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  1. I've been using the valley of the four wind mining route that's high rated on downloads. Sometimes it farms well, others it will farm for hours and ill get maybe 10 stacks out of 5 emty bags
  2. nah its in the open. yes.... It collects ore once in a while but skips over a lot or the majority
  3. I have sit and stop all standard , don't know why nodes stuck. It just flies right over ignoring nodes sometimes a whole flight rotation nothing. any tips?
  4. node stuck a lot. don't know why didn't start doing it until I started botting a lot.
  5. yeah but thing Is that the server I want the money on is low pop so no one will buy it :(
  6. Hey I saw this little mine right under the tian monastery with a good amount of nodes. The good part about this is that the monsters inside are also minable! I put this up here because I'm not good at making profiles and was wondering if someone could take the time to make one. Ive done it manually and racked up a bunch of nodes.
  7. Are there any stucks?
  8. only for alli? could you make a horde version?
  9. aw the high priced server is not my server so it cant be done :(
  10. Wait a second . I am on a low pop realm where fox kits arent even on the AH. So if i get it and learn it how does that help me transfer could you explain the process again please would really help. I'm struggling with money
  11. I'm satisfied with the pvp grinder and gatherer but one thing im really missing is a raider/dungeon grinder. any possibilities of it happening?
  12. my ret had to go prot to live. gotta make sure to have tank spec on
  13. it goes to the dark soil
  14. ok for the future people using this you MUST check loot chest before starting otherwise it will pass right over eggs like i said
  15. not working for me i passs over eggs lol but dont pick them up
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