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  1. Will this work for horde or does it run thru Alley only area's? Testing it out now on a 94 Rogue horde side.
  2. Also not to bash because so many of your profiles are AMAZING. But I think if it does not kill the birds ( no I'm not sure if you can ignore mobs) It may be wroth it. So many melee toons get held up trying to run up a hill to kill them it throws off the farming. Just an idea on the mob. Since the last post I have let it move through the cords and it did not stay long in the orc area but the Vallvalor area it did get stuck in. It may need to be black listed from the route. I by no means mean to be a pain in the ass. just watching it go as I drink my beer thinking of ways to improve. I'm drunk enough to know whats wrong but not savy enough to know how to help you fix it.
  3. Now I am at 76.01 59.20 killing thing's that do not drop the bones. I was trying to use this for the bones and skins as I am a lvl 100 with skinning. So Ideally this would be a great farming route. the bones are 7g for 20 plus the grays add up to be mucho gold in stacks. plus the skins. He wanted this for the skins and to get him to 100.
  4. He meant skin the mobs before running off. We are skinning some things but not looting and skinning every mob. Sorry me and Stephen are brothers. Also for whatever reason the bot runs into a area that has orcs... Hallvalor witch some of the orcs seem to be glitched on our server and of course do not drop the bones needed for the repeatable quest. We are on hyjal on horde side.
  5. Just runs around not attacking anything. Runs thought mobs and keeps on going I have attack before being attacked on.
  6. I'm trying to Negran grinder out right now. with my Recruite a Friend accounts going. I will report after a hour or so and let you know how the area goes. I will make some humans on the RAF account and let them go to town after I get these two druids up to 85.
  7. Could yo explain how to add the egg ID and what the egg ID may be as to allow us to do so. As a new user I need a bit more explaining then just just put the id in there and you're good.
  8. I'm looking for a restro druid healer right now myself
  9. Does anyone have a restro druid healer fight class for a druid to heal me while I'm in a party running heroics as I tank? or just running old raids from 80 and 85?
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