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Everything posted by accexar

  1. accexar

    No attack back.

    Is NOT working at all, actually that dont allow to atack when its farming, and sometimes when its farming, i need to strike back because if not the char just stop there, i dont want to kill alll the mobst in the area while farming i just want to kill those that affect my farming, when the agrro of this mobs is redirected to me due the proximity. What can i do??? in other chars is working the same, but this char is the one i use most for farming.
  2. accexar

    No attack back.

    i Will try that, that cames by default?
  3. accexar

    No attack back.

  4. accexar

    No attack back.

    When i put to farming my Character, is not attacking back when it's attacked and that stop the farming, or gathering as you wish to call it, and this start since the last update. how can i get this fixed?
  5. Is not working for me too, i am not using anything i just want to kill mobs hitting basic and is not working at all. :S
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