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  1. i have no idea who summon enabler stalker is however after removing the player attack before being attacked i have no longer experienced this problem..
  2. in attempt to recreate i got it to happen agin in hellfire ramparts. here is log at time of incident - 02:50:10 - Player Attacked by Vazruden (lvl 62) [F] 02:50:11 - Cast Horn of Winter (Horn of Winter) [F] 02:50:12 - Launch LUA script: RunMacroText("/cast Claw") 02:50:18 - Player Attacked by Nazan (lvl 62) [F] 02:50:19 - Cast Icy Touch (Icy Touch) [F] 02:50:19 - Launch LUA script: castspellbyname("Assist") [F] 02:50:20 - Cast Death Coil (Death Coil) [F] 02:50:20 - AOE Spell: Death and Decay [F] 02:50:20 - Cast Death and Decay (Death and Decay) [F] 02:50:22 - Launch LUA script: castspellbyname("Passive") [F] 02:50:52 - Launch LUA script: castspellbyname("Passive") 02:50:53 - Player attack before being attacked by Summon Enabler Stalker (lvl 80) [F] 02:54:02 - Launch LUA script: RunMacroText("/Use 13") [F] 02:54:02 - Launch LUA script: RunMacroText("/Use 14") [F] 02:54:02 - Launch LUA script: castspellbyname("Assist")
  3. I have tried to do theses dungeons again and the problem seems resolved
  4. The bot will not follow in a dungeon.
  5. Party doesn't appear to work in dungeons. other then that the party is amazing I like how well it functions every were else
  6. I been poking around through some of your code and I gotz an idea on how to make it all work just lack the time to do it so I am taking a vacation and I will post what I have for a resto druid as soon as I have some decen functionality to it.
  7. I am trying to get the wrobot to follow and assist in dungeons. I have created the following macro and am trying to figure out how to incorporate it. /follow party1 /assist party1
  8. The bot will not follow in a dungeon.
  9. Well it works great for farmin shaohao rep. @ ilvl 490. Had a few deaths. Silly candle makers wanting to be all Ahkmed like
  10. I have tried to set swiftmend to look for the buff Rejuvenation and this failed. with lifebloom I believe it on works on one target. the pollem I have there is that it puts stacks on one player and then another. When this happens it drops off the original target. so what I am trying to do is get it to cast on the main tank. Its been a while since I messed with LUA. Although I am new to wrobot it is very different from PQR. I am a bit lazy this is the reason I hunted down wrobot. I am sad there is no resto druid rotation available and I want a pocket healer and have no shaman or priest available and my pally is taking cause I hates rage.
  11. I am currently working on a resto druid rotations. I would like to upload it however I would like to add Lifebloom, Rejuvenation, and Swiftmend to the rotation. Currently it tries to cast Lifebloom on all party members and will not cast Swiftmend on those that have Rejuvenation. Any Ideas?
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