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  1. I have the same problem now! Tryed to Uncheck these 3 but didnt helped! The bot flies into the ocean and let me die... The Log says: 20:27:46 - Start Archaeologist Complete 20:27:46 - Go to Digsite Ausgrabungsstätte von Sra'vess Ost but it just flies into the ocean...
  2. could you create a thread and give us some progress steps about your project? :)
  3. Hey guys, is it possible that i can move while WRotation is running? Otherwise its useless for me :D Greetings
  4. The bot stucks very often in Pandaria with archeology.. same problem
  5. Heyho, does anyone have a profile for all Pandaria dailys or could create one (With profession quests etc)? If want, i could pay for it over PayPal :) Greetings
  6. very nice profile, thank you! :) its very nice to see, that people uploading profiles which helps others :)
  7. nice profile.. just had to blacklist about 5 positions cause it stucks
  8. Hey! Im new to WRobot :) Are there any Loremaster Quest profiles available? I found one on honorbuddy. https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-profiles/152037-animus-thebrodieman-productions-loremaster-plugin.html Is it possible to use this profile? if yes, how? :D greetings :)
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