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Everything posted by zjxlsmr

  1. "with showing a afk title" it is "without showing a afk titile"
  2. i wish i have edited the format etc before i post to make it easier to read......
  3. this feature is very awesome but still few things need to be done. 1. for those profile that has "mail" and "vendor, repair" enabled, player usually will go to somewhere (inn, town) that USUALLY have many players, neither idling or walking around. So i notice my bot is just doing nothing while waiting all the player to leave which is almost impossible or took way too long. 2. add a option to add player that can be trust.(my alts or friends that i share nodes to farms with). 3.last night i found my bot literally stand by spirit healer with another who is probably has the similar feature enabled for almost one hour with showing a afk title, neither him nor me. i think this feature will half the chance of getting caught as a bot, simple and useful, why not improve it so we are more invulnerable. 1. When bot is dead, dont let it detect ghost player, but still necessary to detect alive player before the resurrection as they might report you or kill you if he is not the same faction. 2. make the bot fly up or use its ability to avoid them even better. Like Rogues vanish, Nightelf use shadowmeld, hunter use camouflage, if they player cant be stealth, just let it fly up 100yards or run away for 100 yards. xD.
  4. nice spot to be honest and skyshards nice!!!!!!!!!! should have used this earlier of the year
  5. buy green gear from npc the from the first inn of valley of 4 winds.
  6. 工程 图纸 肌肤似.xml
  7. see attach file, i made it, you just need to fly to the spot and use this. sorry its chines name but just replays it yourself
  8. well.... this profile is earning me like 30K almost a night. i have a ww monk with skinning. so over a night , i get 80-90 greens worth (85,84=150G, 83=230G, and 70%are 85,84, 30% are 83) end up like 10k-14k and few blue 1-4 worth 2000G-10KG and ppl do buy them. what is most awesome is any level 85 can do this, just go the nearest inn buy full 85 green from npc and start farm right away!!!!
  9. that means gear from looted right? guess this is the way to go. i do have heirlooms can i really ware that till the end of the world? i mean 80s lol
  10. hey is the egg still fameable? some one says those eggs are just gone, cant find one during a long time
  11. this feature is very awesome but still few things need to be done. 1. for those profile that has "mail" and "vendor, repair" enabled, player usually will go to somewhere (inn, town) that USUALLY have many players, neither idling or walking around. So i notice my bot is just doing nothing while waiting all the player to leave which is almost impossible or took way too long. 2. add a option to add player that can be trust.(my alts or friends that i share nodes to farms with).
  12. sometimes, i fall and died in low ground and the spirit healer is at high ground. so i run downhill, the bot will click accept before i am on the ground. so what will happen is i resurrected with half hp in the air above ground like 30 yards(believe this is the max range when you can reach your body), and fall and die again!. pls add a latency so sometimes the ghost can be stable before it accepts the resurrection. ;p this does happens a lot in valley of 4 winds, there is a high hill that has goat can kick you off lol. (happens in gathering and grinding).
  13. X is a very common keybind, lots of ppl use it for something else, i use it for autorun. since ppl harded use the function "sit" within game. And from log, i can tell, the error message that pops out does note us to change the bind to original, otherwise bot will do weird things like stuck somewhere and do nothing or hove above something and keep idling. I just think there is necessary to make bot determine other keys rather than X to have the sit function work (dont know why bot need to "sit" anyway). ;p
  14. XXXX will be a list that allow user to type in, i have 2 bot farming at same spot, but i wish to have this pause function running without triggered by the alt. also would be nice to mount up and fly into air to hide my self in a better position,
  15. watch for like 2 mins, looking awesome man
  16. trying tonight final some one making it thanks
  17. one idea i can have is buying from AH, since we are BOTTER!Gold shouldnt be much the issue!lol
  18. just equip whatever gear from looting or any alternate way to get gear? i am talking about level 10-60. since there ant much variation we can do in terms of spells, zones we can access etc. cos my boomkin is level 30, and what he is wearing are like for level 5 or 6......... Assuming i dont have heirlooms.
  19. Thanks for the video had great fun from it !!!!that means we need make some RNG into the decision that bot make :)
  20. can you tell me how to upgrade by itself? and same, i still can not get the mail thing working...so annoyning
  21. it just standing 25 yrs away and with right click.........(you know like he wants to attack) and aalll out of sudden, everything works fine again...
  22. haha just an idea poped in my mind, 20 bots doing an BG, that assum bots can cap and assult. that would be so funny to watch lolol
  23. Version 1.0


    level 1-10 so you can start bot at level 10 with the expriencing of bot from level 1 to 90!!!!!!
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