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  1. Thanks for the quick fix!
  2. I have a bug with the bot blacklisting 90% of the mobs when its not needed. he eithers walks just past them or flys over them. I would like to point out that the mob he blacklist are reachable, within view and often even within 2-3 yards [N] 01:51:57 - Path Count: 6 01:51:57 - Can't reach Shao-Tien Soul-Caller, blacklisting it. 01:51:58 - Player Attack Shao-Tien Dominator (lvl 90) [N] 01:51:58 - Path Count: 6 01:51:58 - Can't reach Shao-Tien Dominator, blacklisting it. 01:52:02 - Player Attack Mogu Statue (lvl 90) [N] 01:52:03 - Path Count: 2 01:52:03 - Can't reach Mogu Statue, blacklisting it. 01:52:03 - Player Attack Shao-Tien Dominator (lvl 90) [F] 01:52:03 - Cast Sprint (Sprint) [N] 01:52:03 - Path Count: 2 01:52:03 - Can't reach Shao-Tien Dominator, blacklisting it. 01:52:03 - Player Attack Shao-Tien Soul-Caller (lvl 90) [N] 01:52:03 - Path Count: 2 01:52:03 - Can't reach Shao-Tien Soul-Caller, blacklisting it. 01:52:08 - Player Attack Manifestation of Pride (lvl 90) [N] 01:52:08 - Path Count: 5
  3. I have the same issue. but in my farming spot he does that to 95% of the mobs which makes the farmy completly impossible :(
  4. it certainly did! i just had 5 full bags that it needed to sell, and i think it used almost of of those attempts (every attempt he sold like half a bags worth) but he cleared all bags just fine! thanks a lot for the quick fix!
  5. Its a lot better now. still doesnt sell everything it should but last few bots i send sold 90-95% of the items they should have sold (and then got a few messaged from wow with 'object is busy') so not perfect yet, but a huge improvement edit: thanks for the quick fix and reponse :)
  6. i had the same issue, for me turning of my webshield/anti virus fixed it
  7. Hello. I would like to report/ask help for a vendoring issue. My bot flies to the vendor just fine, but when he tries to sell he only sells 1/10 of the items he is supposed to.sell. i believe my settings are correct (they worked fine before the wow patch), If he goes to town, he basicly sells 1/10 of his stuff and if i press 'go to town' after he is done, he will fly back and sell some more. if i press 'go to town' about 10 times, then he has finally sold all items he is supposed to.XD in the log it just says 'repair items, sell items' and then goes back to killing Any idea how to fix this? :) edit: when it is @ the vendor. World of warcraft spams 'that object is busy'
  8. i forgot to reply, i got it working, still cant download updates etc. but it does seem the issue is on my pc (my second pc works fine now) no clue why though :( edit: it seems i had a seperate 'webshield' running that was fcking things up :') thnx for the help, and nice bot :)
  9. Hello, i have a question about arch, while doing arch on kalimdor i get stuck on 1 specific digsite (ravenwind) and i do see how i can deactivate digsites, But my main issue is, how the F do i find out what coords in the digsitedb belong to ravenwind? thnx in advance :)
  10. Its not the file thats problem for me, its when i click the download link the webbrowser says the page is invalid. This is the same on all 4 of my pcs. But just to be sure i turned both off (firewall/antivirus) but still says download link is invalid :(
  11. Hello, i been trying to download wrobot for 2 days now (from the official topic) but i keep getting the error that the download servers seem to be done. helpppppp :P thnx in advance
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