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Everything posted by melecik

  1. I have sucsessfully downloaded WoW on the same drive as the program and no change. I will PM you after college.
  2. Correct, the program runs from what I can see perfectly. I can get my key entered and I cannot see 64bit or 32bit WoW running.
  3. Yes haha I'm pretty sure I'm running WoW.exe and I've got both applications running as administrator. I have tried to restart the machine, re installed WoW itself.
  4. Hey guys, I purchased the WRobot updated the program installed what it asked me too I used the WRobotSetup-Twizt3dkitty.exe to install the program. When everything was sucesssful I made sure the launcher opened the 32bit WoW and I logged in and WRobot cannot find my program. I have used programs like this in the past and it's the first time I have had an error like this. I have tried directX9 and also directX11 I am using Windows 7
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