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Posts posted by use-com

  1. Hello Droidz,


    Is it possible for you to whip up a small custom profile that will simple stand around and wait for ashran que, then accept que when you get in, all while being anti AFK?


    Perhaps even have the option of gatherer or grinder during the wait period?


    This would be super handy for extremely long ashran que. Thanks

  2. Hello,


    I have an interesting problem that I see a few posts have briefly touched on but not resolved.


    There are certain NPC mobs that will just stand in one spot and cast.


    I've noticed that sometimes if I am standing more than 2 yards away but less than for example 8 yards or the minimum range for certain ranged abilities, the bot will just stand there trying to cast a spell which it cannot use because the target is out of range.


    Is there any way to tell the bot to move within say 1 yard of the target it's attacking all the time?


    I was thinking about doing this with the additional C# code in the fight class, but as I do not know enough about C#'s applications with WOW and this bot, and coudn't find any resources on the subject, I did not know how to do this. Can anyone please elaborate?



  3. Strangely enough it seems to now be targeting all mobs successfully after enabling "Start Fight With Elite" However originally when I had enabled this option, it did not yield the same results.


    In any case thank you for your help on this matter. It seems to be resolved for now.

  4. Sorry for the late reply, this is an example of the error I'm getting in the log files:


    [N] 00:31:56 - Download map "MoltenCore\MoltenCore_34_29.mesh.gz"
    [E] 00:31:56 - DownloadThread()#1 (http://download.wrobot.eu/wrobot/wod/meshes/MoltenCore/MoltenCore_34_29.mesh.gz): System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(Uri address, String fileName)
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(String address, String fileName)
    at robotManager.Helpful.Others.Weufaqak(Object ujiukoesaxou)


    Since I am indeed attempting to use these to farm old instances, I am just assuming from this error, that because the mesh files are not available on your server it will not work in old instances. Can you please verify that this is correct? I would be happy to contribute mesh files for legacy content if you wish to implement them into your project.

  5. I'm curious about a small issue I noticed with grinder.


    Seems that it is only using a single random mob ID listed. I've noticed on my paths that I'll walk right by or through certain mobs that are on the kill list and at first I thought it was a radius issue, but after cranking radius to max it would still only go after one type of mob.


    Is there any fix for this yet or way to get around it using a setting?


    Please let me know.



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