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Everything posted by zjxlsmr

  1. my character is just standing and wonder around some fix point, ppl will notice me botting like why is he turning walking around same spot......
  2. pls let the character cast mage food, since many ppl have whispered me during the log and i did got few boot from BGs. this is some thing really need to be concerned, i dont think put that spell into flgitclass is good idea, its just unnecessary. so pls.
  3. again it was working b4 i hit level 10, so dont use a 90s to test this, i think this must due to the lowbies
  4. [Fight] 19:04 - Loading Fight class: C:\Users\liangshi\Desktop\WRobot\FightClass\disc 饼干.xml [Normal] 19:04 - Select zone: Silverpine Forest [Normal] 19:04 - Start Grinder Complete [Debug] 19:04 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Smite, Id found: 585, Name found: Smite, NameInGame found: Smite, know = True [Debug] 19:04 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Shadow Word: Pain, Id found: 589, Name found: Shadow Word: Pain, NameInGame found: Shadow Word: Pain, know = True [Debug] 19:04 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Power Word: Shield, Id found: 17, Name found: Power Word: Shield, NameInGame found: Power Word: Shield, know = True [Debug] 19:04 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Penance, Id found: 47540, Name found: Penance, NameInGame found: Penance, know = True i have all of them ticked (normal, fight, navigator, and debug), this is the log that i am facing a mob around 25 yards away, and after 1 mins waiting, my character is still doing nothing, idel.
  5. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <FightClass xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <FightClassGeneralSettings> <FightClassName>disc</FightClassName> <Range>25</Range> </FightClassGeneralSettings> <FightClassSpells> <FightClassSpell> <SpellName>Smite</SpellName> <FightClassConditions /> <Priority>4</Priority> </FightClassSpell> <FightClassSpell> <SpellName>Shadow Word: Pain</SpellName> <FightClassConditions> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>TargetBuff</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionStringBool"> <Name>Shadow Word: Pain</Name> </Param> </FightClassCondition> </FightClassConditions> <Priority>3</Priority> </FightClassSpell> <FightClassSpell> <SpellName>Power Word: Shield</SpellName> <FightClassConditions> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>Buff</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionStringBool"> <Name>Power Word: Shield</Name> </Param> </FightClassCondition> </FightClassConditions> <Priority>2</Priority> </FightClassSpell> <FightClassSpell> <SpellName>Penance</SpellName> <FightClassConditions /> <Priority>1</Priority> </FightClassSpell> </FightClassSpells> </FightClass>
  6. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <GrinderProfile xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <GrinderZones> <GrinderZone> <Name>Silverpine Forest</Name> <Hotspots>false</Hotspots> <MinLevel>1</MinLevel> <MaxLevel>90</MaxLevel> <MinTargetLevel>1</MinTargetLevel> <MaxTargetLevel>90</MaxTargetLevel> <TargetEntry> <int>44793</int> </TargetEntry> <TargetFactions /> <Vectors3> <Vector3> <X>1279.80579</X> <Y>1208.09753</Y> <Z>53.0751266</Z> <Type>None</Type> </Vector3> <Vector3> <X>1282.46973</X> <Y>1202.55225</Y> <Z>52.6295357</Z> <Type>None</Type> </Vector3> <Vector3> <X>1282.05579</X> <Y>1196.39722</Y> <Z>52.6265945</Z> <Type>None</Type> </Vector3> <Vector3> <X>1281.08484</X> <Y>1189.6842</Y> <Z>52.6459656</Z> <Type>None</Type> </Vector3> <Vector3> <X>1278.82166</X> <Y>1184.0625</Y> <Z>54.2127876</Z> <Type>None</Type> </Vector3> <Vector3> <X>1275.50818</X> <Y>1176.93152</Y> <Z>52.43451</Z> <Type>None</Type> </Vector3> <Vector3> <X>1273.18616</X> <Y>1171.31287</Y> <Z>52.5773354</Z> <Type>None</Type> </Vector3> <Vector3> <X>1267.02649</X> <Y>1156.02185</Y> <Z>52.44431</Z> <Type>None</Type> </Vector3> <Vector3> <X>1262.11731</X> <Y>1152.5531</Y> <Z>52.49253</Z> <Type>None</Type> </Vector3> <Vector3> <X>1256.51453</X> <Y>1150.13733</Y> <Z>52.6139526</Z> <Type>None</Type> </Vector3> <Vector3> <X>1250.65271</X> <Y>1148.74707</Y> <Z>51.4913368</Z> <Type>None</Type> </Vector3> <Vector3> <X>1247.09363</X> <Y>1148.21936</Y> <Z>47.9355354</Z> <Type>None</Type> </Vector3> <Vector3> <X>1241.407</X> <Y>1146.34314</Y> <Z>48.4341469</Z> <Type>None</Type> </Vector3> </Vectors3> <Npc /> <BlackListRadius /> </GrinderZone> </GrinderZones> </GrinderProfile>
  7. i have 200ms in general. so the pause is more noticeable for me, i think it is fine for me since i wont use the bot for some hardcore dps racing.
  8. it is original, i even made a very simple one, all it does is spam Shadow Word: Pain (no condition range on 25, and it is the only spell) still. wont work it happens exactly with my boomkin as well, i use all the flightcalss from DL section but for my firemage, it works like charm. dont know why.....i think it might be some setting from General or my charactar havt learned some important spell or riding skill that cause the bug.(both of my mage and boomkin are very low level, 31 and 10. and my mage is 90) all the 90s profile works fine.
  9. it was working great b4 i hit level 10 or assign myself as disc or moved out from the nub-zone when i entire the new zone which is Silverpine Forest from Trisfail Glades, and made a new route. it is not working again! i had my level 20 boomkin, doing the exactly same stuff, i had correct flightclass on, but still my character just walk to the mob and auto attack without casting any shtt
  10. /run print("Target NPC ID:", tonumber((UnitGUID("target")):sub(-12, -9), 16)) /run local a=strsub(UnitGUID("target"),7,10); print("NPC ID(\""..UnitName("target").."\") = 0x"..a.." = "..tonumber(a,16)) this 2 command can help you with that, it is so handy in making griding profile xD
  11. i know , it is so low, like 5 hr earning like 1.5k at most. but i am not d/e them, i just need hornor to gear up my character which just hit 90. i have read your post, it is extremely useful and helpful. thanks anyway. @loki, you made a great point that i shouldnt leave it so long for unattended.:)
  12. Since BG bot works so well and it is always capped when i get up everyday. i wish there is a list to auto-purchase those gear we selected( require we stand near hornor vendor), it is about 7 hr to cap on alliance side, but only 4 hr to cap on horde side(for my svr), so maybe it is neat if it is not hard to make. i wish i can do this via in-game support macro or script (to buy gear, and i just use keyspam to make it run, buy apparently i cant buy same gear over and over). xD just
  13. see in the picture, i did have added Mailbox into the list which is named "mailbox"
  14. i did exactly the same, i added mailbox right next to it,(cearting a test xml.) and i recorded my path, 2 question: 1, does the mailbox have to be somewhere within my path? or kinda close? 2, does it only goes to mail when my bags are full? i do have mail option enable, and i dont have anything on blacklist, i just testing so i put " Enchanting Vellum" planing to send them to my alt. it just not open mailbox, not even stay for a second
  15. gonna try this out looks ez and what i need. thanks mate
  16. you can search AH on website now..... there are many website can do that , so you dont need creat 1 toon run to org every time.......
  17. man i wish i can read it , cos this is what i need right now, from the pic
  18. To add the mailbox profile. -Have to add mailbox in the drop down menu -Enter the name of WoW tooltip (mailbox) -In the Create Action window profile to the left of the button "Add to Npc by name" -Click "Add to Npc by name" -Attention has to be the personal side of the mailbox at the time of addition.
  19. it only does Conflagrate and Darkintent.........and even summon viodwalker several times.. i guess kinda fail, but just works fine forr botting in BGs...not for grinding..
  20. yea same issue, we cant target a mailbox, and some post said we can added that via xml, well, in xml, the first line says <entry>xxxxx<entry/> xxxx=a number, i dont know what is it, isnt all mailbox named "mailbox"? just make the creator auto click mailbox whenever it is near player, like "there is a mailbox that i can reach at my current location"
  21. my Troll Druid (balance) is 12levels now. i do use flight class downloaded from the flight class section (there are 2 balance druid file and i tried them both) what i notice is my character alwasy start with right click attack( it walk to the target and attack with his staff, and then start casting whatever listed in the flightclass).
  22. instead of requesting, i wish there is way that the bot give our-self the room to do this. So there will be less work for developer to do, since it is not a "Bug" or "Issue"
  23. now i figured out, just use Gryphon since it is both ground and flying mount.......... i thought i have to put a ground only mount into that box, but thanks anyway!!! :)
  24. second day on Archaeology bot, and i got the sword, man this is soooo lucky and all credit goes to droidz :ppp
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