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Posts posted by Heidan

  1. 3 hours ago, Zer0 said:

    It's a known issue. When you get off a mount (or a taxi for that matter), or after a loading screen, there are a few frames during which your pet hasn't spawned yet. If the FC catches one of these frames, it will think the pet is dead and resummon.

    One way to prevent this issue is for the FC to start the cast and then regularly check if the pet is alive during the cast. I think I implemented something like that in the wotlk AIO (or tbc, can't remember). I don't think that's feasible with a XML FC.

    Yes, you're right. That's the problem. Can you tell us in more detail how to solve such a problem? I'm a beginner and I can't do it myself. I didn't find a demonologist who was suitable for me in the free access Fight Class specialization and created it myself, but I can't solve the problem without help. Or maybe the administrators of WRobot will pay attention to the problem and help solve it?

  2. Please help me solve the problem. 
    Warlock comes to the flying master on horseback.
    When interacting on horseback with the flight master, Warlock dismounts and begins to summon a pet. There is a pet, it appears after dismounting, but it repeatedly calls considering that there is no pet. He doesn't use a taxi because he called a pet instead of flying. If Warlock interacts with the flight master on foot, he flies away without any problems.

  3. 5 hours ago, Matenia said:

    It's probably because it's protected if you run it via Macro - at least it needs a keypress.

    You should use RunLua and remove the /run part of the macro, the rest after it is pure Lua anyway.

    No need to put this in 2 steps either, the other part (again, no /run or /script needed) should just go at the end of your existing Lua code

    Thank you it works

  4. I was able to make the macro work through a saved macro in the game under the key and pressing the bot key. It doesn't work in other ways.


  5. 12 hours ago, libai said:

    You mean failure of quest  if some quests are timeout means failed ?  or some server bug prevent user  to complete it ?


    if timeout failed you can use  PlayerQuest.StateFlag to check quest status, if server bug then ...it hard to solve. maybe you write the quest id and use a plugin to skip it .


    anyway  you can try this to check if it works:   /script local q = C_QuestLog.SetSelectedQuest(32706); C_QuestLog.SetAbandonQuest(q); C_QuestLog.AbandonQuest()

    Thanks for the answer, but I don't need to delete the quest. I need to check the status of the quest for a failed quest due to a timeout, the death of the accompanied NPC or other reasons why the quest changes to the status - "failed". So that the bot itself could determine this status that appeared during the quest. For example, in the quest setting - Is Complete condition or any other option for checking the status of the quest - "Failed".

  6. 20 hours ago, Matenia said:

    Your only bet is running a script that keeps checking for failed quests and abandons them via Lua

    I understand that you need to create a script, but I'm new and I have little experience to do it myself. I think this is an important option in the bot. Since without it, the bot gets stuck. There are many such quests and it would be good for everyone if it were easily accessible. At the moment, everyone ignores such quests. If I found an example in the available profiles, I wouldn't bother anyone and would try to figure it out myself. While there is no easy way to do this, could you show an example script and how to implement it?

  7. Unfortunately, I didn't find any information on the forum and examples in free profiles.
    Please tell me how to get the bot to move to the next step in case of failure of the quest? For example, when it is necessary to protect the NPC or perform for a certain time. In this case, the bot continues to perform the quest indefinitely. I would like to make the transition to the next step in case of failure of the quest.

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