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Posts posted by GTXMike

  1. Would be awesome if we could add in options beside fishing pole name other equipment like fishing hats and boots that will be equipped automatically when bot is ON and then swap to normal gear when bot is OFF.

  2. Im botting on 2 accounts, everyday, AFK most of the time farming ores, grinding mats etc overnight then selling it on AH and transferring gold to my main account. The key is to make your own profiles, then test it for bugs, blockages etc and if 100% ok leave it AFK. Do not sell huge amounts of stuff at once at AH or you will be flagged and then banned. Do not run same profile over and over again to avoid being spotted by players. It's common sense really. Do not bot on your main account, never... ever. Rotation bot is fine though.

  3. I noticed the same, is because old farming profiles in WoD were made on foot / mount without flying. Now when patch 6.2.2 was released the profiles don't work correctly, toon is kinda flying really low or dragging mount on the ground and struggles to get into places and trees. I will try to make my own profile and see how it goes.

  4. Hiya Droidz. Im using your quester profile to gather all ores and herbs at my garrison. I also added mine cart to it and all the boxes outside buildings to pick up ready work orders. I would like to add all the NPC at my garrison that start new work orders as well but it doesn't work. All the toon need to do is to talk to the NPC and leave it doesn't have to click anything as my Zygor Addon is doing it for me, every time i chat to a work order guys Zygor is queuing up maximum of work orders. Please help.



  5. MoTeC. If my botting account gets banned and they see all my transactions sent to the same toon every time. Mailing items isn't against the TOS, even if it is illegal obtained goods. They cant ban my main account technically. Ive asked blizz employees and they say this everytime.

    "we ban the account, not the user"

    But they can ban your main for selling items that you didnt gathered and got mailed instead cos thats what happened to me, they banned my main and bot was untouched lol. For example u selling a lot of ores and u dont hav mining as a proffesion. Safest way is to farm, sell and send only gold by my experience.

    Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

  6. What is OP. Is it workig for you now? I was farming apex today and got 60k in few hours, make sure use Ready Check plugin or you will be kicked from raid group for boting or afking.

    Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

  7. Best way is to create a raid groul iron front apexis farm if there is not any and simply farm along with people, if the raid group is full u dont even hav to kill just collect loot i can earn 10k apexis in an hour like that, set automation bot for 100 range starting from the banner in the middle.

    Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

  8. True Motec my first main char got banned like that. Now i have 5 bots farming mats and selling bit by bit on AH and now and again when i need gold i simply transfer gold from bots to main or if i need stuff from ah i buy them with bot and send them to main and its been quiet now for a while no problems at all.

    Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

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