: Blackout Kick, NameInGame found: Blackout Kick, know = True
    [D] 14:02:34 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Dampen Harm, Id found: 123715, Name found: Dampen Harm, NameInGame found: Dampen Harm, know = False
    [D] 14:02:34 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Spinning Crane Kick, Id found: 101546, Name found: Spinning Crane Kick, NameInGame found: Spinning Crane Kick, know = True
    [D] 14:02:34 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Fortifying Brew, Id found: 115203, Name found: Fortifying Brew, NameInGame found: Fortifying Brew, know = True
    [D] 14:02:34 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Breath of Fire, Id found: 115181, Name found: Breath of Fire, NameInGame found: Breath of Fire, know = True
    [D] 14:02:34 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Keg Smash, Id found: 121253, Name found: Keg Smash, NameInGame found: Keg Smash, know = True
    [D] 14:02:34 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Tiger Palm, Id found: 100787, Name found: Tiger Palm, NameInGame found: Tiger Palm, know = True
    [D] 14:02:34 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Jab, Id found: 100780, Name found: Jab, NameInGame found: Jab, know = True
    [D] 14:02:34 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Legacy of the Emperor, Id found: 115921, Name found: Legacy of the Emperor, NameInGame found: Legacy of the Emperor, know = True
    [D] 14:02:34 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Purifying Brew, Id found: 119582, Name found: Purifying Brew, NameInGame found: Purifying Brew, know = False
    [D] 14:02:34 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Leg Sweep, Id found: 119381, Name found: Leg Sweep, NameInGame found: Leg Sweep, know = True
    [D] 14:02:34 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Dizzying Haze, Id found: 115180, Name found: Dizzying Haze, NameInGame found: Dizzying Haze, know = True
    [N] 14:02:38 - Load finish: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\PVPZone04\PVPZone04_29_28.tile
    [N] 14:02:38 - Load finish: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\PVPZone04\PVPZone04_30_28.tile
    [N] 14:02:38 - Path Count: 25
    14:02:38 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    14:02:41 - [bG] Follow player Stellunar
    [N] 14:02:50 - Path Count: 3
    14:02:50 - Player Attack Nakamuura (lvl 63)
    [N] 14:02:50 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 14:02:51 - Path Count: 2
    14:02:51 - Player Attack Topbr (lvl 63)
    [N] 14:02:52 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 14:02:52 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 14:02:53 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 14:02:53 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 14:02:54 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 14:02:55 - Path Count: 4
    14:02:55 - Player Attack Ropona (lvl 60)
    [N] 14:02:55 - Path Count: 4
    [N] 14:03:00 - Path Count: 5
    14:03:00 - Player Attack Nìkìta (lvl 64)
    [N] 14:03:01 - Path Count: 5
    [N] 14:03:02 - Path Count: 5
    [N] 14:03:02 - Path Count: 4
    14:03:04 - Dismount
    [F] 14:03:04 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:03:04 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:03:05 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:03:06 - AOE Spell: Dizzying Haze
    [F] 14:03:06 - Cast Dizzying Haze (Dizzying Haze)
    [F] 14:03:07 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 14:03:08 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 14:03:09 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [F] 14:03:09 - Cast Breath of Fire (Breath of Fire)
    [F] 14:03:12 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [N] 14:03:14 - Path Count: 10
    14:03:14 - [bG] Follow player Gasiltock
    14:03:14 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    14:03:17 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [N] 14:03:45 - Path Count: 5
    14:03:45 - Player Attack Topbr (lvl 63)
    14:03:45 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [N] 14:03:46 - Path Count: 5
    [N] 14:03:52 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 14:03:54 - Path Count: 2
    14:03:54 - Player Attack Ropona (lvl 60)
    14:03:56 - Dismount
    [F] 14:03:57 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:03:57 - AOE Spell: Dizzying Haze
    [F] 14:03:57 - Cast Dizzying Haze (Dizzying Haze)
    [F] 14:04:01 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 14:04:02 - Cast Tiger Palm (Tiger Palm)
    [F] 14:04:02 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 14:04:03 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [F] 14:04:04 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [F] 14:04:04 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:04:07 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [F] 14:04:07 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [F] 14:04:08 - Cast Breath of Fire (Breath of Fire)
    [F] 14:04:11 - Cast Jab (Jab)
    [F] 14:04:11 - Cast Breath of Fire (Breath of Fire)
    [F] 14:04:12 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:04:12 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:04:13 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:04:13 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:04:14 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:04:14 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:04:15 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:04:23 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 14:04:25 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:04:25 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    14:04:25 - Player dead
    [N] 14:04:55 - Path Count: 7
    14:04:55 - [bG] Follow player Senenty
    14:04:55 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [N] 14:05:09 - Path Count: 6
    14:05:09 - Player Attack Topbr (lvl 63)
    [N] 14:05:09 - Path Count: 6
    [N] 14:05:10 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 14:05:11 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 14:05:13 - Path Count: 2
    14:05:18 - Dismount
    [F] 14:05:18 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 14:05:19 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:05:19 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:05:20 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 14:05:20 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:05:21 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:05:21 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:05:22 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:05:22 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:05:23 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:05:24 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:05:24 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [N] 14:05:24 - Path Count: 5
    14:05:24 - [bG] Follow player Ðk
    [N] 14:05:30 - Path Count: 3
    14:05:30 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    14:05:32 - [bG] Follow player Senenty
    [N] 14:05:33 - Load finish: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\PVPZone04\PVPZone04_31_30.tile
    [N] 14:05:33 - Download map "PVPZone04\PVPZone04_31_31.tile"
    [N] 14:05:34 - Load finish: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\PVPZone04\PVPZone04_31_31.tile
    [N] 14:05:34 - Path Count: 3
    14:05:34 - Player Attack Mesquitax (lvl 63)
    [N] 14:05:34 - Path Count: 6
    [N] 14:05:35 - Path Count: 6
    [N] 14:05:36 - Path Count: 5
    [N] 14:05:37 - Path Count: 2
    14:05:38 - Dismount
    [F] 14:05:38 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 14:05:39 - AOE Spell: Dizzying Haze
    [F] 14:05:39 - Cast Dizzying Haze (Dizzying Haze)
    [F] 14:05:40 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [N] 14:05:41 - Path Count: 3
    [F] 14:05:45 - Cast Breath of Fire (Breath of Fire)
    [F] 14:05:45 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [F] 14:05:47 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:05:50 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 14:05:50 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:05:53 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 14:05:54 - Cast Breath of Fire (Breath of Fire)
    [F] 14:05:55 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:05:56 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:05:57 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [F] 14:05:58 - Cast Breath of Fire (Breath of Fire)
    [N] 14:06:03 - Path Count: 23
    14:06:03 - [bG] Follow player Leatherlips
    14:06:03 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    14:06:15 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    14:06:18 - Player dead
    [N] 14:06:31 - Path Count: 6
    14:06:31 - [bG] Follow player Ðåñk
    14:06:31 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [N] 14:06:34 - Path Count: 3
    14:06:34 - Player Attack Nakamuura (lvl 63)
    [N] 14:06:35 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 14:06:41 - Path Count: 7
    14:06:41 - [bG] Follow player Vexxius
    [N] 14:06:42 - Path Count: 2
    14:06:42 - Player Attack Nakamuura (lvl 63)
    [F] 14:06:42 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 14:06:43 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 14:06:43 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:06:44 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:06:45 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:06:46 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:06:47 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [N] 14:06:48 - Path Count: 16
    14:06:48 - [bG] Follow player Therafluu
    [F] 14:06:48 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    14:06:48 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    14:06:56 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [E] 14:07:24 - ChatUserControler > UpdateMessagesTimer: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Count cannot be less than zero.
    Parameter name: count
    at System.String.RemoveInternal(Int32 startIndex, Int32 count)
    at System.String.Remove(Int32 startIndex, Int32 count)
    at wManager.Wow.Forms.ChatUserControler.IeMffiOido()
    at wManager.Wow.Forms.ChatUserControler.tq1fwXhW7r(Object , EventArgs )

    [N] 14:07:35 - Path Count: 9
    14:07:35 - [bG] Follow player Senenty
    [N] 14:07:37 - Path Count: 8
    14:07:37 - Player Attack Nìkìta (lvl 64)
    [N] 14:07:38 - Path Count: 8
    [N] 14:07:39 - Path Count: 9
    [N] 14:07:40 - Path Count: 10
    [N] 14:07:40 - Path Count: 9
    [N] 14:07:41 - Path Count: 9
    14:07:41 - Player Attack Nìkìta (lvl 64)
    [N] 14:07:42 - Path Count: 10
    [N] 14:07:43 - Path Count: 8
    [N] 14:07:44 - Path Count: 8
    [N] 14:07:45 - Path Count: 7
    [N] 14:07:57 - Path Count: 17
    14:07:57 - [bG] Follow player Gasiltock
    [E] 14:08:06 - DownloadThread()#1: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName)
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.z77RP3tSdDhmb9CX5Vk(Object , Object , Object )
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.klSoWL3qXy(Object )

    [E] 14:08:07 - DownloadThread()#1: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName)
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.z77RP3tSdDhmb9CX5Vk(Object , Object , Object )
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.klSoWL3qXy(Object )

    [E] 14:08:09 - DownloadThread()#1: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName)
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.z77RP3tSdDhmb9CX5Vk(Object , Object , Object )
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.klSoWL3qXy(Object )

    [E] 14:08:09 - DownloadThread()#1: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName)
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.z77RP3tSdDhmb9CX5Vk(Object , Object , Object )
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.klSoWL3qXy(Object )

    [E] 14:08:11 - DownloadThread()#1: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName)
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.z77RP3tSdDhmb9CX5Vk(Object , Object , Object )
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.klSoWL3qXy(Object )

    [E] 14:08:12 - DownloadThread()#1: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName)
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.z77RP3tSdDhmb9CX5Vk(Object , Object , Object )
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.klSoWL3qXy(Object )

    [N] 14:08:12 - Path Count: 13
    14:08:12 - Player Attack Moniquinha (lvl 61)
    [E] 14:08:12 - DownloadThread()#1: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName)
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.z77RP3tSdDhmb9CX5Vk(Object , Object , Object )
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.klSoWL3qXy(Object )

    [N] 14:08:12 - Path Count: 12
    [E] 14:08:12 - DownloadThread()#1: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName)
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.z77RP3tSdDhmb9CX5Vk(Object , Object , Object )
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.klSoWL3qXy(Object )

    [E] 14:08:13 - DownloadThread()#1: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName)
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.z77RP3tSdDhmb9CX5Vk(Object , Object , Object )
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.klSoWL3qXy(Object )

    [E] 14:08:13 - DownloadThread()#1: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName)
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.z77RP3tSdDhmb9CX5Vk(Object , Object , Object )
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.klSoWL3qXy(Object )

    [E] 14:08:13 - DownloadThread()#1: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName)
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.z77RP3tSdDhmb9CX5Vk(Object , Object , Object )
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.klSoWL3qXy(Object )

    [E] 14:08:13 - DownloadThread()#1: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName)
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.z77RP3tSdDhmb9CX5Vk(Object , Object , Object )
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.klSoWL3qXy(Object )

    [E] 14:08:14 - DownloadThread()#1: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName)
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.z77RP3tSdDhmb9CX5Vk(Object , Object , Object )
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.klSoWL3qXy(Object )

    [E] 14:08:14 - DownloadThread()#1: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName)
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.z77RP3tSdDhmb9CX5Vk(Object , Object , Object )
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.klSoWL3qXy(Object )

    [N] 14:08:14 - Path Count: 6
    14:08:14 - Player Attack Selphir (lvl 60)
    [E] 14:08:14 - DownloadThread()#1: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName)
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.z77RP3tSdDhmb9CX5Vk(Object , Object , Object )
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.klSoWL3qXy(Object )

    [E] 14:08:14 - DownloadThread()#1: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName)
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.z77RP3tSdDhmb9CX5Vk(Object , Object , Object )
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.klSoWL3qXy(Object )

    [N] 14:08:15 - Path Count: 5
    [E] 14:08:15 - DownloadThread()#1: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName)
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.z77RP3tSdDhmb9CX5Vk(Object , Object , Object )
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.klSoWL3qXy(Object )

    [E] 14:08:15 - DownloadThread()#1: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName)
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.z77RP3tSdDhmb9CX5Vk(Object , Object , Object )
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.klSoWL3qXy(Object )

    [E] 14:08:15 - DownloadThread()#1: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName)
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.z77RP3tSdDhmb9CX5Vk(Object , Object , Object )
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.klSoWL3qXy(Object )

    [N] 14:08:22 - Path Count: 3
    14:08:22 - Player Attack Gangushan (lvl 60)
    [N] 14:08:23 - Path Count: 4
    [N] 14:08:23 - Path Count: 4
    14:08:25 - Dismount
    [F] 14:08:25 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:08:26 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 14:08:27 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 14:08:28 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:08:30 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [F] 14:08:31 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [F] 14:08:31 - AOE Spell: Dizzying Haze
    [F] 14:08:31 - Cast Dizzying Haze (Dizzying Haze)
    [F] 14:08:34 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:08:36 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:08:36 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:08:37 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:08:37 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [N] 14:08:37 - Load finish: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\PVPZone04\PVPZone04_31_29.tile
    [N] 14:08:37 - Path Count: 5
    14:08:37 - [bG] Follow player Paladiyno
    [F] 14:08:37 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [N] 14:08:38 - Think we are stuck
    [N] 14:08:38 - Trying something funny, hang on
    [N] 14:08:42 - Path Count: 13
    14:08:42 - Player Attack Mesquitax (lvl 63)
    [N] 14:08:42 - Path Count: 5
    [F] 14:08:44 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:08:45 - AOE Spell: Dizzying Haze
    [F] 14:08:45 - Cast Dizzying Haze (Dizzying Haze)
    [F] 14:08:47 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [N] 14:08:47 - Path Count: 29
    14:08:47 - [bG] Follow player Leatherlips
    14:08:47 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    14:08:48 - Player Attacked by Nemtero (lvl 61)
    [F] 14:08:50 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:08:51 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:08:52 - AOE Spell: Dizzying Haze
    [F] 14:08:52 - Cast Dizzying Haze (Dizzying Haze)
    [F] 14:08:54 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:08:57 - Cast Breath of Fire (Breath of Fire)
    [F] 14:08:57 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    14:08:57 - Player Attacked by Selphir (lvl 60)
    [F] 14:08:58 - AOE Spell: Dizzying Haze
    [F] 14:08:58 - Cast Dizzying Haze (Dizzying Haze)
    [F] 14:08:59 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:09:00 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:09:03 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 14:09:04 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 14:09:04 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [F] 14:09:06 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:09:10 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [N] 14:09:11 - Path Count: 3
    [F] 14:09:14 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [N] 14:09:22 - Path Count: 8
    14:09:22 - Player Attack Gangushan (lvl 60)
    [N] 14:09:23 - Path Count: 7
    14:09:23 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [N] 14:09:25 - Think we are stuck
    [N] 14:09:25 - Trying something funny, hang on
    [N] 14:09:26 - Think we are stuck
    [N] 14:09:26 - Trying something funny, hang on
    [D] 14:09:28 - UnStuck() started.
    [N] 14:09:29 - Path Count: 5
    [D] 14:09:30 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 2.
    [N] 14:09:30 - Path Count: 9
    [N] 14:09:32 - Path Count: 5
    [N] 14:09:34 - Path Count: 5
    14:09:34 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [D] 14:09:36 - UnStuck() started.
    [N] 14:09:36 - Path Count: 4
    [D] 14:09:37 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 3.
    14:09:37 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [N] 14:09:38 - Path Count: 3
    14:09:38 - Player Attack Nemtero (lvl 61)
    [N] 14:09:38 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 14:09:45 - Path Count: 2
    14:09:45 - Player Attack Selphir (lvl 60)
    14:09:46 - Dismount
    [F] 14:09:47 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 14:09:47 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 14:09:47 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:09:48 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [F] 14:09:49 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [N] 14:09:51 - Path Count: 2
    14:09:51 - [bG] Follow player Senenty
    [N] 14:09:56 - Path Count: 2
    14:09:56 - [bG] Follow player Vexxius
    [N] 14:09:57 - Path Count: 2
    14:09:57 - Player Attack Shamlei (lvl 63)
    [N] 14:09:58 - Think we are stuck
    [N] 14:09:58 - Trying something funny, hang on
    [N] 14:10:00 - Think we are stuck
    [N] 14:10:00 - Trying something funny, hang on
    14:10:00 - [bG] Battleground Finish
    [N] 14:10:00 - Path Count: 2
    14:10:00 - Player Attack Shamlei (lvl 63)
    14:10:13 - Farm Fel Iron Deposit > -1059.229 ; 9022.626 ; 100.1483 ; "None"
    14:10:26 - Farm successful
    14:10:26 - Mounting fly mount Swift Purple Gryphon
    [N] 14:10:31 - Think we are stuck
    [N] 14:10:31 - Trying something funny, hang on
    [N] 14:10:31 - Waypoint timed out
    [N] 14:10:34 - Long Move distance: 9140.366
    [D] 14:10:34 - Error during mounting.
    [N] 14:12:18 - Load finish: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\NetherstormBG\NetherstormBG_29_27.tile
    [N] 14:12:18 - Load finish: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\NetherstormBG\NetherstormBG_28_27.tile
    [N] 14:12:18 - Load finish: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\NetherstormBG\NetherstormBG_29_26.tile
    [N] 14:12:18 - Load finish: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\NetherstormBG\NetherstormBG_28_26.tile
    [N] 14:12:18 - Path Count: 2
    14:12:18 - Dismount
    14:12:19 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    14:12:21 - [bG] Follow player Dkdamage
    [N] 14:12:21 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 14:12:22 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:22 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:22 - Path Count: 4
    [N] 14:12:22 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:22 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:22 - Path Count: 5
    [N] 14:12:22 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:22 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:22 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 14:12:22 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:22 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:22 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 14:12:22 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:22 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:22 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 14:12:22 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:22 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:22 - Path Count: 6
    [N] 14:12:22 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:22 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:22 - Path Count: 6
    [N] 14:12:22 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:22 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:22 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 14:12:22 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:22 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:22 - Path Count: 4
    [N] 14:12:22 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:22 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:22 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 14:12:22 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:22 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:22 - Path Count: 5
    [N] 14:12:22 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:22 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:22 - Path Count: 10
    [N] 14:12:22 - Path Count: 2
    14:12:22 - [bG] Follow player Mmeaggro
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 5
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 6
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 6
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 4
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 4
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 6
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 12
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 6
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 5
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 2
    14:12:24 - [bG] Follow player Muiguiguara
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 12
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
    [N] 14:12:24 - Path Count: 5
    [N] 14:12:30 - Load finish: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\NetherstormBG\NetherstormBG_29_28.tile
    [N] 14:12:30 - Load finish: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\NetherstormBG\NetherstormBG_28_28.tile
    [N] 14:12:30 - Path Count: 6
    14:12:30 - [bG] Follow player ßabi
    [N] 14:12:37 - Path Count: 5
    14:12:37 - [bG] Follow player Nerzhuljr
    [N] 14:12:47 - Path Count: 8
    14:12:47 - [bG] Follow player Dkdamage
    [N] 14:12:54 - Path Count: 8
    14:12:54 - Player Attack Husrim (lvl 61)
    [N] 14:12:54 - Path Count: 8
    [N] 14:12:59 - Path Count: 2
    14:13:01 - Dismount
    [F] 14:13:01 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 14:13:02 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:13:03 - AOE Spell: Dizzying Haze
    [F] 14:13:03 - Cast Dizzying Haze (Dizzying Haze)
    [F] 14:13:04 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 14:13:05 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:13:10 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:13:13 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:13:15 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [F] 14:13:16 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 14:13:17 - Cast Breath of Fire (Breath of Fire)
    [F] 14:13:18 - Cast Tiger Palm (Tiger Palm)
    [N] 14:13:18 - Path Count: 12
    14:13:18 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    14:13:20 - [bG] Follow player Dkdamage
    14:13:20 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [N] 14:13:24 - Path Count: 3
    14:13:24 - Player Attack Cahrl (lvl 61)
    [N] 14:13:25 - Path Count: 3
    [F] 14:13:30 - AOE Spell: Dizzying Haze
    [F] 14:13:30 - Cast Dizzying Haze (Dizzying Haze)
    [F] 14:13:31 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [N] 14:13:33 - Path Count: 13
    14:13:33 - [bG] Follow player Walsone
    14:13:33 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [D] 14:13:35 - UnStuck() started.
    [D] 14:13:38 - UnStuck done - StuckCount updated, new value: 4.
    [N] 14:13:38 - Path Count: 2
    14:13:38 - Player Attack Blackstroke (lvl 64)
    [N] 14:13:38 - Path Count: 4
    14:13:39 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [N] 14:13:41 - Path Count: 4
    [N] 14:13:43 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 14:13:46 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 14:13:46 - Path Count: 2
    14:13:46 - Player Attack Blackstroke (lvl 64)
    [N] 14:13:47 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 14:13:49 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 14:13:52 - Path Count: 2
    14:13:55 - Dismount
    [F] 14:13:55 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:13:57 - AOE Spell: Dizzying Haze
    [F] 14:13:57 - Cast Dizzying Haze (Dizzying Haze)
    [F] 14:13:59 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 14:14:01 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:14:03 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 14:14:04 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [N] 14:14:04 - Path Count: 20
    14:14:04 - [bG] Follow player Bvndit
    14:14:04 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [N] 14:14:10 - Path Count: 2
    14:14:10 - Player Attack Cahrl (lvl 61)
    [N] 14:14:11 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 14:14:12 - Path Count: 2
    14:14:12 - Player Attack Madlol (lvl 62)
    [N] 14:14:12 - Path Count: 2
    14:14:12 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [N] 14:14:15 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 14:14:17 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 14:14:20 - Path Count: 2
    14:14:22 - Dismount
    14:14:22 - Dismount
    [F] 14:14:23 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 14:14:23 - Cast Fortifying Brew (Fortifying Brew)
    [F] 14:14:24 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:14:24 - AOE Spell: Dizzying Haze
    [F] 14:14:24 - Cast Dizzying Haze (Dizzying Haze)
    [F] 14:14:26 - Cast Breath of Fire (Breath of Fire)
    [F] 14:14:27 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:14:28 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:14:29 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:14:30 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:14:31 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:14:32 - Cast Jab (Jab)
    [F] 14:14:33 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:14:33 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 14:14:34 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 14:14:34 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 14:14:34 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 14:14:35 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 14:14:35 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 14:14:36 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 14:14:36 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 14:14:37 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 14:14:37 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 14:14:38 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 14:14:38 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 14:14:39 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    14:14:40 - Player dead
    [N] 14:15:07 - Path Count: 4
    14:15:07 - [bG] Follow player Glitch
    14:15:07 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [N] 14:15:14 - Path Count: 3
    14:15:14 - Player Attack Madlol (lvl 62)
    [N] 14:15:15 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 14:15:16 - Path Count: 3
    [N] 14:15:17 - Path Count: 2
    14:15:19 - Dismount
    [F] 14:15:20 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 14:15:21 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:15:21 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:15:22 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 14:15:22 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:15:23 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:15:23 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:15:24 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:15:24 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:15:25 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:15:27 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    14:15:28 - Player dead
    [N] 14:15:38 - Path Count: 8
    14:15:38 - [bG] Follow player Dkdamage
    14:15:38 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [N] 14:15:46 - Path Count: 6
    14:15:46 - Player Attack Kanyonn (lvl 61)
    [N] 14:15:46 - Path Count: 6
    [N] 14:15:49 - Path Count: 4
    [N] 14:15:52 - Path Count: 3
    14:15:54 - Dismount
    [F] 14:15:55 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:15:56 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:15:56 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:15:57 - AOE Spell: Dizzying Haze
    [F] 14:15:57 - Cast Dizzying Haze (Dizzying Haze)
    [F] 14:15:58 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 14:15:59 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 14:16:00 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [N] 14:16:01 - Path Count: 5
    14:16:01 - [bG] Follow player Katsuya
    [N] 14:16:07 - Path Count: 5
    14:16:07 - [bG] Follow player Glitch
    [N] 14:16:07 - Path Count: 2
    14:16:07 - Player Attack Suchwizard (lvl 60)
    [F] 14:16:07 - AOE Spell: Dizzying Haze
    [F] 14:16:07 - Cast Dizzying Haze (Dizzying Haze)
    14:16:07 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [F] 14:16:09 - AOE Spell: Dizzying Haze
    [F] 14:16:09 - Cast Dizzying Haze (Dizzying Haze)
    [F] 14:16:10 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:16:22 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 14:16:23 - Cast Blackout Kick (Blackout Kick)
    [F] 14:16:24 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:16:27 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:16:28 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    14:16:30 - Player dead
    [N] 14:16:40 - Path Count: 2
    14:16:40 - [bG] Follow player Nerzhuljr
    14:16:40 - Mounting gound mount Swift Stormsaber
    [N] 14:16:42 - Path Count: 5
    14:16:42 - Player Attack Zamerath (lvl 62)
    [N] 14:16:42 - Path Count: 5
    14:16:50 - Dismount
    [F] 14:16:51 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 14:16:51 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:16:52 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:16:52 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:16:53 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:16:53 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [N] 14:16:53 - Path Count: 2
    [F] 14:16:54 - AOE Spell: Dizzying Haze
    [F] 14:16:54 - Cast Dizzying Haze (Dizzying Haze)
    [F] 14:16:55 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    14:16:56 - Player dead
    14:17:01 - Stop Gatherer Complete
    14:17:01 - Stop Gatherer Complete
    14:17:01 - Dispose Gatherer Complete
    14:17:01 - Stop Battlegrounder Complete
    [F] 14:20:00 - CustomClass = DUMPLENBREW2.xml ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Swift Stormsaber ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Swift Purple Gryphon ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = Abyssal Seahorse ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 3 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 100 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.Int32] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.Int32] ; AutoMakeElemental = False ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; UseMammoth = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = False ; CloseAfterXLevel = 90 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockages = 200 ; CloseAfterXMin = 180 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeaths = 10 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = True ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = True ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = True ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; LatencyMin = 90 ; LatencyMax = 400 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ;
    [D] 14:20:00 - Blacklist added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
    [F] 14:20:01 - Loading Fight class: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\FightClass\DUMPLENBREW2.xml
    [D] 14:20:02 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Guard, Id found: 115295, Name found: Guard, NameInGame found: Guard, know = True
    [D] 14:20:02 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 14:20:02 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 14:20:02 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 14:20:02 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    14:20:02 - Initialize Gatherer Complete
    [F] 14:20:03 - Loading Fight class: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\FightClass\DUMPLENBREW2.xml
    [D] 14:20:03 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Guard, Id found: 115295, Name found: Guard, NameInGame found: Guard, know = True
    [D] 14:20:03 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 14:20:03 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 14:20:03 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 14:20:03 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [F] 14:20:03 - Fight class already loaded
    [D] 14:20:03 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 14:20:03 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Chi Wave, Id found: 115098, Name found: Chi Wave, NameInGame found: Chi Wave, know = True
    [D] 14:20:03 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Guard, Id found: 115295, Name found: Guard, NameInGame found: Guard, know = True
    [D] 14:20:03 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 14:20:03 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Chi Wave, Id found: 115098, Name found: Chi Wave, NameInGame found: Chi Wave, know = True
    [D] 14:20:03 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 14:20:03 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Blackout Kick, Id found: 100784, Name found: Blackout Kick, NameInGame found: Blackout Kick, know = True
    [D] 14:20:03 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Dampen Harm, Id found: 123715, Name found: Dampen Harm, NameInGame found: Dampen Harm, know = False
    [D] 14:20:03 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Spinning Crane Kick, Id found: 101546, Name found: Spinning Crane Kick, NameInGame found: Spinning Crane Kick, know = True
    [D] 14:20:03 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Fortifying Brew, Id found: 115203, Name found: Fortifying Brew, NameInGame found: Fortifying Brew, know = True
    [D] 14:20:03 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Breath of Fire, Id found: 115181, Name found: Breath of Fire, NameInGame found: Breath of Fire, know = True
    [D] 14:20:03 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Keg Smash, Id found: 121253, Name found: Keg Smash, NameInGame found: Keg Smash, know = True
    [D] 14:20:03 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Tiger Palm, Id found: 100787, Name found: Tiger Palm, NameInGame found: Tiger Palm, know = True
    [D] 14:20:03 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Jab, Id found: 100780, Name found: Jab, NameInGame found: Jab, know = True
    [D] 14:20:03 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Legacy of the Emperor, Id found: 115921, Name found: Legacy of the Emperor, NameInGame found: Legacy of the Emperor, know = True
    [D] 14:20:03 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Purifying Brew, Id found: 119582, Name found: Purifying Brew, NameInGame found: Purifying Brew, know = False
    [D] 14:20:03 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Leg Sweep, Id found: 119381, Name found: Leg Sweep, NameInGame found: Leg Sweep, know = True
    [D] 14:20:03 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Dizzying Haze, Id found: 115180, Name found: Dizzying Haze, NameInGame found: Dizzying Haze, know = True
    14:20:03 - Start Gatherer Complete
    [D] 14:20:03 - Profile used: Alliance\Mix\[325-375] Nagrand - Outland.xml
    14:20:03 - [bG] Battlegrounder Started.
    14:20:03 - Start Battlegrounder Complete
    14:20:03 - Farm Fel Iron Deposit > -1059.229 ; 9022.626 ; 100.1483 ; "None"
    14:20:09 - Farm successful
    14:20:09 - Mounting fly mount Swift Purple Gryphon
    14:21:03 - Farm Rich Adamantite Deposit > -542.0524 ; 8890.716 ; 231.6165 ; "None"
    14:21:03 - Node stuck - No way to go to it found
    14:22:14 - Farm Adamantite Deposit > -1032.846 ; 8053.413 ; -93.05045 ; "None"
    14:22:14 - Node stuck - No way to go to it found
    14:22:15 - Farm Adamantite Deposit > -966.898 ; 8134.459 ; -92.50022 ; "None"
    14:22:15 - Node stuck - No way to go to it found
    14:22:36 - Farm Rich Adamantite Deposit > -815.4944 ; 7953.948 ; 64.39925 ; "None"
    14:22:42 - Player Attacked by Warmaul Reaver (lvl 66)
    [F] 14:22:44 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 14:22:44 - Cast Guard (Guard)
    [F] 14:22:44 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:22:45 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [F] 14:22:46 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:22:47 - Cast Breath of Fire (Breath of Fire)
    [F] 14:22:47 - Cast Legacy of the Emperor (Legacy of the Emperor)
    [F] 14:22:49 - AOE Spell: Dizzying Haze
    [F] 14:22:49 - Cast Dizzying Haze (Dizzying Haze)
    [F] 14:22:53 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:22:55 - Cast Spinning Crane Kick (Spinning Crane Kick)
    [F] 14:22:58 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [F] 14:22:59 - Cast Expel Harm (Expel Harm)
    [F] 14:23:00 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    [F] 14:23:00 - Cast Chi Wave (Chi Wave)
    14:23:02 - Loot Warmaul Reaver
    [N] 14:23:02 - Load finish: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\Expansion01\Expansion01_17_33.tile
    [N] 14:23:02 - Load finish: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\Expansion01\Expansion01_16_33.tile
    [N] 14:23:02 - Load finish: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\Expansion01\Expansion01_17_34.tile
    [N] 14:23:02 - Load finish: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\Meshes\Expansion01\Expansion01_16_34.tile
    [N] 14:23:02 - Path Count: 2
    [N] 14:23:03 - Think we are stuck
    [N] 14:23:03 - Trying something funny, hang on
    [F] 14:23:06 - Cast Keg Smash (Keg Smash)
    [N] 14:23:06 - Path Count: 2
    14:23:06 - Farm Rich Adamantite Deposit > -815.4944 ; 7953.948 ; 64.39925 ; "None"
    14:23:12 - Farm successful
    14:23:12 - Mounting fly mount Swift Purple Gryphon
    14:24:08 - Farm Adamantite Deposit > -857.5439 ; 7144.22 ; 17.47434 ; "None"
    14:24:08 - Node stuck - No way to go to it found
    14:24:34 - Farm Felweed > -1295.845 ; 6787.804 ; 36.20853 ; "None"
    14:24:43 - Farm successful
    14:24:43 - Mounting fly mount Swift Purple Gryphon
    14:24:48 - Stop Gatherer Complete
    14:24:48 - Stop Gatherer Complete
    14:24:48 - Dispose Gatherer Complete
    14:24:48 - Stop Battlegrounder Complete
    [F] 14:27:59 - CustomClass = DUMPLENBREW2.xml ; MyMacro1 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro2 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro3 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; MyMacro4 = wManager.wManagerSetting+MyMacro ; PluginsSettings = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[wManager.wManagerSetting+PluginSetting] ; CurrentSetting = wManager.wManagerSetting ; AssignTalents = False ; TrainNewSkills = True ; CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight = False ; DontStartFighting = False ; UseSpiritHealer = False ; UseMount = True ; UseGroundMount = True ; GroundMountName = Swift Stormsaber ; MountDistance = 80 ; IgnoreFightGoundMount = True ; FlyingMountName = Swift Purple Gryphon ; UseFlyingMount = True ; AquaticMountName = Abyssal Seahorse ; FoodName = ; FoodPercent = 35 ; DrinkName = ; DrinkPercent = 35 ; RestingMana = False ; LootMobs = True ; DetectNodesStuck = True ; LootChests = False ; SkinMobs = False ; SkinNinja = True ; HarvestMinerals = True ; HarvestHerbs = True ; HarvestAvoidPlayersRadius = 3 ; MaxUnitsNear = 3 ; SearchRadius = 100 ; HarvestDuringLongMove = False ; Smelting = False ; Prospecting = False ; ProspectingInTown = False ; ProspectingTime = 15 ; ProspectingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; Milling = False ; MillingInTown = False ; MillingTime = 15 ; MillingList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; BlackListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.Int32] ; ListHarvest = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.Int32] ; AutoMakeElemental = False ; Relogger = False ; AccountEmail = ; AccountPassword = ; BNetName = ; FoodAmount = 0 ; DrinkAmount = 0 ; UseMammoth = False ; Repair = True ; Selling = False ; SellGray = True ; SellWhite = False ; SellGreen = False ; SellBlue = False ; SellPurple = False ; DoNotSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; ForceSellList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; UseMail = False ; UseMollE = False ; MailRecipient = ; MailSubject = Hey ; MailGray = False ; MailWhite = True ; MailGreen = True ; MailBlue = True ; MailPurple = True ; DoNotMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; ForceMailList = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String] ; CloseIfFullBag = False ; CloseIfReached4000HonorPoints = False ; CloseIfPlayerTeleported = False ; CloseAfterXLevel = 90 ; CloseIfWhisperBiggerOrEgalAt = 10 ; CloseAfterXBlockages = 200 ; CloseAfterXMin = 180 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayer = False ; SecurityRecordWhisperInLogFile = True ; SecuritySongIfNewWhisper = False ; UsePathsFinder = True ; NpcMailboxSearchRadius = 10000 ; HelpingGroupMembers = True ; AttackElite = False ; CloseAfterXBlockagesActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeathsActive = False ; CloseAfterXDeaths = 10 ; CloseAfterXMinActive = True ; AttackBeforeBeingAttacked = False ; SpellRotationSpeed = False ; IgnoreFightDuringFarmIfDruidForm = True ; WaitResurrectionSickness = False ; BlackListZoneWhereDead = True ; DisableNearPlayerToTown = False ; GoToTownHerbBags = False ; GoToTownMiningBags = False ; CalcuCombatRange = True ; UnlockMaxFps = False ; IgnoreCombatWithPet = False ; UseLuaToMove = False ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerRadius = 1000 ; SecurityPauseBotIfNerbyPlayerTime = 20 ; LatencyMin = 90 ; LatencyMax = 400 ; AddToNpcDb = False ; BlackListTrainingDummy = True ;
    [D] 14:27:59 - Blacklist added, 0 uniques Npcs, 0 Blackspots and 0 Npcs types (Training dummy ignored = True).
    [F] 14:28:01 - Loading Fight class: C:\Users\El Conquistador\Desktop\WRobot\FightClass\DUMPLENBREW2.xml
    [D] 14:28:01 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Guard, Id found: 115295, Name found: Guard, NameInGame found: Guard, know = True
    [D] 14:28:01 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 14:28:01 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 14:28:01 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True
    [D] 14:28:01 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Expel Harm, Id found: 115072, Name found: Expel Harm, NameInGame found: Expel Harm, know = True

  8. I get this almost every time I start the bot, certainly every time I stop while its running and restart it.



    XML Deserialize: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.

       at System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineCustomAttribute(RuntimeModule module, Int32 tkAssociate, Int32 tkConstructor, Byte[] attr, Int32 attrLength, Boolean toDisk, Boolean updateCompilerFlags)

       at System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineCustomAttribute(ModuleBuilder module, Int32 tkAssociate, Int32 tkConstructor, Byte[] attr, Boolean toDisk, Boolean updateCompilerFlags)

       at System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(CustomAttributeBuilder customBuilder)

       at System.Xml.Serialization.TempAssembly.GenerateRefEmitAssembly(XmlMapping[] xmlMappings, Type[] types, String defaultNamespace, Evidence evidence)

       at System.Xml.Serialization.TempAssembly..ctor(XmlMapping[] xmlMappings, Type[] types, String defaultNamespace, String location, Evidence evidence)

       at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.GenerateTempAssembly(XmlMapping xmlMapping, Type type, String defaultNamespace)

       at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer..ctor(Type type, String defaultNamespace)

       at robotManager.Helpful.XmlSerializer.Deserialize[T](String path)

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